Literature 2024, October

"48 Laws of Power": book reviews, summary, author

"48 Laws of Power": book reviews, summary, author

The name of Robert Green is known to everyone who at least once thought about changing their living conditions and increasing their well-being. A famous writer, publicist and sociologist, Green not only wrote the legendary book "48 Laws of Power", reviews of which made a lot of noise in foreign and domestic print media, but also published many other manuals based only on his own experience

Robert Thomas: biography, creativity

Robert Thomas: biography, creativity

Robert Thomas is a famous French writer and playwright, famous as a director, screenwriter and actor. His works were repeatedly staged not only on the theater stage, but also filmed by famous directors, including domestic ones. In the article we will talk about his biography and the most famous works

"The art of hearing the beat of the heart": reader reviews, author, characters and plot of the book

"The art of hearing the beat of the heart": reader reviews, author, characters and plot of the book

There are many positive reviews on the Internet about the book "The Art of Hearing the Beat of the Heart". No, this is not a documentary or psychological training wrapped in a bestseller cover. This is one of the best novels about sincere love, true friendship, and what it's like to just be a good person, follow the path of goodness, change for the better and achieve your goals

Klavdia Lukashevich: the life and work of a children's writer

Klavdia Lukashevich: the life and work of a children's writer

Among Russian writers, there are many who created amazing and instructive works for children. Among them, a children's writer and teacher, Klavdiya Lukashevich, deserves attention. Despite the difficulties, the loss of loved ones, the woman carried her love for literature and the little reader through her whole life

Nina Gorlanova: biography and creativity, author's books

Nina Gorlanova: biography and creativity, author's books

Each reader is interested in discovering some new authors, being surprised by new genres and ideas. It is easier to do this than it seems, because literature, like everything else in our dynamic world, does not stand still. One of such literary discoveries of the last decades was the Russian writer Nina Gorlanova. Want to get to know her work? Start with our article

Biographies of characters from Shaman King. Anna Kioyama

Biographies of characters from Shaman King. Anna Kioyama

Anna Kioyama is one of the main and popular characters of the Shaman King anime series. She is shown as a tough, purposeful and determined person, ready to do anything to help her loved ones. Anna Kioyama is a powerful medium and has great spiritual power. This heroine even became the "good luck charm" of the manga author

The book "Jero's Journey": reader reviews

The book "Jero's Journey": reader reviews

The novel dilogy "The Journey of Hiero" by Sterling Lanier has long been a classic of science fantasy. It's fantasy, not science fiction. A strikingly organic combination of the chivalrous atmosphere of the Middle Ages and modern technologies, reasoned inclusions of information from the field of chemistry, physics, neuropsychology only add color to this already amazing work

Interesting books for girls aged 11. Pollyanna Eleanor Porter. Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Interesting books for girls aged 11. Pollyanna Eleanor Porter. Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

In grades 4-5, children tend to develop an interest and love for reading. Therefore, it is important to know what interesting books for girls of 11 years old should be advised so that this hobby remains for life. It is at this age that the first complexes wake up in the child, difficulties appear in communicating with peers, girls begin to be ashamed of their bodies. In such a situation, it is important for parents to unobtrusively support them

The best stories of O. Henry: list of works, reader reviews

The best stories of O. Henry: list of works, reader reviews

The best stories of O. Henry make up the golden fund of American literature. This American writer, whose real name is William Sidney Porter, worked at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He is a recognized master of the short novel. His works are characterized by unexpected endings and subtle humor. In this article we will talk about the most famous stories, readers' reviews about them

Irish Cuchulainn sagas

Irish Cuchulainn sagas

The Irish sagas of Cuchulain tell about one of the most famous heroes of this people. This is the central character of the so-called Ulad cycle. So in the scientific literature are called medieval Irish works. The main place of their action is the residence of King Conchobar. In this article we will talk about this famous folk hero, as well as how he became a character in modern literature

What is a gothic novel? Contemporary gothic novels

What is a gothic novel? Contemporary gothic novels

Many modern science fiction writers and representatives of other genres use gothic elements in their works

Quotes from "Twilight" - the most famous book of 2005

Quotes from "Twilight" - the most famous book of 2005

The most popular novel of 2005 is over ten years old. This is the famous book "Twilight" in almost all countries. The love of unusual teenagers, secrets from parents, adrenaline in the blood from the proximity of death - what could be more romantic for young people?

