Growing smarter again, or What is being read in Russia now

Growing smarter again, or What is being read in Russia now
Growing smarter again, or What is being read in Russia now

By what is now read in a particular country, one can judge the cultural level of the nation. It seemed that the times when Russia was considered the most reading country in the world had long since passed. But all is not lost for us. VTsIOM reported the latest research data: Russians today read 1.5 books a month.

what are they reading now
what are they reading now

This result is close to the data of the 1990s, when the books read changed each other twice a month. These studies also contain information about what Russians are currently reading. An interesting fact: the number and range of books read does not match the lists of the best-selling ones. So, according to Rospechat, the first place in sales is still held by D. Dontsova, closely followed by A. Marinina, T. Polyakova, B. Akunin, T. Ustinova, A. Bushkov. However, the most readable are not these authors, but science fiction writers. Young people (a group of 14 to 28 years old) prefer novels about vampires, mystical and "bloody" plots. Such books, say the younger generation, helprelease the stress accumulated during the day. Older people report that they now read Asimov, Lem, Bradbury and the Strugatskys. Girls prefer ironic detective stories, love stories and romantic adventures. Polls conducted among students have convincingly shown that they are now reading Angelica, Twilight, and Dontsova. But … The most popular answer to the question of what is being read in Russia now, students gave an unexpected answer: Dostoevsky. It turns out that today it is considered fashionable to read classical literature, to understand classical music, to study Eastern culture and dead languages. Of course, the interests of young people (as well as those of the adult generation) are diverse, and not everyone can say that they are now reading Pushkin or Leskov, Bulgakov or Herzen. However, reading and understanding Russian classics is becoming fashionable today, and this is a very good trend. 6% of the population prefers memoirs, 13% - historical novels. Among the most read foreign books now: JK Rowling and Conan Doyle, Dumas and Coelho, Kafka and Hemingway.

What do foreigners prefer?

most read books now
most read books now

In Germany, the most widely read Russian author is P. Dashkova. She sells about a million copies a year on average. Her detective stories about the life of modern Russia are considered by Germans to be illustrations of the real-life Russian reality. In the same country, A. Glukhovsky's books, which give a recipe for survival in the post-capitalist world, sell well. Harry Steingard, who works in a genre built on the intersection of classical Russian satire withAmerican toilet humor, especially successful in the UK and the USA. There he even received several prestigious awards.

what is being read in russia now
what is being read in russia now

Paper or electronic?

Conducted social surveys suggest that the fashion for reading books has begun to develop with renewed vigor also because now you can read any book without visiting the library. The advent of tablets, e-books and other gadgets allows you to access any book without leaving your home. This is important for retirees (as the most reading category), employees who find the opportunity to read at work, and young people who do not like to go to libraries.
