What is a hang musical instrument?

What is a hang musical instrument?
What is a hang musical instrument?

For many, the hang musical instrument is still completely unfamiliar and strange. It is one of the newest inventions of mankind in the field of music, therefore it has its own specifics and differs significantly from the forms and sounds familiar to us. The main feature of the hang is that it belongs to the percussion group in itself, however, in order to fully play it, it is necessary to have not only a sense of rhythm, but also an ideal ear. It is important to be able to feel the music, only in this case you will be able to achieve the desired sound from it.

musical instrument hang
musical instrument hang

The musical instrument hang was born in 2000 in Switzerland. Its creators Felix Rohner and Sabine Scherer argue that the basis of playing this "exotic" device is feeling. Whether you have the virtuosity of a professional drummer or the perfect ear of a violinist, it doesn't matter. If you don't feel and experience music as your own life, you won't be able to play hanga.

An extraordinary and even a little magical structure has a musical instrument hang. It consists of twometal hemispheres, which together form a disk, similar to a flying saucer. The top side of the instrument is called DING. It has 7-8 keys (depending on the size of the hang), which form a musical circle. They are marked by small depressions on the surface. By hitting each individual area with your hand, you can get one or another frequency of sound.

hang musical instrument price
hang musical instrument price

The bottom disk of the instrument is called GU. It has a special hole where the musician's fist should be. The lower part of the instrument is designed to modulate the sound, as well as create resonance. Based on such data, one can understand that virtuosic passages and high-speed etudes are not the strong point that can be performed on the hang. Its sound has a somewhat folklore, magical and mysterious connotation, which is why the works performed on it belong to similar genres.

Playing the hang instrument can captivate everyone who hears it even out of the corner of their ear. Its range is wide, as it covers more than 8 keys. It is often used as a bass accompaniment to a violin or flute solo. The sound itself can be either sonorous, like a xylophone or metallophone, or dull, like the sound of wooden sticks. But no matter what key you start playing, the hang musical instrument will respond to your every touch, making a quiet and mysterious sound. And during the game, you can drown it out with the help of stroking movements or make it more sonorous by abruptly lifting your hand from the surfacedisk.

playing the hang instrument
playing the hang instrument

Such a mysterious hang was invented in Switzerland - a musical instrument. The price for it fluctuates between 5-10 thousand dollars and depends on the year of issue, condition and number of keys. However, it is worth noting that such things are rarely sold in ordinary music stores - they are worth looking for on hand, from collectors and music fans. Therefore, we wish you a successful purchase and a pleasant game, which the hang musical instrument with its charming and unique sound can fully provide.
