Literature 2024, October

Flavius Josephus: biography, personal life, photo

Flavius Josephus: biography, personal life, photo

Joseph Flavius is a landmark writer and military leader in antiquity. As a Jew, he went over to the side of the Roman Empire, after which he composed famous historical works

The hidden meaning of The Master and Margarita

The hidden meaning of The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita is a novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. The type of the novel is difficult to unambiguously determine, since the work is multi-layered and contains many elements of such genres as satire, farce, fantasy, mysticism, melodrama, parable, novel-myth. Many theatrical productions and several films have been made on its plot

S altykov-Shchedrin "The Wise Gudgeon". Summary

S altykov-Shchedrin "The Wise Gudgeon". Summary

S altykov-Shchedrin is one of the brightest representatives of the galaxy of writers of the golden era of Russian literature. He devoted his whole life to opening the eyes of the people to the lawlessness and disorder happening in the country with his satirical works

Writer Yuri Nikitin: biography, photos, reviews

Writer Yuri Nikitin: biography, photos, reviews

Yuri Nikitin (b. 1939) is a Russian science fiction writer, also known to his admirers under the pseudonym Gai Yuli Orlovsky. Yuri Nikitin has more than 60 published books

Zoya Boguslavskaya: biography and photos

Zoya Boguslavskaya: biography and photos

Boguslavskaya Zoya Borisovna, whose biography is described in this article, is a famous playwright and prose writer. She is the author of many cultural projects both in our country and abroad

Igor Svinarenko: biography, activities, books

Igor Svinarenko: biography, activities, books

Igor Svinarenko is mainly known as a journalist, but he is such a talented and versatile person that a whole book is not enough to tell about all the talents of a man. The article will describe: biography, social activities and his books

Nekrasov Andrei: the literary father of Captain Vrungel

Nekrasov Andrei: the literary father of Captain Vrungel

Andrey Nekrasov is a writer, essayist, prose writer, better known to the reader as the author of the adventures of the famous Captain Vrungel and his faithful assistants Fuchs and Lom. This book, published in 1937 and brought popularity to its author, has been translated into many languages and reprinted several times

"Tersk Front": Boris Gromov, his work

"Tersk Front": Boris Gromov, his work

The idea to write "Terek Front" came to the author while escorting a column in Chechnya. The idea came out of nowhere. This is a story about a shell-shocked ensign from the riot police who got into the future. The action of the novel takes place in the mountains of the Caucasus, the geography of which Boris Gromov knows well

Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha

Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha

In 1997, the book "Memoirs of a Geisha" was published. The circulation was four million copies. The author of the book - Arthur Golden - instantly became famous all over the world. The book was loved by millions of readers, but the woman, whose biography the author referred to when creating the image of the main character, the work caused an uproar. Who served as the prototype for the character of the famous novel? What caused this man's anger? Arthur Golden's book "Memoirs of a Geisha" - the topic of the article

The meaning of the phraseological unit "the sky seemed like a sheepskin", its origin

The meaning of the phraseological unit "the sky seemed like a sheepskin", its origin

In this article you will learn how the expression "the sky seemed like a sheepskin" was formed and what it means. Also here are synonyms of phraseological unit

The meaning of phraseologism "you can't cheat on chaff". Its origin

The meaning of phraseologism "you can't cheat on chaff". Its origin

This article discusses the idiom "you can't cheat on chaff". The interpretation and etymology of the expression

The meaning of the phraseologism "through the stump of the deck", its origin

The meaning of the phraseologism "through the stump of the deck", its origin

The article discusses the expression "through the stump of the deck." The meaning of phraseologism and its origin are given

Robert Martin: the story of the ideal programmer

Robert Martin: the story of the ideal programmer

Robert Martin's The Perfect Programmer, written in the late 1990s, is still a staple for learning how to work in the field, and a great way to mentally prepare a novice for the long and thorny path of being a software engineer

The best fairy tale for children

The best fairy tale for children

Raising a child is a serious, unpredictable and lifelong matter. Every parent wants to not be ashamed of a grown son or daughter. Fairy tales play an important role in this. The best fairy tale is the one that both parents and children like

Juna Barnes: biography, years of life, creativity

Juna Barnes: biography, years of life, creativity

American modernist writer D. Bruns openly discussed and raised issues of same-sex love, a topic that shocked the public at the beginning of the 20th century. Juna attracted attention not only with her bold statements, but also with her appearance - a men's felt hat, a blouse with black polka dots, a black blazer, a caustic smile became her signature style

Ippolit Kuragin: the image and characteristics of personality

Ippolit Kuragin: the image and characteristics of personality

Ippolit Kuragin (one of the heroes of the novel "War and Peace") is the middle son of Prince Vasily, a minor hero of the epic, whom the author rarely shows us on the pages of the work. He appears for a more or less long time at the very beginning of the novel, and then occasionally flashes on its pages

How to describe a person?

