The very first film in the world: history, photos

The very first film in the world: history, photos
The very first film in the world: history, photos

Almost everyone in the world prefers to spend their free time relaxing watching movies. However, how often have you had to think about what is the very first film in the world? The history of the creation of cinema goes back to the distant years of the end of the 19th century. Then the cinema was just beginning to emerge, and paper films appeared.

What is the name of the very first film in the world

Perhaps many people have heard of such famous personalities as the Lumiere brothers, but not everyone knows that it was they who created the world's first film.

The Lumiere Brothers
The Lumiere Brothers

It was a short film called "Arrival of a train at La Ciotat". The question immediately arises in what year the very first film in the world was filmed. This event took place in 1895. Auguste Louis Marie Nicolas and Louis Jean Lumiere made a huge breakthrough in the world of cinema. Their picture lasted only 49 seconds. The plot of the film was the simplest: it showed the movement of the train and the people who walked alongside. However, viewersthey were so shocked that some were even afraid that the train would run over them.

Unofficial version of the making of the first movie

Despite the fact that it is officially believed that the first film was created by the Lumiere brothers, the first motion picture appeared already in 1888. Its creator was the French director Louis Leprince. The duration of the picture is only 2 seconds.

First sound film

With the advent of the very first silent films in the world, directors began to think about how to bring sounds to life in a film. Very often, the screening of a film in a cinema was accompanied by playing the piano or other musical instruments. The first director to make a sound film was Alan Crosland, who made The Jazz Singer.

jazz singer
jazz singer

This painting was exhibited in 1927. It was recorded by George Groves, who released several sound films before The Jazz Singer, but they did not contain dialogue and songs. This feature film tells the story of a singer who, contrary to the religious laws of his family, decided to devote his life to music. He is expelled from his home, but thanks to his perseverance and talent, in a few years he becomes a famous jazz singer. The lead actor was Al Jolson. Thanks to this picture, he received worldwide popularity and recognition. The film was a huge investment, but it turned a page in cinematic history and took a big step forward from silent to sound.

First color film

With the advent of cinema, its development was very fast, but the very first color film in the world was patented only in 1935. The creator of the film was the Armenian film director Ruben Mamulyan. He introduced the whole world to a motion picture called "Becky Sharp", which lasted about 1.5 hours.

Becky Sharp
Becky Sharp

The first attempts to create a color film were made by the Lumiere brothers, who made the very first film in the world. But they did not patent their invention, so Ruben Mamulyan's painting is officially considered the first color film. The first color films were strikingly different from modern motion pictures. They could use no more than 4 colors, and even such coloring cost a lot of money.

First feature film

The first full-length pictures did not appear immediately, but only in 1905. The very first feature film in the world was created by Charles Tate, a film director from Australia. His work was called "The History of the Ned Kelly Gang" and was a little over an hour long, but only a 10-minute part of it has survived to this day.

History of the Ned Kelly Gang
History of the Ned Kelly Gang

This movie was about a man named Ned Kelly who was a robbery and thief. Such a person really lived in Australia, he was executed for robbery and murder long before the film. However, not all Australians considered Ned Kelly a bad person. A lot of Australians considered himhero and stand up for him. Charles Treit decided to show the story of his life in his film.

The world's first animated film

In parallel with the advent of cinema in the world, the birth and development of animation also took place. An interesting fact is that the first movie appeared in the world before the cartoon. The creation of the first animated film in the world is still a controversial issue, but most opinions agree that the creator of the very first cartoon was the artist Stuart Blackton. His creation was called "Humorous Phases of Funny Faces" and was first presented to the public in France in 1906.

Humorous funny faces
Humorous funny faces

The audience accepted the picture with great enthusiasm. The plot of the cartoon is quite simple: characters and funny faces are depicted on a blackboard with chalk, which appear as if by themselves.

First animated movie

After the success that the cartoon brought him, Blackton decides to move on. In 1907, he presents his new work on display - this is the very first film in the world with animation elements. This movie cannot be called a full-fledged one, since it has no sounds, and it is a short film. However, the audience was still shocked by the work of Stuart Blackton, since no one before him added special effects to films.

He called his movie "The Haunted Hotel". This name is due to the fact that the film contains scenes where inanimate objects move by themselves: tea itselfpoured into a cup, and slices of bread are cut by themselves with a knife and put on a plate. Returning to his room, the owner of the room is incredibly surprised - everything on the table is ready for dinner. After that, there is a scene where a towel runs away from him, and he tries to catch up with him.

All these tricks impressed the audience so much that they watched all Blackton's works with great pleasure and enthusiasm. For a long time, many directors and cameramen could not figure out how Blackton made objects move on their own.

Creating Indian Cinema

Indian cinema differs from all others in its films-musicals. Most Indian love pictures are accompanied by songs and dances of local beauties.

Indian films
Indian films

This has already become a feature of Indian cinema. The very first Indian film in the world was created in 1898 by director Hiralal Sen. It was a short film called "Flower of Persia". After that, already in 1913, the first full-length Indian film was shot. The painting was titled "Raja Harishchandra". It was a silent movie, and all the actors who played in the film were men. All female roles were also played by males.

The prosperity of Indian cinema began in the 20th century. At this time, cinemas appeared almost all over India. Tickets for the session were inexpensive, and therefore almost everyone could afford such entertainment. For those who wanted extra amenities, tickets were more expensive. Indian directors very oftenlistened to the people who asked to add more scenes from the everyday life of ordinary people to the film.

The emergence of cinema in Russia

The creation of cinematography in Russia dates back to the end of the 19th century. In 1896, Camille Cerf, who worked as a cameraman for the Lumiere brothers, visited the Russian Empire. He came to Russia specifically to capture on film the coronation of Nicholas II. Previously, he received permission to make a report. This movie is about 100 seconds long and consists of six successive frames. They depict the solemn procession that took place during the coronation of the emperor.

Coronation of Nicholas II
Coronation of Nicholas II

It is believed that during the coronation, Camille Cerf made the world's first film reportage. Thanks to his arrival, the residents of Moscow attended the film show for the first time. The films were screened for about 5 days at the Hermitage Garden Theatre. The very first cinema in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg. The first films made by a Russian film director also appeared in 1896, but a little later than the film report about Nicholas II. Their author was Vladimir Sashin, who played in the theater and was also fond of photography. His first works were devoted to Moscow and the everyday life of the townspeople, as well as the theater and the events that take place behind the scenes. However, not a single film made by Vladimir Sashin has survived to our time.

The next Russian director who started making films is Alfred Fedetsky. Before the advent of cinema in Russia, he was engaged inphotography and his work became famous not only in our country, but also abroad. Fedetsky made his first film not from 25 frames, like all other films shot at that time, but from 120. It is also the first director who invited journalists and other press workers to show his film. Alfred Fedetsky not only presented his creation to them, but also showed them the workshop where all the work with films took place.
