Biography of Irina Allegrova - Empress of the Russian stage

Biography of Irina Allegrova - Empress of the Russian stage
Biography of Irina Allegrova - Empress of the Russian stage
biography of Allegra Irina
biography of Allegra Irina

A truly amazing woman, Irina Allegrova, whose biography will be the topic of this article, has become one of the most popular singers of the Soviet Union. But it is interesting that in childhood she did not know how to sing at all. The teachers at the music school did not promise her a great artistic future, but her ear and tireless work on herself led her to success. The biography of Allegrova Irina is now of interest to many fans of her work. Let's talk today about her life.

Biography of Irina Allegrova: childhood

Do the singer's fans know about the remarkable date in her life - January 20? That's right, it's her birthday. Ira was born in 1952 in the family of theater director and actor Alexander Grigoryevich Sarkisov and opera singer Sosnovskaya Serafima Mikhailovna. At the age of 17, the father of the future artist received the nickname Allegris in the circus, where he then worked. When Alexander began to play in the operetta, he chose as a pseudonymsurname Allegrov. And he also gave his daughter this last name at birth. Irina graduated from high school in Baku, where the family moved in 1959. There she attended a music school in piano. She planned to enter the conservatory, but it did not work out - the girl became seriously ill and missed the entrance exams.

Irina Allegrova: biography. Nationality

irina allegrova biography
irina allegrova biography

The nationality of the artist is often the cause of controversy. Irina's father was Armenian, and her mother was from Tashkent (Uzbekistan). At one time, the press wrote that the real name and surname of the singer was Inessa Klimchuk. Irina said that in her passport she has the name Allegrova, which she inherited from her father, and she cannot be Klimchuk, if only because her nationality is Armenian.

Biography of Irina Allegrova: career

The girl did not start her adult life at all with a career as a singer. She got married and soon gave birth to a daughter, Lala. The marriage was wrong from the start. As the artist says, she got married in spite of her beloved. The union broke up very quickly, and Irina, with a child in her arms, had to get on her feet. Mom helped, who agreed to stay with little Lala and let her daughter go to conquer Moscow. For some time, Allegrova worked as a singer in the restaurant of the National Hotel. As Irina recalls, she received many offers to achieve quick fame through bed, but she chose to become famous later and remained true to her moral principles.

irina allegrova biography nationality
irina allegrova biography nationality

The biography of Irina Allegrova contains information that for some time she sang with Utyosov, then Vladimir Dubovitsky, who became her husband, helped her build a solo career. Irina sang in the Lights of Moscow, Electroclub groups, but she always wanted something more. In 1990, she left the team, divorced Dubovitsky and began working with Igor Nikolaev. A year later, she was recognized as the best singer of the year, in 1992 she gave her first solo concert and released her debut album. Cooperation with Igor Krutoy in 1996-1998 gives listeners many new hits performed by Allegrova. Now she actively participates in various programs and festivals, and also tours with a farewell tour of the CIS countries.

Biography of Irina Allegrova: personal life

There were four marriages in the singer's life, but none of them made her happy. She considers her daughter Lala and grandson Alexander to be her main achievement, for whom she lives.
