Guffin Halley: biography, appearance and profession

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Guffin Halley: biography, appearance and profession
Guffin Halley: biography, appearance and profession

Video: Guffin Halley: biography, appearance and profession

Video: Guffin Halley: biography, appearance and profession
Video: The Suicide Squad Actors Auditions Stories 2024, July

Perhaps everyone who has read Max Fry's books remembers the colorful character Juffin Halley. It seems that Mr. Honorable Chief knows and can do absolutely everything, and he also has answers to all questions in the world. Behind the simple demeanor of a pensioner and constant jokes, true magical power is hidden. But about everything in order in the article.

Some details of Juffin's biography

juffin hully
juffin hully

The exact age of Juffin is unknown, approximately over seven hundred years. He was born in the county of Shimara, the city of Kettari. In his youth, he had a dizzying affair with Sotofa, which, however, ended due to the thirst for knowledge of the young Lady Hanemer.

Sir Juffin Halley would have gone for his beloved in Echo, but his boss suddenly decided to leave his hometown and go traveling. Sheriff Mahi took a promise from Juffin that he would not step down as chief for another three hundred years. Only then was Sir Khali able to travel to Echo.

Sir Halley had a period in his life when he completely lost his magic. Since the enemies who wanted to kill him, he hadenough, Juffin changed his appearance and left Echo for a while. This adventure lasted several years, during which he opened a tavern in Irrashi and lived there, earning a living. As he himself claims, it was at this time that he learned the value of himself, that he can and can do without magic.

What Juffin Halley looks like

juffin hully photo
juffin hully photo

In appearance, the Honorable Chief is very similar to the earthly actor Rutger Hauer. Juffin Halley (photo) is quite tall, has a habit of shaving his head baldly and dressing elegantly. He always wears a turban on his head. Has a fixed look of slanted eyes of a light shade, an eagle profile and a sly smile. But, as he veiledly admits, this is just one of his masks, which is convenient for today.

The work and abilities of the Most Honorable Chief

Guffin Halley did not immediately become Mr. Most Honorable Chief of the Small Secret Investigation in Echo. During the Time of Troubles, he was called the Kettariy Hunter due to the fact that he hunted the masters of the orders at the request of the enemies of these orders or even the head of the order in which the persecuted himself was a member (if the master was very violent).

Only after the signing of the Khrember Code, Juffin received the position of head of the Small Secret Investigation. Despite the fact that Sir Halley was never a member of any of the orders, his office was a legal way to gather powerful sorcerers under his command, with the permission of the head of the Order of the Seven Leaf Nuflin Moni Mach and the king himself.

Possesses true and obvious magic, has the peculiarity of feeling the application of the magic of the highestorder, which helps in catching criminals.

Interesting facts about the character

sir juffin hully
sir juffin hully
  • Juffin Halli was born and raised in Kettari, Shimara County.
  • Been in love with Lady Sotofa when they were both young and not holding such important government positions.
  • Formerly nicknamed the Kettari hunter, he was a hired killer who was feared by the inhabitants of the city.
  • Juffin keeps a small dog called Huf at home.
  • Sir Khali is prohibited from playing krak in public places by special royal decree.
  • Possesses true magic.
  • He was nicknamed Chiff, which characterized him as an intelligent and cautious, but very inquisitive person.

Typically, this character is currently the most powerful practicing magician in the Echo World, all other sorcerers are either weaker than him or killed by him.