Kovalevskaya Elena and her works

Kovalevskaya Elena and her works

"Popadantsy", adventures in space, travel in magical worlds - these genres can be found in the books of Elena Kovalevskaya. Everything from medieval life to high technologies for the production of cyborgs. Completely different genres of writing from one author

"Jane Eyre": quotes, catchphrases, aphorisms

"Jane Eyre": quotes, catchphrases, aphorisms

Without a doubt, almost every second person has seen the movie or read the book by Charlotte Brontë "Jane Eyre" - this is one of the most famous works. It was first published in 1847 under the pseudonym Carell Bell. Many readers take the story to heart and involuntarily imagine themselves in the place of the heroine, because the work is written in the first person

The owner of the magic of the Spirit Adrian Ivashkov in the books "Academy of Vampires"

The owner of the magic of the Spirit Adrian Ivashkov in the books "Academy of Vampires"

Rachael Mead is a famous American writer, screenwriter of five films, author of several series of books, one of them is Vampire Academy, the first book of which was made into a film of the same name. This is a story about the adventures of seventeen-year-old Dhampir girl Rose Hathaway and her Moroi friend Lissa Dragomir. A minor character of the books, appearing in the second volume of the series, is the favorite great-nephew of the Moroi queen - Adrian Ivashkov

Adventures in the Middle Ages and space in the works of Arina Alison

Adventures in the Middle Ages and space in the works of Arina Alison

Today there are many books written in the fantasy genre about "hitmen". The brave heroes of male authors save the country, the state and the world as a whole. For female writers, a charming heroine protects the peaceful life of the population, but in most cases, she finds her love, and the stories end with a wedding

Sergey Tarmashev: “Ancient. Corporation"

Sergey Tarmashev: “Ancient. Corporation"

The possible future of our Earth continues

Greg Mortenson: biography, interesting facts from life, photo

Greg Mortenson: biography, interesting facts from life, photo

Greg Mortenson's father created the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center and his mother created the Moshi International School. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Greg became what he became. A well-known philanthropist, founder of the Penny for the World project, one of the authors of Three Cups of Tea, a book that captivated the public, which was published in 50 countries and sold with a circulation of 7,000,000 copies, one of the founders of the Central Asia Institute

Shukshin, "Freak": analysis of the story, summary

Shukshin, "Freak": analysis of the story, summary

Of course, it is better to start a deep study of literary masterpieces with small, most understandable and simple works. For example, with stories. One of these uncomplicated, at first glance, but nonetheless deserving of careful analysis, is the story of V. M. Shukshin "Freak". We will try to analyze it in this article

Elena Khaetskaya: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Elena Khaetskaya: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Literature is, first of all, an art. The artist creates his masterpieces with the help of brushes and paints, the musician plays notes, the sculptor cuts the stone… The tool of the writer and poet is the word. Among the writers of our century there are many talented people whose works you read with great pleasure. So, maybe it’s worth taking a closer look at them and finding an hour or two to study modern literature? We propose to start with Elena Khaetskaya

"City life" is your first encyclopedia

"City life" is your first encyclopedia

Reading is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a useful activity. Do you want your child to be interested in this activity from an early age? Then offer him the right books. About one of these - the children's encyclopedia "City Life" - read in this article

W alther von der Vogelweide: biography, creativity

W alther von der Vogelweide: biography, creativity

W alther von der Vogelweide is a famous German composer and poet of the 12th-13th centuries. One of the representatives of the classic minnesang generation. His works are still of great interest to lovers of medieval literature. In this article you will learn about his biography and work

Nikolai Virta: writer, playwright, censor of Holy Scripture

Nikolai Virta: writer, playwright, censor of Holy Scripture

Today, the name of the Soviet writer Nikolai Evgenievich Virta says little to the average reader, because at one time he was the author of a bestseller, won four Stalin Prizes and the right to edit the Bible

Kerry Greenwood: biography, literary activity

Kerry Greenwood: biography, literary activity

Kerry Greenwood's name is well known to lovers of quality literature from all over the globe. For many years, the writer has been pleasing loyal fans not only with wonderful works about the life, life and destinies of the adult population of Australia, but also skillfully creates wonderful children's works filled with kindness and fairy-tale magic

George Gordon Byron's poem "Manfred". History of creation, summary, analysis

George Gordon Byron's poem "Manfred". History of creation, summary, analysis

"No, I'm not Byron, I'm different…", - wrote the no less famous and no less talented poet, our compatriot Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. And what is he, this mysterious Byron? What did he write, and about what? Will his works be understandable and relevant now, when completely different tendencies are observed in literature, different from the romantic trend of the first half of the nineteenth century? Let's try to answer this question by analyzing one of the most famous works of George Byron

Maria Bykova. Modern language about ancient magic

Maria Bykova. Modern language about ancient magic

It just so happened that it is not customary to praise modern Russian literature. But among contemporary writers there are many talented people. So, maybe it's time to put aside your arrogance towards the writers of our days and set aside a place in your library for the works of contemporaries?