How to describe a person?

Everyone should be able to write a description of a person. At first it may seem complicated, but it must be understood that if desired, it is available to everyone. Let's look at the description of a little girl, as well as A. G. Rubinstein, compiled from his portrait

Charles Louis Montesquieu, "On the Spirit of the Laws": summary and reviews

Charles Louis Montesquieu, "On the Spirit of the Laws": summary and reviews

Treatise by the French philosopher Charles de Montesquieu "On the Spirit of Laws" is one of the most famous works of the author. He was a supporter of a naturalistic approach to the study of the world and society, reflecting his ideas in this work. He also became famous for developing the doctrine of the separation of powers. In this article, we will dwell on his most famous treatise in detail, and give a summary of it

Giant - this is not just a big object, but incredibly huge

Giant - this is not just a big object, but incredibly huge

Colossal, large, immense… In this series of adjectives, the word "gigantic" also occupies a worthy place. All these definitions are synonymous, describing some animate or inanimate object of a very large size

Tissaia de Vries ("The Witcher" by Andrzej Sapkowski): character description

Tissaia de Vries ("The Witcher" by Andrzej Sapkowski): character description

There are fantasy books in every country today. True, not all of them manage to achieve popularity outside their homeland. However, the Polish fantasy cycle "The Witcher" by Andrzej Sapkowski (Saga o wiedźminie) was a happy exception

"A golden cloud spent the night", Pristavkin. Analysis of the story "A golden cloud spent the night"

"A golden cloud spent the night", Pristavkin. Analysis of the story "A golden cloud spent the night"

Anatoly Ignatievich Pristavkin is a representative of the generation of "children of war". The writer grew up in conditions in which it was easier to die than to survive. This bitter childhood memory gave rise to a number of painfully truthful works describing poverty, vagrancy, hunger and the early maturation of children and adolescents of that cruel time

"Imitation of the Quran", Pushkin: analysis. Poem "Imitation of the Quran"

"Imitation of the Quran", Pushkin: analysis. Poem "Imitation of the Quran"

The poem "Imitation of the Koran" is considered by many to be one of the most controversial works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The poet's reasoning touches on the most painful topic - religious

"Hero of our time": essay-reasoning. The novel "A Hero of Our Time", Lermontov

"Hero of our time": essay-reasoning. The novel "A Hero of Our Time", Lermontov

A Hero of Our Time was the first prose novel written in the style of socio-psychological realism. The moral and philosophical work contained, in addition to the story of the protagonist, also a vivid and harmonious description of the life of Russia in the 30s of the XIX century

Characteristic and image of Peter 1 in the poem "The Bronze Horseman"

Characteristic and image of Peter 1 in the poem "The Bronze Horseman"

The Bronze Horseman is perhaps Pushkin's most controversial work, permeated with deep symbolism. Historians, literary critics and ordinary readers have been arguing for centuries, breaking spears, creating and overthrowing theories about what, in fact, the poet wanted to say. The image of Peter 1 in the poem "The Bronze Horseman" causes particular controversy

Portrait of Stolz. The image of Stolz in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"

Portrait of Stolz. The image of Stolz in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"

Every person is responsible for his life and destiny - this is how you can formulate the main idea of this literary work. One of the main characters, designed to bring the reader to an understanding of the idea of the novel, is the image of Stolz. He "sets off" the image of the protagonist of Oblomov's story in his tireless struggle for his salvation

The best works of Tolstoy for children. Leo Tolstoy: stories for children

The best works of Tolstoy for children. Leo Tolstoy: stories for children

Leo Tolstoy is the author of works not only for adults, but also for children. Young readers like stories, there were fables, fairy tales of the famous prose writer. Tolstoy's works for children teach love, kindness, courage, justice, resourcefulness

