The best fairy tale for children

The best fairy tale for children
The best fairy tale for children

Raising a child is a serious, unpredictable and lifelong matter. Every parent wants to not be ashamed of a grown son or daughter. Fairy tales play an important role in this. The best fairy tale is the one that both parents and children like.

The best fairy tale
The best fairy tale

Wonderful Stories

A fairy tale is a story invented by someone. It is based on a miracle and ends with the victory of good over villains. Wonderful adventures and transformations delight the little man. The fairy tale introduces the kid to good and evil characters, introduces them to the wonderful world of wizards, makes them empathize and believe in a miracle.

The moral potential of a fairy tale

Fairy tales are considered one of the ancient works of any nation. They are fraught with folk wisdom. After all, it was not for nothing that our ancestors passed them from mouth to mouth for centuries and millennia. Grandmothers told them to their grandchildren, who, growing up, retold them to new generations. Sometimes in fairy tales there are discrepancies. This is due to the fact that each generation added something different to them. But the essence was not affected, folk wisdom remained unchanged.

The best fairy tale movies
The best fairy tale movies

Parents really want to teach their child the wisdom of life, but often they do not have enough experience. The best fairy tale will teach both parents and children. After all, even philosophical topics are revealed in it in a language that is accessible even for a child. For all folk tales, a single system of values is inherent: honesty, kindness and moral perfection belong to them. For the smallest, the tale will show the ugliness of boasting and greed, envy and arrogance. She will tell you how to deal with negative qualities in yourself and form self-confidence. At the same time, imagination (creativity, in modern terms) develops and vocabulary increases.

Russian folk tales

The Russian people have created fairy tales that become more and more priceless with the years. The best Russian fairy tales tell about the adventures of real and fictional heroes, reveal to the child the age-old wisdom of the people in a fascinating and accessible form. Toddlers love animals. Fairy-tale characters are animals loved by children, endowed with human qualities. They can talk, they play and make friends, quarrel and come to the rescue. Some of them are cunning and envious, others are kind and sympathetic.

There are many wonderful things around the heroes. The best fairy tale if it describes rivers, then they are milky with jelly banks. If a tablecloth appears, then it is sure to be self-assembly. If the hero is presented with a ball, it acts as a navigator through a terrible fairy forest. Think about pretentious names: Far Far Away kingdom, Lukomorye, cityIzumrudny, Buyan Island, Thirtieth State. And the search for that, I don’t know what. And right there, I don't know where. Reading a fairy tale emotionally, with significant passages highlighted in a voice, makes the child fantasize. The created verbal image of a fairy-tale hero takes on a real shape in the head and in the drawing of a small listener.

The best fairy tales for the little ones
The best fairy tales for the little ones

The best fairy tale contributes to the formation of personality, sets the child up for positive changes in himself and reality. One of the qualities that is significant for a person - collectivism - is characterized in such Russian fairy tales as "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "The Turnip". With the support of like-minded people, you can overcome insurmountable obstacles. Without kindness, courage and diligence, one cannot get out of an unpleasant situation in such fairy tales as "Masha and the Bear", "Morozko".

Fairy tales for the little ones

The choice of a fairy tale for a child largely depends on his age. The best fairy tales for the little ones are short stories or poems. These include "Teremok", "Kurochka Ryaba", "Gingerbread Man". It's great if they are printed on thick cardboard sheets and colorfully illustrated. Sometimes a child does not want to listen to a fairy tale. It's OK! Let him flip through the pages, look at the pictures. The first interest will lead to reading a book. Little children quickly memorize the content of the tale and begin to tell it on their own. Often they add or correct its content. This is wonderful - the child is not a passive contemplator, he grows up as an active transformer of reality.

The best fairy tales for children
The best fairy tales for children

Tales on the TV screen

Modern children want not only to hear, but also to see what is happening in a fairy tale on the screen. The best fairy tale films were shot by the talented director Alexander Arturovich Rowe. The first such magical stories date back to the pre-war period: "By the Pike" in 1938, "Vasilisa the Beautiful" in 1939, "Konyok-Gobunok" in 1941. Rowe made his last film in 1975 with Finist the Bright Falcon. In total, he filmed 14 fairy tales. Modern children love to watch these fairy tale films. Rowe used special effects: winter turned into summer, the real Serpent Gorynych flew and talked. At the international level, the fairy tale "Morozko" (1965) became universally recognized.

The best fairy tale book
The best fairy tale book

A screen adaptation of the fairy tales "Twelve Months", "The Scarlet Flower", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "Fedorino's Woe" and many others helps to entertain children with not stupid pastime. Following the actions of the main characters of fairy tales, the child gets an impetus to self-esteem. He is becoming a personality.

Modern Cartoon Fairy Tales

Modern cinema offers the best new fairy tale films. The Russian cartoon "Masha and the Bear" fascinates even very young children up to a year old. The adventures of a restless little girl, her friendship with the Bear does not leave indifferent even older children. Even adults are looking forward to the release of the new series. Let Masha not always manage to be a role model, but her actions are quite understandable - she explores the world. She istries to overcome her greed and distributes gifts to the animals, she tries to cook jam for the Bear and heals him. And the fact that they don’t want to play with her in the yard is not a problem. As soon as Masha is needed, she comes to the rescue and solves their problems: she creates carnival costumes for them, saves them from under the train.

Children's books

Writers and poets have been trying to write fairy tales for children for a long time. After meeting such wonderful authors of children's works as Agniya Barto, Korney Chukovsky or Alexander Pushkin, the child has the best book of fairy tales. For each child, it will be individual. For some, it will be "Humpbacked Horse", and someone will read a collection of works by Chukovsky or Mikhalkov. Favorite "Uncle Styopa" or "Moydodyr" will remain on the bookshelf for a long time. Animal lovers will love Bianchi's books about the adventures of a mouse or an ant. Older children are fond of the adventures of the heroes of the Stone Flower or the Blue Snake. Zakhoder's collection of poems will become a reference book for many boys and girls.

The best Russian fairy tales
The best Russian fairy tales

Why read fairy tales

Some parents don't want to read fairy tales to their children. They explain this by the fact that the child must get acquainted with reality. Therefore, it is not necessary to fill the head of a growing person with inventions, even if they have been proven for centuries. Such children, not familiar with miracles, invent miracles themselves. After all, the world presents the best fairy tales for children every day at every turn. For such a child, the mother and mother become the main If they can do what he can't, then they have superpowers. A kid who believes in the miraculous power of good becomes stronger and more confident.
