2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
The World Wide Web often gives its users the opportunity to be surprised. This time, lovers of history and literature had to be a little surprised by the confusion that arose in connection with the name Pyotr Davydov.
On the one hand, Russian history is rightfully proud of this name, since it belongs to a family whose representatives at different times in one way or another glorified the Fatherland with their deeds. The Davydov family has deep roots. Their prescription dates back to the period of the birth of the Russian nobility. A successful courtier and prominent official who lived at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, Pyotr Lvovich Davydov is a relative of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. A whole galaxy of glorious fighters against the Russian autocracy - the Decembrists - is also related to his family. It includes the name of the famous hero, partisan Denis Davydov, who famously beat the French in 1812, freeing his native land from enemies. The war hero also became famous as the author of charming romances, from which the souls sank and the hearts of more than one generation of listeners trembled. Pyotr Davydov is the hero's cousin.
Another Davydov
But today another Pyotr Davydov, a poet who writes poetry mainlyerotic content. You can guess that erotomaniac fans, of course, would like to add greatness to their idol. But you have to hold back a little ambition. Their Peter Davydov is a poet, certainly talented, but different. He has nothing to do with the family of the famous Davydovs.
Modern poet Pyotr Davydov, whose name is associated with the name of the famous hussar and poet Denis Davydov, writes works that appeal to the response of several different sense organs of admirers than the spiritual romances of his namesake, who lived in the 19th century. His poetry is controversial and falls into the category of what is called "an amateur."

Arguing about tastes is, as you know, a thankless task. In this article, we do not set ourselves moralizing tasks. We will try to figure out who it is - Peter Davydov? Or rather, which one is which? Which of the namesakes glorified Russian history in the past, and who contributes to the development of Russian-language poetry today?
Pyotr Ivanovich Davydov
About our contemporary Petr Ivanovich Davydov, who is a poet, it should be said that, as readers have probably already noticed, his patronymic distinguishes him from his namesake. He is Ivanovich. This should be taken into account by those who, when stumbling across the Internet for the same names and surnames, do not bother to figure it out, but believe that they are dealing with information about the same person. But it's not.
The poet Pyotr Davydov, whose biography is presented rather sparingly, is our contemporary. The date of his birth on different sites is indicated only by a number andmonth, no year. It seems that the authors of the articles reprinted the same mistake that the poet once made due to the inattention inherent in creative people.

Perhaps, this can be attributed to the topic "Pyotr Davydov: interesting facts." If desired, fans could fantasize this detail, develop and elevate the poet's absent-mindedness to the rank, for example, of genius - why be modest? This often happens with lovers of sensations, who in fact turn out to be exaggerated. But we won't do it.
Israel, Netanya
Peter Davydov (the biography of the poet contains this information) was born on August 18 … in Baku. His age can only be judged approximately, given that after graduating from the institute he worked for several years as an electronics engineer, and then worked in journalism as a TASS correspondent.
He created quite a few humorous stories. The biography reports that in 1989 a collection of Davydov's stories called "Good Omen" was published in Baku.
Designated on the networks as "author of poems, poet", Peter Davydov (biography indicates this) currently lives in Israel (Natania).
What is known about him?
It is known about the poet Davydov that he is the owner of the company "Agency Nathan and Peter" (consulting). Mostly writes poetry on erotic themes. The music for his poems is created by Galina Aizendorf. There are also songs of his own composition.
The poet is married. His wife Olga is a philologist by education. She isthe first reader, as well as the editor-in-chief of his poems.
About poetry
There are the most contradictory responses about the poet's poems on the Internet. Many of his frank poetry is considered scandalous. Readers believe that the intimate moments of life should remain so, they cannot be put on public display. This is a kind of "mystery of two", the authors of many reviews believe, why dedicate outsiders to it?

