Fairy tale "Smart worker". Russian folk tales for children
Fairy tale "Smart worker". Russian folk tales for children

Video: Fairy tale "Smart worker". Russian folk tales for children

Video: Fairy tale
Video: Dan Harmon Story Circle: 8 Proven Steps to Better Stories 2025, January

Many people know the fairy tale "Smart Worker". It belongs to the so-called everyday works of this kind. Recall its summary.

Big brothers fail

The tale "Smart Worker" tells that one old man had three sons. The brothers decided to get a job with the priest. He promised a good salary, but set a condition: if they leave early, they will not see money for their work. First, the older brother went to the priest. He exhausted him with hard work and hunger. The older brother had to carry his legs in order to stay alive. The greedy priest, referring to the agreement, did not give him a penny. The same thing happened with the middle brother. He returned home to his father with nothing.

Younger brother at the priest's job

Russian folk tales for children often begin with the youngest of the three sons of some poor man trying to resolve a dangerous situation. The described work is no exception. The younger brother went to work for the ass after the two older ones.

fairy tale smart worker
fairy tale smart worker

The owner's agreement was still the same: if you leave early, you won't get a penny. The priest woke up the worker early and, not allowing him to have breakfast, went with him to a distant mowing. Butthe younger brother, pretending to have forgotten the ropes, returned and begged the priest for fish pies and a loaf of white bread. After mowing, the priest wrapped himself in matting and ordered the hard worker to rule the horse. And the younger brother ate pies with bread, drank water and is happy. "Smart Worker" is a Russian folk tale that teaches that sometimes only wisdom, cunning and ingenuity help out of trouble.

Tricks of a smart worker

The younger brother turned to another road, not the one that the pop indicated.

fairy tale smart worker summary
fairy tale smart worker summary

They drove into an unfamiliar field, they had to make a detour. On the way they came across a village where they decided to stop by for the night. Our heroes stopped near the shopkeeper's hut. The younger brother went to ask him for an overnight stay, but he warned that the father was unhe althy with him, out of his mind. He ordered the shopkeeper not to offer the same thing to the priest twice, as if he was angry about it. Friendly hosts invite guests to dine. The priest does not sit down, waiting for another call. So he remained hungry. But the fairy tale "Smart Worker" does not end there. The summary, unfortunately, does not allow to convey in detail all the tricks of the youngest of the brothers.

At the shopkeeper's lodging for the night

The worker, having eaten, fell asleep. He was awakened by a hungry priest and asked to be fed. Then the worker said that he noticed a pot of porridge in the stove. Batiushka climbed in there, put his hands into the hot cauldron, but could not pull it out. The younger brother advises him to break the pot against the wall to free his hands. So did the pop, but inIn the dark, he did not calculate and broke the head of the owner himself with a pot. The shopkeeper jumped up, screaming at the top of his lungs. The father was frightened, but to run away from there. And his cunning farmhand persuaded the owner of the house to give him a hundred rubles in search of a priest. This is how the smart worker deceived everyone. A Russian folk tale teaches you how to find profit in any situation.

Happy Ending

Taking money and horses, the younger brother went home. On the way he met a frightened priest. The cunning worker told him that if the father did not want to answer for the murder of the shopkeeper, he would have to give the worker three hundred rubles and two good horses. The priest did not regret anything, and he was also pleased that he got off so cheaply. And the younger brother came home with money and gifts, saying that he received from the priest both for himself and for the brothers in full.

summary of smart worker
summary of smart worker

We hope that even its brief content could convey the meaning of the work. "Smart Worker" is a story with a happy ending. She has a lot of wisdom.

The fairy tale "Smart Worker" fell in love with both children and adults. The moral of it is this: do not chase cheapness. She confirms the proverb “The miser pays twice.”

Tales of animals

• "Bean Seed". About how the cockerel choked on a grain. And he was saved by a chicken, Kalashnikovs, combers, a girl, a sticky tree and a mother river.

• "Winter hut of animals". About how in the forest a bull, a ram, a pig, a goose and a rooster escaped from the cold and predators. The tale teaches that only by uniting can all adversity be overcome.

• Wolf andHow a gray forest predator ate seven kids, and a mother goat found a way to save them.

• "Kolobok". How Kolobok outwitted a hare, a wolf, a bear - everyone except the cunning fox. She ate it.

• "Cat, rooster and fox". About how a cunning forest dweller (fox) lured Cockerel to her by deceit, and the cat saved him.

Russian folk tales list
Russian folk tales list

• "The Fox and the Crane". About the failed friendship between a fox and a crane.

• "Fox with a rolling pin". About how a red-haired liar, having found a rolling pin, exchanged it in the village, first for a chicken, then for a goose, then for a turkey. In the end, justice prevailed, and the fox was left with nothing.

• "Teremok". As in a dilapidated house in a field, a mouse-louse, a frog-frog, a bunny-runaway, a fox-sister, a top-gray barrel, a clubfoot bear gathered. They began to live. Yes, only the old dwelling could not stand it and fell apart. The animals had to build a new home.

• "Ryaba Hen". About how the hen laid the golden egg for grandma and grandpa. They beat him, but did not break him. And the mouse ran, waved its tail, and it broke. The old people did not grieve for long - the hen laid them another testicle - not golden, but simple.

