Quotes about power and money
Quotes about power and money

Video: Quotes about power and money

Video: Quotes about power and money
Video: Nord ost 2 act Russian musical with english subtitles 2024, September

Throughout life, a person is faced with various authorities. From an early age in his house "the commander-in-chief runs everything" - dad or mom. Later, he meets educators and teachers, encounters superiors, learns on his own life path all the decisions made by the state, and fully absorbs the sensations of someone else's power.

Powerful personalities

Everything that happens in our life is discussed, submitted to analysis, has a firm conviction for everyone. For a long time, people of all countries have been accustomed to discussing rulers. Statements addressed to the "people's leaders" are full of reasonable reasoning. Quotes about power contain criticism, humor, bitter reasoning and personal ideas. For centuries, the people have created their own opinion about the authorities and politicians, and those "sitting on the throne" spoke about "mere mortals".

Each phrase from the quote about power prompts reflections on difficult and sometimes unfair activitiespoliticians. Napoleon Bonaparte said:

Politics has no heart, only a head.

However, watching the actions of some crowned persons, one doubts the existence of this body.

social ladder
social ladder

…For those on the throne…

Quotes about power were spoken and recorded by famous personalities, numerous people, writers and other critics.

The wisdom and stupidity of the rulers was mentioned more than once in quotes and aphorisms:

It's not power that corrupts people. Fools in power corrupt power. (Ch. Bernard).

When the sovereign obeys the law, then no one dares to disobey him. (Peter the Great).

The fish rots from the head. (Plutarch).

These quotes point to the fact how important it is to have a worthy ruler on the throne. A state led by a dishonorable ruler who is outrageous and commits a number of shameless acts will not develop and prosper. Outrages and atrocities will not find justice if a "thief and villain" under the mask of a captain is at the helm. He will lead his country to poverty, decay and lawlessness.

quotes about money and power
quotes about money and power

Head of State

Quotes about politics and power never lose their popularity and keep up with the times. Both rulers and ordinary people love to talk about sore issues.

The punishment for civic passivity is the power of villains. (Pluto).

In many aphorisms, one can trace the idea of a personal attitude to power, and ofown changes, which leads to the management of other people. A person is tested by means of big money and permissiveness. Having felt the taste of we alth and power over others, weak personalities embark on the path of excessive pride, arrogance and greed. They pursue their goals without hearing the voices of people in need. Such rulers tend to neglect their own position, using their power for other purposes. Under such a ruler, the people endure, are afraid to show their will and legitimate rights.

quotes about power and people
quotes about power and people

People's Power

We promise them, we promise, we promise, we promise, but everything is not enough for them! (Zhvanetsky).

Quotes about power and the people have existed for many years, since the beginning of the appearance of the first ruler. Some sovereigns sought to belittle the importance of the common man, meanwhile, they were anxious about the manifestation of universal wisdom and the manifestation of the strong will of the people.

Some rulers tried to "blur over the eyes" of ordinary people, amusing them with holidays or various handouts. Having received crumbs of the attention of the almighty, the people continued to turn a blind eye to the affairs of the sovereign, being content with little.

As the Great Catherine the Second said:

The people who sing and dance do not think evil!

About money with wisdom

Quotes about money and power have some association with each other.

It has long been known that money spoils a person, but the lack of money spoils him even more.

(Film "Zigzag of luck").

From ancient times, people's mindsThey think whoever has the money has the power. Aphorisms often emphasize the parallel between we alth and government.

Money is the nerve of war. (Cicero).

For the sake of possessing we alth, bloodshed was committed, betrayal even by relatives. To achieve the throne and money, the rulers could commit a crime against their own conscience and loved ones.

Money has always meant a lot to humanity. Yes, and how else? It is they who are able to dress, warm and fulfill almost any dream. Many will say that money is the source of trouble, because of which they lost friends and relatives. Actually, it is not money that is a disaster, but their absence and an indomitable desire to possess coins at any cost.

Good and humorous words about money in some quotes:

Money is evil. You go to the market - and there is not enough evil. (K. Rodionov).

The money you have is the instrument of freedom; those whom you are chasing are the instrument of slavery. (J. J. Rousseau).

Money is a good servant, but a bad master. (Folk wisdom).

money, we alth
money, we alth

By acting justly, without drowning out the voice of conscience, our rulers would gain glory and popular reverence for centuries to come.

Quotes about power, people, politics and money have been relevant at all times. In every era there have been greedy and reasonable sovereigns, stupid and reasonable rulers. Money encouraged people to conquer countries, to please, hate, suffer and enjoy life. Each person has his own priorities and morality, according to which his life is built.
