Acting biography: Tatyana Vasilyeva dreamed of this profession since childhood

Acting biography: Tatyana Vasilyeva dreamed of this profession since childhood
Acting biography: Tatyana Vasilyeva dreamed of this profession since childhood

Already in post-war 1947, at the end of February, the future actress Tatyana Vasilyeva was born. Her biography began in Leningrad. Since childhood, little Tanya dreamed of acting, but her parents had a different opinion on this matter.

biography tatyana vasilyeva
biography tatyana vasilyeva

They constantly controlled the already grown daughter, while they were madly worried about her. God forbid something happens! Therefore, visiting some circles was out of the question. But despite the prohibitions, Tatyana, secretly from her parents, studied at once in 2 studios: theater and art.

After graduating from school, the girl received two invitations for admission at the same time: to VGIK and to the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio. Of course, she took advantage of this, since for her the most important thing was her acting biography. Tatyana Vasilyeva (nee Itsykovich) after a noisy graduation at school, goes to Moscow. She told her parents that she was going on an excursion. The girl enters the workshop of Bogomolov, Markov and Morez at the Moscow Art Theater School. She informed her mother and father about this by telegram. Unprepared for such a turn, the father immediately went tothe capital to take away the daughter of the artistes. Fortunately, the rector managed to persuade him to leave Tanya, to let her finish her studies, which means that her dream, an acting biography, approached the girl. Tatyana Vasilyeva graduated from the studio school in 1969 and joined the troupe of the Satire Theater.

There Tanya Itsykovich met the young Anatoly Vasiliev. In 1973, they registered a marriage, and the girl took her husband's surname (which remains with her to this day), and 5 years later their son Philip was born. In 1980, the actor Georgy Martirosyan came to the theater. She and Tatyana play in the same play "The Capercaillie's Nest", which was then a huge success. And a spark ran between the young people, they did not resist it. Vasilyeva divorced her husband and accepted George's proposal. So, her biography was replenished with the second and so far the last marriage. Tatyana Vasilyeva gave birth to a daughter, Lisa, in 1986, and in 1995 she broke up with Martirosyan.

tatyana vasilyeva biography
tatyana vasilyeva biography

The actress left this place of work in 1983 for the Mayakovsky Theater. But her first film work falls on 1971. She starred in the children's film "Look into this face." Then she considered herself a kind of clumsy tall woman and was very complex about her appearance. But one day she realized that she knows how to "hold" the audience, that the audience hangs on her every word, which means she is beautiful.

In the movie, 1979 was a successful year for her, when she played Duenna in the film of the same name. It was a real success, now actress Tatyana Vasilyeva has become famous! The biography of her popularity was entrenched in the comedy The Mostcharming and attractive”(1985), everyone remembered her omniscient and self-confident Susanna.

actress tatyana vasilyeva biography
actress tatyana vasilyeva biography

In the 90s, the actress starred a lot, mostly comedies: “I want to go to America”, “Womanizer-2”, “Fiance from Miami”, “My Sailor Woman” and so on. But the drama "See Paris and die" became her next success and brought the Kinotavr award and the Nika prize. During these years, the actress starred a lot, participates in productions of other theaters, and it becomes more and more difficult to combine this with work at the Mayakovsky Theater, whose management does not make concessions to her and fires Vasilyeva in 1992 for absenteeism.

Since 1996, she has been working in the theater "School of the Modern Play", participating in performances, entreprises, in general, her theatrical biography continues. Tatyana Vasilyeva has not been acting in films so often lately. Among her latest works are the series "Behind the Scenes" and the mini-series "Three Half Graces", where she plays the Jewish mother of one of the heroines. Today, the actress tours a lot, and prefers the Far East, northern and Siberian regions of our country.