Lion Feuchtwanger, "Goya, or the Hard Path of Knowledge": the wanderings of talent in an era of impending progress

Lion Feuchtwanger, "Goya, or the Hard Path of Knowledge": the wanderings of talent in an era of impending progress

The book, which will be discussed below, tells about the life and work of one of the most innovative artists of his time - Francisco de Goya. Should I fight with violent passion or surrender to it with all my might? And all this under the conditions of the Inquisition, unbalanced European kings and majestic generals

Sayings of Pythagoras: important topics, famous quotes and aphorisms

Sayings of Pythagoras: important topics, famous quotes and aphorisms

Pythagoras - one of the famous ancient Greek scientists and philosophers, made a great contribution to the creation and development of mathematics as a science. He founded a special school of Pythagoreans. The statements of Pythagoras have become popular expressions, they reflect his life and philosophical views

Ostrovsky, "Guilty Without Guilt": a summary, analysis of the work and the main idea of the play

Ostrovsky, "Guilty Without Guilt": a summary, analysis of the work and the main idea of the play

A summary of Ostrovsky's "Guilty Without Guilt" will allow you to find out the main events of this play without even reading it in its entirety. It was completed in 1883, becoming a classic melodrama. In this article we will give the plot of the work, talk about its characters, the main idea

Svante Svanteson and Carlson: a little about fairy tale characters

Svante Svanteson and Carlson: a little about fairy tale characters

Astrid Lindgren is the author of a book on which several generations have grown up. The modest Kid, the noisy and kind Carlson, the mischievous Miss Bok are characters familiar from childhood. Let's remember the cute tricks of baby Svante and "men in the prime of life" named Carlson

Erich Maria Remarque, "Spark of Life": reviews and summary

Erich Maria Remarque, "Spark of Life": reviews and summary

With the novel by Erich Maria Remarque "The Spark of Life" readers first met in January 1952. This edition was not released in Germany, which was the birthplace of the writer, but in America. That is why the first edition of Remarque's book "The Spark of Life" was published in English

Biography and books of the writer Morua

Biography and books of the writer Morua

Famous novelist André Maurois is recognized as an unsurpassed author of biographies. But the literary activity of the French writer is very rich and versatile. He has written biographical and psychological novels, love stories and travel essays, philosophical essays and fantasy stories

Kazakh literature: past and present

Kazakh literature: past and present

Can you name the three most popular writers of Kazakhstan? What about classic books? Today, Kazakh literature largely remains terra incognita for the Russian reader. However, acquaintance with classical and modern works of Kazakh authors can be the beginning of a great literary attachment

Answering the question: "How do I write book reviews?"

Answering the question: "How do I write book reviews?"

This article will tell you how to write a review about a product. So, let's start with … acting. Formally, you have a blank sheet in front of you (a clean “Word”), and you think: “Where to start?” And figuratively, you open the door for your reader, and on the threshold with you, who do you think? Author and work. Thus, your initial mission is determined - the implementation of acquaintance

Friedrich Engels "Dialectics of Nature": summary and analysis of the work

Friedrich Engels "Dialectics of Nature": summary and analysis of the work

The late period of the scientific activity of Friedrich Engels is marked by his appeal to natural sciences. This science is the progenitor of many other disciplines about nature. It is considered to be the basis on which not a single dozen sciences have developed. This article will discuss the work of Friedrich Engels "Dialectics of Nature", which the author did not have time to complete

Characteristics of Chichikov: serf merchant

Characteristics of Chichikov: serf merchant

And then one day Chichikov was struck by some brilliant idea that promised a quick and sure enrichment. “I am looking for mittens everywhere, but they are behind my belt,” Chichikov said and set about developing his future operation to acquire dead souls

Gregory David Roberts, novel "Shantaram": summary, main character

Gregory David Roberts, novel "Shantaram": summary, main character

Have you read "Shantaram" yet, reviews of which are the most positive? Perhaps, after getting acquainted with the summary of the work, you will want to do this. A description of the famous creation of Gregory David Roberts and its plot are presented in this article

Psychological characteristics of Pechorin

Psychological characteristics of Pechorin

Lermontov in his novel "A Hero of Our Time" created the image of a contemporary person with all his inherent weaknesses and shortcomings, which is not alien to readers of the 21st century. This article contains a characteristic of Pechorin

What is a myth, its differences among different peoples of the world

What is a myth, its differences among different peoples of the world

The concept of myth is revealed, its definition, what features it has in different peoples, the basic principle, the features of Scandinavian and Slavic mythology are mentioned

How to properly design an envelope?

How to properly design an envelope?

In business correspondence, the design of the envelope performs a representative function, thereby creating the image of the company. Large firms and companies that care about their reputation most often order the design of a postal envelope with a logo in a printing house