Films about Cthulhu and the mythology of the Ancients

Films about Cthulhu and the mythology of the Ancients
Films about Cthulhu and the mythology of the Ancients

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Howard Lovecraft enriched world literature with a whole galaxy of new myths. These myths tell about the Ancients - a powerful race of gods ruling on Earth in those distant times, when the biblical Jehovah had not yet been born. Cthulhu is one of them. He is currently sleeping deeply in the city of R'lyeh, at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Cthulhu Fhtagn
Cthulhu Fhtagn

On the influence of myths on people's lives, about the Other Gods, the progenitors of the Ancients, about films about Cthulhu and about secret societies awaiting the awakening of Lord R'lyeh, read below.


In Lovecraftian mythology, Azathoth, the lord of chaos, was at the beginning of everything - a disembodied god, located in the center of infinity, out of time and space. He is a primordial being, the same age as the Universe and the progenitor of Nyarlathotep, who, in turn, created Yog-Sothoth, Shub-Niggurath, Cthulhu and other Ancients. Azathoth sits on a formless throne surrounded by chaos. Sometimes he plays a melody on the flute, invented before the birth of the universe itself. This melody is dangerous - a person who hears it in a dream irreversibly falls into a metaphysical trance,ceases to distinguish between dream and reality, life and death, and dissolves in the violet whirlpools of chaos. Azathoth governs the multidimensional cosmos, containing countless inhabited worlds. It can affect any creature from the visible and invisible spectrums. In the Cthulhu movies, the name of Azathoth is practically not mentioned. Legends about him can only be found in the books of Lovecraft and followers.

Azathoth Lovecraft
Azathoth Lovecraft


Nyarlathotep is a god with thousands of faces. The only one of Lovecraft's pantheon of gods who can take on human form. He often visits the Earth: he enters human cities under the guise of a prophet or pharaoh, predicts terrible misfortunes and puts disgusting experiments on people that cannot even be whispered about.

Yog-Sothoth is the keeper of the keys to the Gates between the worlds, similar to a bunch of luminous balls. He abides at the same time in all times and is constantly near each of the people. Yog-Sothoth possesses supernatural wisdom and exudes an atmosphere of cosmic terror. Meeting with him paralyzes the will, thinking and turns a person into an obedient puppet.

Shub-Niggurath is a gloomy deity of fertility. Otherwise, his name is Black Goat. He is amorphous, goat-legged and scary, he is accompanied by a retinue of smaller monsters generated by him. With the help of special obscene rites during the full moon, the adherents of the Goat summon their master and indulge in heinous outrages under his leadership.

An important difference between Lovecraft's myths is the lack of a strict plot structure. The inhabitants of the myths are inuncertainty and freedom. The reader himself structures the information and conjectures the unknowable. For Lovecraft, it is not the little things and details that are important, but the very collision of the reader with horror - the coexistence of a limited person and a boundless inexpressible nightmare. Lovecraft warns us that people who face eternal mysteries and try to figure them out go crazy. They will never know the universe.

Cthulhu Fhtagn
Cthulhu Fhtagn


Cthulhu is the most popular and most vividly written Ancient in Lovecraft's myths. They write about him in new interpretations of old myths, pass information from mouth to mouth, make films. Legends about Cthulhu are made up by ex alted members of secret societies, fans of his cult. On moonlit nights, they perform terrible rituals with human sacrifices in order to awaken the sleeping Cthulhu. They sing a majestic anthem - "Ph'nglui mglv'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh vgah'nagl fhtagn", which translates as "In the thickness of the waters, in his abode R'lyeh, Cthulhu sleeps, but the hour will come and he will wake up." When he, having risen from sleep, leaves the underwater abode and reigns on Earth, human history will take a completely different path. In Lovecraft's story "The Call of Cthulhu", the appearance of the ruler R'lyeh is described in detail - this is a huge creature, covered with green scales, bleeding with mucus. Cthulhu has a humanoid form, its head is similar to an octopus, and two large leathery wings flutter on its back. Cthulhu is terrifying, but attracts with the scale of charisma, he is scary, but he is beautiful in his greatness.

Films about Cthulhu and the Ancientsvery little. Most often, these are low-budget works created by fans of Lovecraft's work. The most authentic is the 2005 film The Call of Cthulhu. This painting, stylized as a silent movie, captures the atmosphere of a Lovecraftian story well. It feels a careful attitude to the material and reverent admiration for the greatness of Cthulhu. The 2007 film "Cthulhu" is based on the story "Shadow over Innsmouth" and has a distant relation to Cthulhu himself, and his name is used only to attract viewers.

Cthulhu Fhtagn
Cthulhu Fhtagn


Cthulhu sleeps on top of a mountain in the city of R'lyeh, located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. With a good arrangement of stars, the mountain with the sarcophagus of Cthulhu appears above the water, and it is at this time that his awakening is possible. Then it is necessary to unite all the adherents of the Cthulhu cult on the planet and, with the help of secret rituals, awaken the Sovereign. And when he wakes up, he will help us raise an uprising against the modern world. We, the true adepts of Cthulhu, will win and force all the worthless slaves laughing at us to bend their knees.

Our Lord will take his throne and there will be a new life, full of meaning, greatness and delight. There will be new skies - purple skies of multidimensional spaces. There will be a new Earth - the Land of those who believe in the unshakable traditions of the Old Gods. There will be new people – people recreating the fundamental order of the Archons.
