Films about pirates: what we dream about since childhood

Films about pirates: what we dream about since childhood
Films about pirates: what we dream about since childhood

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There is, perhaps, no such person who would not read or watch a cartoon or one of the film adaptations of Stevenson's Treasure Island. Movies about pirates have always sparked the imagination. I wanted to find or, conversely, bury some kind of treasure, go on a swim in the ocean full of surprises, feel the taste of s alt spray on my face.

movies about pirates
movies about pirates

The Adventure Begins…

In 1995, director Renny Harlin, who had action movies in high esteem, suddenly took and staged a costumed historical tape from the category of "movies about pirates" - "Thug Island". Maybe he wanted to please his then wife Geena Davis? He filmed her in the chic role of Morgan, the daughter of a dead pirate who went on a dangerous sea voyage. She was not driven by the desire to seek adventure on her reckless head, she wanted to avenge the death of her father. A couple of Davis was made up of actor Matthew Modine, who played the broken William Shaw. This handsome adventurer was acquired by the pirate's daughter at the slave market. Morgan has assembled an excellent team of her father's associates, and now she will stop at nothing…

Drama & Comedy

moviepirates of the caribbean 4
moviepirates of the caribbean 4

In the lists of "films about pirates" you can also find the work of the Australian Peter Weir "Master of the Seas. At the edge of the earth." It tells about the fate of the crew of the British sailing ship Surprise. Captain Aubrey is not a weakling, especially since the faithful shoulder of his best friend, doctor Maturin, is always nearby. Their ship is attacked by unknown villains who rushed from the foggy distance on a huge ship. But English sailors are not the type to give up easily. To better get used to the images, both performers of the central roles made a lot of efforts. Russell Crowe (Aubrey) learned to play the violin, and Paul Bettany (doc) learned how to handle medical instruments. But in the film "Captain Hook" the sea robbers are rather comedic characters. Movies about pirates are rarely this funny. But here is a special case: after all, a couple of talented artists are the soloists. The grown-up Peter Pan (who has forgotten about all his flights, pranks and youthful dreams) is portrayed by Robin Williams, and his eternal antagonist is the magnificent Dustin Hoffman. The tape, by the way, received 5 Oscar nominations.

Don't stop there

movie pirates of the caribbean 2
movie pirates of the caribbean 2

The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise goes on and on. In it, the brilliant Johnny Depp successfully "pulls the blanket over himself", already, it seems, has grown into the skin of Captain Jack. In the first episode, viewers only get to know the central characters, who almost in full force go into the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". There they are waiting for more dangerous plot twists and new adventures. And also -insidious Davy Jones and the terrible monster Kraken. The last time a couple of lovers appears in the triquel is Elizabeth and Will, played by Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. The film "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" was filmed without these actors. Refused to put on a sequel and director Gore Verbinski, who worked on three series of the franchise. But fans of the saga have found a new favorite, Angelica. Her image on the screen was embodied by the sultry Spaniard Penelope Cruz. The creators of this "movie series" do not stop there: the release of the 5th part is scheduled for 2016.
