The Tale of Ole Lukoye. Summary

The Tale of Ole Lukoye. Summary
The Tale of Ole Lukoye. Summary

One of the most interesting fairy tales over the years has been the story of a sorcerer named Ole Lukoye. Summary, unfortunately, cannot convey all the fullness and beauty of this work. But if you are still not familiar with this literary masterpiece, then be sure to read our article, and then by all means proceed to familiarize yourself with the fairy tale itself, which was written in the distant 19th century by the great children's writer H. H. Andersen.

Small introduction

Both adults and children know that there is no better storyteller in the world than the old man Ole Lukoye. Let's start with the summary of the tale with the fact that the sorcerer puts every child in the world to bed. But before doing so, he closely monitors the baby. If during the day he behaved well, then his dreams will be beautiful and vivid. Children who have been harmful will not dream of anything. It is for this that the little wizard always carries twoumbrella: one colored, designed for obedient children, the second is an ordinary black umbrella, which gives only darkness in a dream.

ole lukoye summary
ole lukoye summary

Fairy tale "Ole Lukoye": summary

When the child falls asleep, the kind old man begins to whisper his entertaining and instructive stories. The work contains 7 wonderful stories - 7 dreams that a little boy saw during the week. Let's start from Monday, when the sorcerer first came to Hjalmar. In his first dream, the room was transformed into a lush garden filled with goodies and spices. The flowers became trees that grew candy berries, buns and donuts. But this whole paradise faded due to the fact that Hjalmar's school supplies began to groan. In this dream, the magician Ole showed the kid that his prescription was no good, and math problems needed to be solved.

Enchanted Journey

The next day, Tuesday, as soon as the child went to bed, Ole Lukoye came again. The summary of the tale tells how Hjalmar made an amazing journey in a dream. At first, all the objects in the boy's room came to life: furniture, souvenirs and books, and even paintings. Our little hero got into one of them. Thanks to Ole's magic wand, he stepped onto the painted green grass and set off for a voyage in a small boat along a quiet forest river. There he met a beautiful princess, who, unfortunately, could not share her love with him.

fairy tale ole lukoye summary
fairy tale ole lukoye summary

Three magicsleep

On Wednesday, Hjalmar was looking forward to the evening when Ole Lukoye would visit him again. The summary of the new dream is a fantastic journey on a flying ship. The boy went to unknown countries and met new animals there, who told him their secrets. On Thursday, Hjalmar was honored to attend a mouse wedding in one of the most beautiful cellars of his own house. And on Friday, he also got to the betrothal ceremony, but now - in the enchanted house of his own toys.

The wisest stories

On Saturday the magician Ole couldn't tell Hjalmar a new story, so his dream took him to one of the Chinese families. There the kid got acquainted with the traditions of this people. Well, on Sunday, Ole Lukoye entertained the boy with a fairy tale about five peas in one pod, which, of course, each of us knows.

andersen ole lukoye summary
andersen ole lukoye summary

Here is such an entertaining and very beautiful work written by G. H. Andersen - "Ole Lukoye"! The summary makes it possible to understand that the fairy tale will be interesting not only for kids, but for every person, regardless of age.