Their opponents call their opponents hypocrites, emphasizing the significant educational, educational and educational role of Davydov's poetry. They believe that it is very difficult to write erotic poems “without falling into vulgarity”. Davydov, in their opinion, is very good at it.
Sometimes lovers of poetic erotica do not understand friends: why do you need to write “text messages” to your wife so often and constantly make declarations of love to her? "To understand this, one must read the poems of Pyotr Davydov," the initiates answer them. The poet is thanked for the fact that he teaches to love, to please the one you love, and to constantly remember him (her).
Let's say something about Victory…
Pyotr Davydov writes wonderful poems and songs about the war. This theme is very close to the poet. Many of his works are dedicated to the chanting of the exploits of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, their memory, veterans, Victory Day 9May. In his poems, the poet often recalls his father who died in the war.
Once he admitted that the military theme is close to him, he feels it very passionately, because he was born and raised in the Soviet country, writes and thinks in Russian, and his own father was a soldier of that unforgettable war.
A hot response in the poet's work was also found by modern difficult events in which his homeland was drawn by the will of circumstances. “Russia doesn’t need war!” - the poet writes. He gives an explanation for everything that is happening today (meaning events related to Ukraine): his homeland “wants respect,” he assures, “so that this world reckon with it.” Petr Davydov is confident in the great future of Russia, he is proud that centuries, "different peoples associate with her" their aspirations and hopes.
Poetry is my life…
In one of the interviews, Petr Davydov told facts from his life, the details of which have long been of interest to his fans. Speaking about himself, the poet is modest and prone to self-irony:
In ordinary life I am very smart
Normal genius, give or take…
The story of his life is reduced to a description of the creative process, because, as the poet said, poetry is his life. He started writing a long time ago. Poems were created "very different", but the poet almost did not print them. Other things were published - articles, stories, scripts for a satirical film magazine. As the poet confessed, he himself did not expect that he would ever write such frank works, although he always liked everything related to erotica. It turns out that all his work is dedicated to his wife.
Many say that poetryDavydov are imbued with a joyful mood, optimism. According to him, it is his wife who forbids him to write about the gloomy and sad…
Give yourself an evening of love…
Davydov writes about love, erotica and sex. He has electronic poetry collections containing works whose names speak for themselves: “Love is the most important thing in the world”, “A woman named Autumn”, “Necklace of fallen stars”, “Erotic gift for a man”, “Pose No. 69” …
The poet invites everyone to "give yourself evenings of love" to his pages, where he sings "about caresses", writes "about nights". And also - in his "Diary" with cute and touching "stories" on the same topic.
Poems are my children - forgive me…
Really, the poet has to ask for forgiveness from his poetry… Reviews in the networks testify to the ambiguous perception of his works by readers. Someone frankly admires his poems, there are those whom his poetry sincerely scandalizes.
It should be noted that some of Davydov's erotic poems are so frank that not all readers (this is known from the reviews) manage to read them to the end. Modesty does not allow someone to read his lines, someone even recalls that it would not hurt contemporaries to borrow a little chastity from grandfathers and fathers, someone has Christian views in the way of a positive perception of such poetry. However, the opinion was expressed that all these features should be regarded as the shortcomings of education, the complex with which the psychologist needs to work.
In this articlewe do not undertake to judge the degree of someone's rightness. Readers have the opportunity to independently familiarize themselves with the works of the poet and decide: maybe it’s true, since modern approaches require it, should we get rid of modesty, modesty, chastity, as remnants? And at the same time, think about it: maybe it’s worth giving up all shame and conscience - well, them! Long live "freedom and emancipation"!
There are, however, other extremes. Those who are deprived of the "shortcomings" and "complexes" listed above relish the poetic and erotic heights of Pyotr Davydov's work, bursting into networks with such vulgarity that the soul withers. The moderators had to remove some of the comments - obviously impossible to read without embarrassment.
Emotional awe or - ?.
Traditionally it is believed that poetry is the realm of the high. When the soul trembles with delight, when it rises up, impressed by the description of some beauties or manifestations of true humanity. The vocation of erotic poetry is the upbringing of the beauty of feelings and feelings, subtlety and grace in the relationship between a man and a woman.
But where is the guarantee that only mature individuals read such poetry and that it is perceived adequately by everyone?
What lessons will be learned from it, for example, minors? Will a young man brought up on such poetry be ready for the lofty and beautiful? Can you be sure that erotic poetry will help him appreciate the beauty of the described feelings? That instead of spiritual awe before the beautiful, hormones roaming in the body will not win, and poems “about love, eroticism andsex” simply won’t cause other - not spiritual, but well-known physiological - shudders?
Not an idle question at all
In connection with the conversation about erotic poetry, I would like to say about the anxiety that many reviewers share on the networks. Users are concerned that, as they note, a certain substitution has taken place in the minds of our contemporaries: instead of a cult of feelings, a cult of sensuality is being introduced. Media, cinema and television mindlessly (or deliberately?) replicate this approach, planting false priorities. As a result, young people do not care about procreation and raising children, but cherish their own animal sexuality.
The problem in society is not new. Indeed, fans of erotic art (which includes the poetry of Pyotr Davydov) continue to frantically prove that in Russia, unlike the USSR, “sex exists!!!”? Well, thank God. Keep it up. Those who try to object to this offensive and oppose it with something platonic and purely spiritual are declared hypocrites and hypocrites at best. At worst, they are called notorious, flawed and generally impotent.
Well, let everything go as it goes. Let the adherents of all kinds of erotic subtleties and tricks triumph. But it is possible that the day will come when the Russians will humbly watch how the triumphant “march of equality” is solemnly moving along Red Square (similar attempts have already been made in Ukraine).