• "Masha and the Bear". About how a little girl outwitted a clubfoot forest dweller who did not let her visit her grandparents. Masha baked pies, put them in a box, and she sat there herself. The bear took the treat to grandma and grandpa. So the girl ended up at home.

We all love Russiansfolk tales. The list of them can be continued endlessly. Young children especially enjoy the animal stories above.

Fairy tales

• "Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek". About how magically an old man and an old woman had forty sons. The youngest of them was weak and frail. So they began to call him - Zamoryshk. Yes, only he turned out to be smarter and more cunning than his older brothers. He deceived Baba Yaga herself and saved the brothers.

• "Vasilisa the Beautiful". A tale about how a brave girl defeated an evil stepmother, her two ugly daughters and Baba Yaga, who wanted to destroy the beauty. The finale describes the marriage of the king to the mistress Vasilisa the Beautiful.

• "Geese-Swans". About how sister Alyonushka rescued brother Ivanushka from trouble, who was carried away on their wings by swan geese to Baba Yaga. And the forest apple tree, the mother stove and the milky river with jelly banks helped her in this.

• "Ivan is the son of a cow". The tale of how three heroes fought with snake-headed monsters and defeated them. Stronger, braver and smarter among them was Ivan - the son of a cow. It was he who helped his brothers stay alive and return home unharmed.

• "Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf". About how the three sons of Tsar Berendey went to get the Firebird in a golden cage. The youngest of them, Ivan Tsarevich, not only found this wonder, but also got a golden-maned horse, and also won the heart of Elena the Beautiful.

Russian folk tales for children
Russian folk tales for children

And the gray wolf helped him in this. On the way home, the older brothers decided to kill Ivan and take the booty for themselves. Having done this dirty deed, they went with all the good things to the father-king. But the gray wolf, having collected living and dead water, revived Ivan Tsarevich, caught up with the brothers and punished them.

• "Tiny-Havroshechka". The tale of the orphan Khavroshechka, who, by chance, ended up in the family of an evil stepmother. That girl did not give a break, forcing her to work from morning to evening. Khavroshechka had one salvation - a pockmarked cow helped her in everything. Upon learning of this, the stepmother ordered the cow to be slaughtered. But the girl collected the bones of her Burenushka, planted them in the garden and began to water them. They grew into an apple tree. Khavroshechka treated a gentleman passing by with bulk apples, and he married her.

• "Marya Morevna". About how Ivan Tsarevich, after the death of his parents, married his sisters to a falcon, an eagle and a raven. And then he married himself - to the beautiful Marya Morevna. But the happiness of the newlyweds was short-lived. He stole the beautiful Koschey the Immortal. Ivan Tsarevich rescued his wife from his dungeon. And his sisters and their husbands helped him in this: a falcon, an eagle and a raven.

• Nikita Kozhemyaka. About how the Kyiv hero Nikita defeated the evil snake and saved the royal daughter from trouble.

• "Feather of Finist Jasna Sokol". A tale about how one of the three daughters of a merchant asked her father to bring her a feather Finist Yasna Sokol as a gift. The merchant complied with the order. Feather turned into a beautiful prince, who, after many misadventures, married the youngest daughter of a merchant.

• "At the command of the pike". About how the lazy Emelya, having caughtmagic pike, was able to fulfill all his desires and marry the royal daughter.

• "The Frog Princess". Three princes fired arrows to find wives. The arrow of the younger brother, Ivan Tsarevich, fell into the swamp, and he was forced to marry a frog. But she turned out to be an enchanted princess. The young couple had many trials on their way to happiness. But together they overcame all hardships, returned home and began to live, live, and make good.

These are all magical Russian folk tales. The list given here is far from complete

Everyday tales

• "The Master and the Man". How one old man outwitted a greedy master, leaving himself a treasure found in the field.

• "Seven-year-old daughter". The tale of how two brothers argued among themselves: the poor and the rich. The king himself undertook to judge them, asking them four riddles. The poor brother had a seven-year-old daughter who guessed them.

• "Ivanushka the Fool". About how Ivan the Fool outwitted his older brothers.

• "Ax porridge". About how an old soldier deceived a greedy old woman, asking her for cereals, sugar and butter for porridge “from an ax.”

smart worker russian folk tale
smart worker russian folk tale

• "Fedul and Melania". About how the husband and wife decided to exchange their household duties: Fedul stayed in the hut to do housework, and Melanya went to the arable land.

• "What in the world does not happen." How a smart man outwitted a rich gentleman who promised him a cap of silver for answering a riddle. And here is the fairy tale "Smart Worker"teaches you not to chase cheapness - you can lose a lot more.

• "About need". A fairy tale about how a poor village peasant outwitted the master, forcing him to look for the need.

• "Lutonyushka". The old man and the old woman had a smart son - Luton, who amazed everyone with his ingenuity and wisdom.

• "The Fool and the Birch". About how the youngest of three brothers, who was not distinguished by intelligence, "sold" a bull to a birch in the forest. He did not wait for money from the tree, and cut it in two with an ax. And in it was a treasure that the robbers hid.

All these are everyday Russian folk tales for children. The main characters in them, as a rule, are the gentleman and the poor peasant. The works teach that sometimes ingenuity and cunning are valued above all we alth.