2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Books that make you think, help people develop and expand their own horizons as much as possible, especially if after reading them you start to think about the worldview, the world around you, you think about what you read for a long time, you want to discuss the book with someone, share your own opinion. Such books are especially valuable because they play a big role in shaping a person's worldview. Such books are very important for personal, inner growth.
One of the thought-provoking books written by Mark Williams and Danny Penman is called Mindfulness. This is a work on mindful meditation, on which the therapy is based, which the authors developed together with their colleagues from the University of Oxford. It is noteworthy that today this technique is advised to be used by the UK Department of He alth, since it is not only able to curesome kind of illness, but also to prevent depression. This is a book that makes you think about life, helps a person cope with the frantic pace of our modern life.
The book describes meditation practices that need to be given no more than 20 minutes a day to get the desired result. Its authors claim that if you follow these recommendations, you will reduce your own stress levels, forget about irritability, you will be able to develop creativity and memory, train physical and psychological endurance, reduce blood pressure and increase immunity and overall he alth.
The authors propose to break the system by getting rid of obsessive and unnecessary habits for us, to conduct regular meditations that can lead to a calm mind, success in life. This is the book that will make you think about how to make your life even better.
Neelang: the story of a boy who sold his fantasies dearly

This is a book dedicated to a boy inventor, primarily aimed at parents. But the authors are sure that it is worth reading for those who do not yet have children. It will help in your own upbringing, this is a book that makes you think, break stereotypes defined by society, remembering your true desires.
The protagonist of the Niilang book series has received an amazing ability that turns him into a superhero thanks to his incredible imagination.
Neelang comes up with incredible inventions and whole systems,able to change our world, solve its most pressing problems. He thinks about how to teach a person to play the piano in 1 second, how to clean all the air on Earth from dust and smog at once.
These are inventions that, although they look completely unbelievable, but upon closer inspection become quite real. The main thing is not to be limited in anything in your fantasies, this is exactly what this series teaches. To fantasize, going beyond the stereotyped ideas about the world. Plus, it's a unique format, with each book featuring an incredible combination of text, illustrations, and extraordinary photographs.
Where will you be in 5 years?

A book that makes you think about life, reconsider what you have already achieved and what you have to strive for in the future, is called "Where will you be in 5 years?". It was written by Dan Zadra.
The author asks a reasonable question, what are you willing to spend the next 5 years on. After all, this is a fairly long period of human life. For example, it took Christopher Columbus 5 years to discover America, and Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel during the same time. It is important to never forget that your life is the one and only, it cannot be wasted.
This is a book that makes everyone think, analyze their dreams and desires, be more attentive to their talents. Only then can you change your life and the world around you for the better.
Dan Zadra calls to live consciously, inspired by every day spent, appreciatingevery moment, because every next 5 years can be the best in this life or turn into just another five years. It depends solely on the person himself.
Zadra is both the editor-in-chief and the founder of a publishing house that produces motivating and inspiring gift books. He himself has written several collections of quotes, which are also among the top thought-provoking books.
Zen mind, beginner mind

Among the interesting books that make you think is Suzuki Shunryu's study called "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind". It is said that after reading this particular work, the famous founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, became a Buddhist. But this work will be useful even for those who are not at all fond of this topic.
This is a book that makes you think about the meaning of life, take a fresh look at the world around you, learn to find new solutions and approaches.
Zen Buddhism, to which this work is dedicated, is a special philosophy that makes you think about your place in life like no other. Most believe that this is the most appropriate philosophy for the modern world.
This is a book that makes you think about the meaning of life, available today in full in Russian. In it you will find the basics of practical meditation, learn the features of Japanese Buddhism.
"Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind" is a conversation between the famous Zen master Suzuki Shunryu and his American students. Shunryu is a representative of one of the branches of Japanese Buddhism, founded by the monk Dogen back in the 13th century.
This book will help you formulate the right attitude towards life, teach you to understand the world around you, which is incredibly complex, despite its apparent simplicity and ease. Those who do not want to devote themselves to Zen Buddhism can find in these pages the true secret of existence on earth, the new joy of being.
The art of living simply
Dominique Loro's book "The Art of Living Simple" tells how to get rid of excess and enrich your life. Its author argues that in the modern world, most of the desires that we have are not really ours, but only imposed by fashion trends and advertising.
Today, man is constantly on the hunt for trendy gadgets, other things that he really could do without. At the same time, he forgets about real values. After reading this book, the reader has a unique opportunity to plunge into the world of Japanese philosophy, to think about the real value of most things that surround us. "The Art of Living Simple" is included in the list of books that make you think, change your attitude towards many things that surround us every day.
Chapaev and the void

