"The very first encyclopedia" ("Rosman") - a book that deserves to be the first

"The very first encyclopedia" ("Rosman") - a book that deserves to be the first
"The very first encyclopedia" ("Rosman") - a book that deserves to be the first

"How good it is to be able to read!" - this is how one of the children's poems by Valentin Berestov begins. Indeed, reading for children is not only fascinating and interesting, but also one of the most useful activities. Reading develops the child's intelligence, his imagination, the ability to think and speak, increases vocabulary and trains memory.

How to get your child to love reading?

Unfortunately, not all children like to read, especially when it comes to independent reading: some are lazy, because this is an occupation for kids who have just mastered reading and writing, it seems to be a huge effort; others are simply bored alone with a book. So maybe your child has just never met one that he would not want to let go of, which he would like to read from cover to cover and in which laziness would win interest?

But the choice of the right book directly depends on the parents. What you offer the child, so he will be satisfied. Well, or dissatisfied - it's as lucky … Do not want to hope for good luck?Then approach this issue responsibly: buy books according to the age of the baby, take into account his inclinations and interests (yes, even the smallest ones have them), pay attention to the appearance of the book (cover, illustrations, font).

Does the child like to read?
Does the child like to read?

Useful Series

The series of books "The very first encyclopedia" from "Rosman" meets all these requirements. Firstly, this is educational literature, which means that such reading will be useful not only in itself - the child will expand his horizons, learn something new about the world around him. This is especially true in preschool age - the so-called age of why children. At this time, curiosity awakens in children, a thirst for new knowledge is activated in them, and they constantly bombard everyone with their questions, sometimes naive, and sometimes difficult even for the most educated person.

Give the key to the answers to them in the hands of the child himself, let him find the key to the exciting topic - just buy your child his very first encyclopedia "Rosmen".

For every taste and color

"The very first encyclopedia" from "Rosmen" is not one book, but a whole series, which includes more than thirty different children's reference books. So there is something to choose for each child. Active children will like the sports encyclopedia - there is information about various sports, games, sports, the great masters of this business. Nature lovers will appreciate the parts of the series dedicated to plants and animals. Little dreamerspart with "The very first encyclopedia" from "Rosmen" about space.

Such a variety of books allows you to give your child versatile knowledge about the world. Collect the entire collection of the series.

Book collection
Book collection

"The very first encyclopedia" from "Rosman" deserves to be the first

Everything, even the most complex things, is described in the book in a very simple, accessible language. Each of the encyclopedias was created by authors specializing specifically in children's literature, and therefore all the features of a child's perception of information were taken into account.

Thought in the publishing house "Rosmen" and the quality of the paper - it is smooth, so that the child will be pleased to turn the pages. The font is also adapted for reading by children - quite large.

Each of the books in the "The Very First Encyclopedia" series is very colorful - the illustrations reflect the content of what is written, so it will be interesting for the little reader to follow how the artist presented the contents of the guide and think of something on their own. The cover of encyclopedias is hard, also very bright, so the books will become attractive to the child as soon as he sees one of them on the shelf.

book spread
book spread

A few words about the publishing house

Books of the publishing house "Rosmen" can be trusted. Since 2008, it has specialized in publishing children's literature and has been recognized as one of the best on the Russian market.
