Yesenin, "Kachalov's Dog": who was the creation dedicated to? Revealing the secret of the age

Yesenin, "Kachalov's Dog": who was the creation dedicated to? Revealing the secret of the age
Yesenin, "Kachalov's Dog": who was the creation dedicated to? Revealing the secret of the age

The great Russian poet and favorite of women Sergei Yesenin was born in 1895, September 21, old style. What was it about him that attracted the opposite sex? First, of course, irresistible appearance. Secondly, his ability to speak. According to contemporaries, the poet's voice was simply mesmerizing. He knew how to talk beautifully not only with women, but also with animals. Proof of this is a poem that Sergei Yesenin dedicated to Kachalov's dog. He created this work in 1925.

History of writing a masterpiece

Indeed, at that time there lived a dog named Jim in the house of the famous actor Vasily Kachalov. Yesenin was friends with the artist and often visited him. Animals feel good people, so Jim quickly fell in love with the poet and became attached to him. In turn, Yesenin often brought various delicacies to Kachalov's dog. So between the man and the dog, friendly relations were quickly established. However, the work of the poet is not so serene. You can find sad undertones in it.

Yesenin, "Kachalov's Dog",
Yesenin, "Kachalov's Dog",

Yesenin, "Kachalov's Dog": analysis of the first halfpoems

As it became known in our time, people from the State Security Committee were monitoring the poet. He felt it, such attention of the authorities did not bode well for the poet. His sad state of mind can also be explained by a quarrel with the main love of life - Isadora Duncan. Maybe that's why Yesenin begins the work by offering the dog to bark at the moon together. It seems that the poet should have fun in a warm environment, because he came to his friend. But Sergey pours out his soul to the dog. He tells the animal that he does not know life. Apparently, at that time, the famous handsome man was very sad in his soul, since he speaks negatively about life. Yesenin pours his heart out to Kachalov's dog.

Analysis of the second half of the work

Yesenin's poem to kachalov's dog
Yesenin's poem to kachalov's dog

Confirmation of these words can be found in the following lines, they more and more convince the reader that the reason for the poet's depressed state at that time was a woman. Just on the eve of 1925, Yesenin met Shagane Talyan, an Armenian teacher, in the city of Batumi. The fact that he really liked the woman can be seen by reading the poem "You are my Shagane, Shagane." By the time the poem was written, addressed to Jim, the poet broke up with Talyan. However, she denied rumors about their stormy romance and claimed that there was only friendship between them. Yesenin was quite amorous, so the most likely version is that they were connected by love.

Final lines

Be that as it may, the last lines of the work are eloquentlythey will tell about the sad love that served as the reason for writing the verse. But first, the poet praises the dog for being handsome by dog standards. Yesenin writes about the velvety fur of an animal, which is so pleasant to stroke. And everyone who comes to the house of the great actor strives to do this. And then Yesenin's poem continues the description of Jim's merits. He tells Kachalov's dog that he is trusting, that he has an open soul. It can be assumed that the poet, describing Jim, attributed his features to him. He was just as open, simple, used to trusting people.

Oh, this love that makes you rejoice and suffer

Yesenin dogs Kachalova, verse
Yesenin dogs Kachalova, verse

At the end of the work, Yesenin asks his four-legged friend if the one who is the saddest and most silent has come to visit them? After all, Jim saw a lot of guests, he could see her. The poet asks this with hope. It is felt that he is having a hard time parting with his beloved woman. One more assumption can be put forward: the poet suffered at that time from unrequited love. But this version seems completely implausible. After all, this man had many women, he knew how to make them fall in love with him. Even his personal secretary, Galina Benislavskaya, adored him. She loved Yesenin for many years, she was ready to share him with other women, so as not to lose him. After the poet died, the secretary could not survive this. She went to his grave, left a note asking him to bury him next to her idol, and then shot herself.

Therefore, the version that the poem that Yesenin wrote to Kachalov's dog wascreated under the yoke of unrequited love, untenable.

Who is that muse anyway?

At the time of writing this work, the poet was formally not free, at that time he was tied by marriage to Sophia Tolstaya, but he did not love this woman, and this union weighed heavily on the poet.

Yesenin dog kachalova analysis
Yesenin dog kachalova analysis

So let's try to figure out who the poem was dedicated to. At that time, Yesenin broke up with Isadora Duncan. She was two decades older than the poet. In addition, he loved his homeland very much, and therefore left Duncan for Russia. Most likely, in order to repent before Galina Benislavskaya, Yesenin wrote his work. Kachalov's dogs listened attentively to the verse, or rather - one dog - Jim. The poet repented before her, as he offended Galina, telling the woman that they could only be friends, thus ending their romance. After all, she loved her idol so much that she could not survive his death. As if anticipating this, the man asks her for forgiveness for everything.