Among the good books that make you think, there are not only religious and philosophical studies and motivational publications, but also many works of art. For example, the novel of the modern classic Russianliterature by Viktor Pelevin called "Chapaev and the Void".
This book will make you immerse yourself in thoughts about being for a long time. Most of the events described in it are so contradictory that your mind will often simply refuse to believe in what is happening and adequately perceive what you read. This book should be read slowly and thoughtfully, only in this case there is an opportunity to discover a lot of interesting topics that it will be useful to reflect on.
The novel "Chapaev and Emptiness" covers the time period from 1918 to the mid-90s. In the center of the story are two characters: the red commissar Vasily Chapaev and the decadent poet Pyotr Void. All this time they seemed to be fighting on the fronts of the Civil War. The author himself later admitted that connecting such incompatible characters was one of his main tasks.
The novel also has many secondary lines and characters. There are many symbols in the work that hint at possible options for the development of the future of Russia. Which way she decides to go, western or eastern, much will depend on her fate.
In reality, it turns out that Peter Void, as well as several other heroes, are undergoing rehabilitation in a psychiatric clinic according to the method of Dr. Kanashnikov, which is based on a joint hallucinatory experience. Four patients, who are united by the goal of getting better, are placed in one room, in which they take turns immersing themselves in each other's reality.
Life without limits

Certainly one of the most motivating books written by Nick Vujicic. It's called Life Without Limits. Vujicic is an Australian motivational speaker and philanthropist who was born with tetra-amelia syndrome. This is an extremely rare hereditary disease that results in the absence of all four limbs.
At the same time, he himself declares that his mission is to help people find their way in life. For this, he wrote his book, as you understand, Vuychich himself did this a long time ago. As a child, he was very worried about his shortcomings, but over time he learned to live a full life with them. He began to share his experience with others, became famous all over the world. First of all, he addresses his speeches to young people and children, including those with disabilities, whom he encourages to actively seek the meaning of life, to develop the abilities that are inherent in every person, talks a lot about God, free will and the importance of providence.
In his book, Vujicic claims that people often limit themselves and underestimate self-esteem, focusing on insignificant little things. For example, overweight, baldness or imperfect facial features. This stops them on the path to true happiness. After reading Life Without Limits, you will understand what kind of book makes you think about yourself, forget about shortcomings, become happy, not paying attention to minor details.
To hell with everything! Get on and do it
Another life-changing, motivational piece, Richard Branson's "Fuck It All! Grab It anddo it!". This is a good book that makes you think.
This is a work that can ignite in any person the desire to live to the fullest, can wake up many who seem to go through life with their eyes closed, going with the flow.
Branson himself is a successful businessman and an optimist who is sure that you can find the positive in everything. And on the path to happiness and success, nothing should lead you astray.
A Clockwork Orange

One of the most famous thought-provoking books for teens is Anthony Burgess' 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange. This work became especially popular after the American director Stanley Kubrick shot the film of the same name in 1971.
In this book, the author clearly states that violence against people is any government without exception. The frank suppression of everything individual that can be in each of us is totalitarianism. At the center of this story is a charismatic and memorable anti-hero, from whom the authorities are trying to make an ideal citizen, breaking his essence, without thinking about what such actions can actually lead to. If you try, you can find many analogies between the events described in the novel and modern life.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Surprisingly, in the same 1962, another book from our list came out. This is a novel by American Ken Kesey "One Flew Over the Nestcuckoo". Like "A Clockwork Orange", it also became incredibly popular after the film adaptation. The film of the same name was directed by Milos Forman in 1975, the main role in it was played by Jack Nicholson, who received an Oscar for this work. By the way, the entire film has 5 statuettes of this prestigious American film award, including a victory in the nomination "Best Film".
Considered to be one of the main works of beatniks and hippies around the world, a book that makes you think about love. It is all the more surprising that the action takes place in a psychiatric hospital. And the story itself is told by an Indian, whom everyone calls the nickname Chief Bromden, he is one of the patients of the clinic. He pretends to be deaf and mute when in reality he is able to communicate.
One of the key characters of the novel is the freedom-loving patient Randle McMurphy, who is transferred to a psychiatric hospital from prison. He will have to defeat the elder sister of the department, Mildred Ratched, who is the personification of the system, the state. Her personal life has not worked out, now she is strengthening her power and influence in every possible way, leading patients and staff.
McMurphy sets out to crush this long-established order. It influences other patients, teaches them to enjoy the life around them, helps to get rid of many complexes. Making a bet with other patients, he organizes card games in the hospital, tries to get permission to watch baseball on TV. But defeating the system in the face of older sister Mildred turns out to be not sosimple though even alone McMurphy is ready to fight and win.
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