Thrillers about the sea: a list with titles, actors, plot and audience reviews

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Thrillers about the sea: a list with titles, actors, plot and audience reviews
Thrillers about the sea: a list with titles, actors, plot and audience reviews

Video: Thrillers about the sea: a list with titles, actors, plot and audience reviews

Video: Thrillers about the sea: a list with titles, actors, plot and audience reviews
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Marine theme in cinema is a picture that attracts any viewer, especially if the main story is seasoned with action-packed elements. The list of films presented later in the article lists a number of thrillers that take place at sea.


Opens the list of the best thriller films about the sea and islands with the legendary work of 1975 directed by Steven Spielberg "Jaws". Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss starred.

Film "Jaws"
Film "Jaws"

The action of the film unfolds over five days. The place of the main events is a resort town located on Amity Island. This quiet place was overtaken by an extraordinary incident: local police chief Martin Brody and his assistant on the beach discovered the remains of the body of a girl who, apparently, was the victim of a great white shark. Every day brings new bodies to the shore of the island. The brave hunter and fisherman Quint dares to stop the bloodthirsty sea animal, going towards the predator. On a dangerous expedition with himdecide to go the chief of police and an expert in the field of oceanography, who arrived from the National Institute, Matt Hooper.

At a major Russian film portal, the film is approved by 92 percent of viewers. The reviews speak of genre innovation, the brilliant work of the cast and the professional approach to screenwriting.

Captain Phillips

American thriller filmed in 2013 by director Paul Greengrass. Starring Tom Hanks.

Image"Captain Phillips"
Image"Captain Phillips"

The story of this thriller about the sea was not invented by the writing team. Everything happened in reality: in 2009, Somali pirates hijacked an American cargo ship in the waters of the Indian Ocean. The captain of the ship, Richard Phillips, managed to hide the rest of the crew, and he himself became the only hostage. The heroic sailor was eventually saved, and he even wrote a book about this experience, the facts from which formed the plot of the picture.

The audience was enthusiastic about the acting work of Tom Hanks, and also note the amazing directorial contribution. Particular praise was awarded to the dexterity of the entire headquarters in creating an opposition between pirates and sailors.


Thriller about the sea "Poseidon" - a 2006 disaster film. Starring: Josh Lucas and Kurt Russell.

Film "Poseidon"
Film "Poseidon"

The main scene of the film is the Poseidon cruise ship, which is wrecked (turned upside down) due to a giant wave. By order of the captain, about a hundred survivorspassengers are left to wait for rescue from the shore in the main ballroom. However, there are those who decide to find a way out on their own. This group includes: gambler Dylan, nine-year-old Conor and his mother Maggie, looking for his daughter Robert and her boyfriend Christian. The group of enthusiasts is replenished by some more passengers of the liner, and together they try to get out of the sinking ship.

Viewers in the reviews write that the film managed to convey a special atmosphere that takes anyone into the world of feelings for the heroes and the unrest of the sea.


The list of thrillers about the sea and the islands continues the 2000 adventure thriller "The Beach". The director's chair was taken by director Danny Boyle. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

Film "The Beach"
Film "The Beach"

The picture tells the story of the life of a young guy who, trying to find his place in this world, sets off to travel. In a Thai city, he stays at a hotel, where he meets a mysterious neighbor, from whom the main character Richard takes a map with a mysterious, but unknown location, island. According to rumors, it is on this piece of land that the real paradise is located. The guy takes two like-minded people with him, and together they go in search of the legendary beach.

A lot of positive reviews are written about this picture. First of all, of course, the acting skills of Leonardo DiCaprio are noted. The overall storyline and stunning scenery are also praised.

In the heart of the sea

American film-thriller about the sea and the ocean directed by Ron Howard. ATThe plot is based on real events. Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Benjamin Walker, Cillian Murphy and others.

Image"In the heart of the sea"
Image"In the heart of the sea"

The plot takes place in 1819. A team of whalers led by Captain Pollard leave the port. Having been in the waters surrounding South America, the ship enters the Pacific Ocean, in one part of which, as the sailors believe, there is a large accumulation of whales. Counting on a rich catch, the fishermen encounter a giant marine mammal that wrecks the ship. Those sailors who escaped will face a real test in the open ocean without food or water.

Viewers call this picture high quality and interesting. Highlight the professionalism in the work on the effects, and also praise the cast for creating the necessary entertainment.

The Perfect Storm

A special place in the list of thrillers about the sea is occupied by Wolfgang Petersen's "The Perfect Storm" (2000). Hollywood stars such as George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg and John Reilly played the leading roles.

Image"Perfect Storm"
Image"Perfect Storm"

The film is based on real events that took place in 1991 during a hurricane. The captain of a fishing boat plans to go to a remote place where he plans to find a great catch. As expected, a team of experienced fishermen is sent with him. Swimming begins unsuccessfully - the freezer stops working, after which the crew decides to return. On the way, sailors are overtaken by the epicenter of a storm created by a hurricane.

Viewersthey write that this picture literally takes a hurricane into the sea. This film is called the perfect sea thriller.


Thriller about the sea and sailors "K-19" was released in 2000. The roles were played by Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson and others.

Film "K-19"
Film "K-19"

The picture tells the story of the crew of a Soviet submarine that had an accident. The film demonstrates the heroism of the team, and especially the captain. In 1961, at the height of the Cold War, he prepares a submarine for a dive. The speed of training for the crew members will not turn out well.

Film lovers admire the images of Soviet sailors in this tape. It is said that the heroism of Russians, demonstrated by American actors, is striking in its scale.

Deep blue sea

Sci-fi thriller-adventure about the sea was released in 1999. Directed by Renny Harley. Cast: Akiva Goldsman, Robert Kosberg and more.

Image"Deep blue sea"
Image"Deep blue sea"

Workers of the scientific laboratory "Aquatica", working on a drug for Alzheimer's disease, come to a genetic method that increases the brain of sharks. Now bloodthirsty predators can think not only with instincts - they become familiar with such a term as "cunning". After such experiments, the question arises: people or sharks?

Viewers note that this is one of the best representatives of the genre, the plot of which keeps in suspense until the final credits.


"Water World" is a thriller film about the sea about the adventures of Kevin Costner, or rather his main post-apocalyptic character. The picture was released in 1995. Directed by Kevin Reynolds.

Film "Water World"
Film "Water World"

The picture tells the story of a fantasy world where, thanks to global warming, water covered the entire surface of the planet. For a society living in such a place, fresh water, food, cigarettes become the most expensive. For the last point, people kill, rob - lead a criminal lifestyle. But there is salvation: somewhere, in the middle of an endless ocean, there is an island.

The picture in the reviews is called fascinating, exciting and instructive. The lead actor, Kevin Costner, deserved special praise. Many call this job the best of his career.

And the storm came

Completes the list of thriller films about the sea "A Storm Came" in 2016. The film was directed by Craig Gillespie. Starring: Chris Pine, Casey Affleck and others.

Image"And the storm came"
Image"And the storm came"

The picture is based on a true story that happened in 1952 with two tankers that were carrying oil. Due to the damage, all crew members were in danger. Coast Guard personnel are sent to the scene in wooden boats. Everything would be fine if not for the raging storm.

Reviews praise the quality effects of the picture, the sound and the overall atmosphere created. They write that the actors got used to the roles one hundred percent, and the work of cameramen and screenwritersimpresses with its professionalism.