Jokes are Small genres of folklore

Jokes are Small genres of folklore

Children's folklore is a separate system of oral folk art with its inherent genre components - cradles, teasers, jokes. Everyone knows about the existence of the latter, even people who are absolutely far from studying texts or raising children

Anna Orlova: the work of the writer

Anna Orlova: the work of the writer

Anna Orlova is a modern Russian writer who writes her works in the science fiction and fantasy genre. Anna fell in love with readers for the simplicity of her style, unusual storylines, and interesting characters

Fantastic worlds by Larry Niven

Fantastic worlds by Larry Niven

A thrilling story about life on a huge hoop that revolves around another sun, two-headed humanoids, sorcerers living in eggs with 12 moons, a retired spaceship pilot - all this can be found in the amazing science fiction works of Larry Niven

Russian writer Khait Arkady: biography

Russian writer Khait Arkady: biography

Arkady Khait is the screenwriter of the cartoons about Leopold the Cat and “Well, you wait!”, beloved by several generations, the author of funny humoresques for the satirical newsreel “Wick” and the children's magazine “Yeralash”, the creator of serious works about the difficult life of the Jewish people - “The Enchanted Theatre”, “My Kosher Lady”, “Nationality? Yes!”, People's Artist of the Russian Federation

Paustovsky, "Squeaky floorboards": a summary

Paustovsky, "Squeaky floorboards": a summary

Composer Tchaikovsky creates, secluded in a manor surrounded by forest. The forester Vasily brings bad news. The visiting merchant Troshchenko, the new owner of the lands "profaned" by the landowner, decided: the forest is under the ax

Subbotin Nikolai: we need to get out of the matrix of imposed ideas

Subbotin Nikolai: we need to get out of the matrix of imposed ideas

There are people among us - restless seekers of secrets. They stubbornly believe that someday the riddles will be clarified and become the property of science. I am convinced of this and Subbotin Nikolai Valerievich. He has been studying unknown phenomena since his early youth

Bashkir writers and their contribution to the culture of the country

Bashkir writers and their contribution to the culture of the country

The lands of Bashkortostan are capable of hitting any person who is here for the first time. Probably because the Ural mountains and steppes create an amazing contrast. In addition, the Bashkir people have always been famous for their wisdom

Razil Valeev: biography, creativity, social activities

Razil Valeev: biography, creativity, social activities

Razil Valeev is a famous public figure, politician, poet, writer and playwright. He is a laureate of international and national awards, a defender and supporter of the study of his native language. Valeev made a great contribution to the development of the art of the Republic of Tatarstan

A fairy tale about a fairy. Fairy tale about a little fairy

A fairy tale about a fairy. Fairy tale about a little fairy

Once upon a time there was Marina. She was a mischievous, naughty girl. And she was often naughty, did not want to go to kindergarten and help clean up the house

Russian poet Apollon Grigoriev: biography, creativity

Russian poet Apollon Grigoriev: biography, creativity

The 19th century is not without reason called the golden age of Russian poetry. At this time, many great word artists worked, among which was Apollon Grigoriev. His biography, set out in this article, will give you a general idea of this talented person

Raevsky's battery: history

Raevsky's battery: history

The battle for Raevsky's battery has gone down in history. It is described in literary works and captured in paintings. What exactly happened there?

Leenor Goralik: biography and creativity

Leenor Goralik: biography and creativity

The emotional and intense works of Linor Goralik are vivid and convincing pictures of a person's spiritual life. The heroes of her novels are in the grip of all-consuming feelings, recognizable against the background of everyday realities

Demyan Poor: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Demyan Poor: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

The biography of Demyan Bedny is of great importance in the history of Russian literature. This is a well-known Soviet writer and poet, public figure, publicist. The heyday of his work fell on the first years of the existence of Soviet power. In this article we will talk about his fate, creativity and personal life

"The very first encyclopedia" ("Rosman") - a book that deserves to be the first

"The very first encyclopedia" ("Rosman") - a book that deserves to be the first

Not all children like to read, especially when it comes to independent reading: some are lazy, others are just bored alone with a book. So maybe your child has just never met one that you would like to read from cover to cover, interest in which would defeat laziness? Have you tried offering your child an encyclopedia?