Coffinmaster of the Petersburg court
Athe namesake and namesake of our hero (please note: he has a different middle name) Pyotr Lvovich Davydov (year of birth - 1777, died in 1842), was the chamberlain of the St. Petersburg court, privy councilor, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812. He was the brother of A. L. Davydov, Decembrist V. L. Davydov and General N. N. Raevsky. In addition, he was the cousin of the legendary Denis Davydov.
Pyotr Lvovich Davydov: parents
His father was Major General Lev Denisovich Davydov. His mother Ekaterina Nikolaevna, nee Countess Samoilova, was the niece of Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky. Her first husband was Nikolai Semyonovich Raevsky. In her first marriage, she gave birth to two sons: Alexander, who was killed during the assault on Ishmael (1790) and Nikolai. In a marriage with Major General Davydov, four of their children survived: Peter, Vasily, Alexander and Sophia.
Service at court
Under Catherine II and Paul I, Pyotr Lvovich Davydov, serving in the guards, was granted a full chamberlain, promoted to the Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Then, at the court of Anna Pavlovna, Grand Duchess, he was the master of the horse, in 1809-1811. served as honorary guardian.
Participation in the Patriotic War of 1812
Pyotr Lvovich Davydov (the photo represents his portrait) at the beginning of the war of 1812 was enlisted as a major in the army infantry. In July, he was presented for the award of the Order of St. George 4th degree.

After the end of the war, Davydov returned to court service. Subsequentlyhe had a good career and rose to the rank of Privy Councillor.
Pyotr Lvovich Davydov: personal life
The courtier was married twice. His first wife was Countess Natalya Vladimirovna Orlova (1782-1819), who was the daughter of Count V. G. Orlov. They got married in 1803. In the last years of her life, she lived in Italy with her children. She died in Pisa in 1819. Initially, she was buried in Levorno, in the cemetery of the Greek church, but at the request of Count Orlov, her coffin was transported to her homeland (to the Otrada estate).

Born in wedlock:
• son Vladimir (1809-1882), in 1856 he was elevated to the dignity of a count, receiving the surname of Count Orlov-Davydov;
• three daughters:
- Catherine (1804-1812);
- Elizabeth (1805-1878), later married Senator Prince Yuri Alekseevich Dolgorukov;
- Alexandra (1817-1851), became the wife of the Prussian Count Friedrich von Eglofstein.
The second wife (they got married in 1833) was the sister of the Decembrist V. N. Likhareva Varvara Nikolaevna (1803-1876). The marriage produced two sons:
• Leo (1834-1885);
• Alexander (1838-1884).
In addition, Davydov took care of three children of his Decembrist brother V. L. Davydov.
Pyotr Lvovich Davydov died in 1842 in Moscow. The place of his burial was the Donskoy Monastery. There is an inscription on the commemorative plate: "Served the Fatherland in the memorable war of 1812".
The Davydov family includesclosely or distantly related surnames: Arsenyevs, Baryatinskys, Vasilchikovs, Kolychevs, Dolgorukovs, Kolychevs, Orlovs Likharevs, Potemkins, Orlovs-Davydovs, Raevskys, Pokhvisnevs, Tolstoy, Trubetskoy, Eglofshtein, Samoilovs.

Members of these families bore the noble titles of counts and princes. Many of them have achieved high ranks in the military or secular bureaucratic field.
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