Read more about how to draw sweets

Read more about how to draw sweets
Read more about how to draw sweets

This article will cover the topic of how to draw sweets. Several options will be given.

Sweet Lovers

As you know, many people are madly in love with sweets. But there are a lot of them: sweets, cookies, cakes, various pastries, jellies and so on. Although this is a junk food, many cannot resist eating at least a piece of their favorite treat.

Sometimes the question arises of how to draw sweets. Probably, without trying them, without recognizing the "character", it will be difficult to do this.

Goodies on paper

You can draw with pencils, paints, and felt-tip pens. The most important thing is to try to convey the shape and the right colors.

how to draw sweets
how to draw sweets

For example, to draw a cake, you need to decide on its shape. It can be round, square, multi-level and so on. Now there are a lot of cakes that are covered with mastic. To make such an image, you need to choose the color and texture for the mastic. You can draw on top of different animals, flowers and molds. Usually such cakes are baked for the holidays. In order for the cake to look believable, you need to correctly draw the connection between the top and the side. This line should be clear and at the same time smooth. It is desirable to draw the cake on a flatplate. The obligatory part is to draw the shadow of the plate and the cake. It works very well if you draw a cake in a section.

To draw sweets, you need to determine their shape. They can be round, oval or square. Can be made in a wrapper or open. The fact that the sweets are in a wrapper will be indicated by bows on the sides and various patterns: flowers, animals (“Cow”), figurines and so on.

Sweets such as cake or ice cream are originally obtained on paper. To depict a cake, it is very important that the drawing person has a rich imagination. First of all, the base is drawn, where the upper part is wide, and the lower part is narrower, then vertical stripes. Then the contour of the cream is painted on. It is done with wavy movements (something like a cloud). On top of the finished cake, you can add some kind of berry: strawberries or cherries. The final touch is coloring.

Ice cream is depicted in the same way as a cake. It will work out well if its base is in the shape of a horn (triangle).

How to draw sweets with eyes?

how to draw sweets with eyes
how to draw sweets with eyes

Eyes can be attached to any sweet. What is it for? Usually to surprise young children or for originality. They can be made in different ways:

  1. With a thin stream of cream, draw out the shape of the eyes and in the middle of the eyeball of the desired color.
  2. You can just make a small circle of poppy seeds.
  3. The shape of the eyes can be created from coconut flakes, dyed in the desired color.

Everything in the picturethis is depicted with different colors. If the eyes are depicted in the form of two sticks, then it seems that the cake is "blinking". Pick up paint, turn on your imagination, and you will succeed.
