Evgeny Kemerovsky: biography and creativity

Evgeny Kemerovsky: biography and creativity
Evgeny Kemerovsky: biography and creativity

In the article we will consider who Evgeny Kemerovsky is. The song "Wind" is one of the most famous in his work. Below is information about the Russian singer-chansonnier, the author of collections of poems, as well as the producer. This man was born in 1962, on August 8, in the small mining village of Novy Gorodok, in the Kemerovo region.


Evgeny Kemerovo
Evgeny Kemerovo

Evgeny Kemerovsky was brought up by his grandmother, she helped his parents with the child. It was the grandmother who taught her grandson to play musical instruments, including the guitar and piano. At the age of 14, the guy was noticed by members of amateur groups. Evgeny Kemerovsky simultaneously attended a music school, which he graduated with honors.

After school, the future performer went to conquer the Institute of Physical Education and Sports in Smolensk. Here Eugene took up the study of freestyle wrestling. He graduated from the university in 1984 as a graduate. In 1988, Evgeny got into the Moscow Academy of Sports, and in 1991, fate brought this man toBerlin.

Abroad, he attended art school, where he studied directing and screenwriting. On December 1, 1992, Yevgeny's life turned upside down. His twin brother Alexander died in a road accident. In the USSR, he was known, first of all, as an athlete, he was a champion in freestyle wrestling.

This tragic event prompted Evgeny to work. To develop his singing talent, the future performer began taking lessons from a teacher and Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Natalya Zinovievna Andrianova.


evgeny kemerovsky songs
evgeny kemerovsky songs

Eugene appeared in the world of music in 1995. The public got acquainted with his work after the presentation of the disc "My Brother". The singer created eight of the presented compositions after the tragic death of his twin brother. The debut album is divided into two separate records. The second has music that was written by Alexander, the brother who crashed in an accident.

The disc turned out to be very popular, in particular, thanks to the clips that were shot for the songs included in it. The start of the artist's creative activity has become incredibly rapid. The heads of Russian TV channels drew attention to the singer's talent, his clips were often broadcast on screens.

The musician admits that Kemerovsky is not his real name, it's a pseudonym. The artist took it to make life easier for American fans, for whom the word "Yakovlev" is difficult to pronounce. Immediately a pseudonym was born, which even today is known to fans of Eugene's poems and songs. Kemerovsky is known not only as a singer, but alsoauthor of songs created for other artists.

Evgeny cooperates with representatives of show business in Russia. Among them are Boris Moiseev with the song "Deaf-Mute Love", Laima Vaikule with the work "My Name is Tango", Katya Lel with the compositions "Winter Rains" and "I Miss You". In 2013, the performer and Taisiya Povaliy recorded a duet. The artists performed the song "I miss you" during one of the concerts.

don't remember me Kemerovo Evgeny
don't remember me Kemerovo Evgeny

The singer signed a contract with a company called PolyGram Russia. This agreement made it possible for Kemerovo to record songs, release videos and albums, and also get into the rotation of radio stations on TV channels.

Collaboration with the company presented the public with the second record of the performer "Stolypin's Wagon". The musician focused on the events that took place during the reign of Stalin. Eugene dedicated this record to the victims of Stalin's repressions. People recognized the musician by his creativity and by the cap, which Evgeny almost always wore.

Kemerovsky wrote many works "on the table", for this reason, by 1998, the artist had enough material to record a solo album, the musician called it "Over the Siberian Taiga".

The song "Don't Remember Me" Evgeny Kemerovsky placed it on this disc, along with the composition "Golden Time", which gained wide popularity. As part of the presentation of this work, the performer went on a tour of Russia.


Private life

Evgeny Kemerovsky does not like to talk about what happens to him behindoutside the stage. When asked about his family, he replies that everything is fine with him. Eugene has been married for over twenty years. Wife Tamara helps her husband in any endeavors and supports him.

Over the years of living together, Eugene learned to understand his beloved from a half-look. After twenty years of marriage, the couple decided to perform the wedding ceremony. This important event took place in 2008 on August 8th. A son Arseniy appeared in the artist's family.


Evgeny Kemerovsky continues his active creative work. The performer promises to please the listeners with three records "Last Love", "Dedication to Vysotsky" and "Fate". The poet continues to write poetry, he collected them in a collection called "Infinity".


song wind evgeny kemerovsky
song wind evgeny kemerovsky

The songs of Yevgeny Kemerovsky were included in several albums, the first of which was released in 1995 and is called "My Brother". The performer also recorded the following records: "Hunting for wolves", "So we will live", "Over the Siberian taiga", "Godfather", "Stolypin's car".
