Portrait of Stolz. The image of Stolz in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"

Portrait of Stolz. The image of Stolz in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"
Portrait of Stolz. The image of Stolz in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"

The novel Oblomov, brilliant for its time, published by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov in 1859, still makes us think about the moral, social, philosophical issues of life. Each person is responsible for his life and destiny - this is how the main idea of this literary work can be formulated. One of the main characters, designed to bring the reader to an understanding of the idea of the novel, is the image of Stolz. He "sets off" the image of the protagonist of Oblomov's story in his tireless struggle for his salvation. At the same time, the author endows Stolz with living features of a human personality, which allows you to look deeper into his soul and understand the motives of his actions.

Portrait of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov"
Portrait of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov"

Appearance of Andrey Ivanovich Stolz

From the first appearance on the pages of a great work, the reader can quite accurately "outline" the portrait of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov". This character is decisively the opposite of Oblomov in everything. He is activemobile, devoid of bouts of depression and blues.

Stoltz appears before the reader in part 2 of the work (third chapter). After a long absence, our character visited Oblomov and found his friend lying on the couch. Andrei without hesitation showed active participation in the position of Ilya Ilyich, trying to shake off the blues that had overcome his friend.


Every action has a motive. The behavior of Andrei Ivanovich follows from his characteristics given by the author of the work. The image of Stolz was briefly described by Gocharov himself: “The leading role in life belongs to the“new force”- the energetic businessman Stolz. He wins, he is the future.”

What makes Andrei try to save Oblomov? First of all, love and affection for your friend. He sincerely, caringly interested in his he alth. Realizing that staying on the couch is not due to physical, but due to spiritual weakness, he considers it necessary to change the way of life of Ilya Ilyich. He acts according to his beliefs about how a person's life should be - this is the true portrait of Stolz.

Oblomov characteristic of Oblomov and Stolz
Oblomov characteristic of Oblomov and Stolz

Childhood Friends

Based on the story, the characters have been friends since childhood. Andrei is used to behaving with Ilya like a senior with a junior. Stolz remembers that in his youth, Oblomov, throwing off his sleepy veil, was no stranger to poetry, so he hopes for the success of his "educational" influence. At first, one gets the impression that Andrei's tireless nature takes precedence over Oblomov's passivity. In fact, Andrei Ivanovich,thanks to his seething energy, outwardly he managed to move his friend from his place, but internally it was still the same Oblomov.

The image of Stolz in the novel
The image of Stolz in the novel

Characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz

Both comrades, although they were friends from childhood, they were completely different in character and attitude to life. Stolz liked to "rotate" in society, make contacts, he was a business man. Oblomov was a homebody, he liked to be alone and do "self-digging".

The portrait of Stolz and the portrait of Oblomov were so different from each other that the author could not avoid the topic of the interpersonal conflict of the main characters. Once Ilya Ilyich "revolted" against the role imposed by Stolz, this was the beginning of a psychological confrontation between friends. What was Andrei Stoltz thinking about during the famous conversation with Oblomov, what is his inner monologue? Did he internally agree with his friend when he delivered an emotional tirade about the emptiness and vanity of social life?

Hurry, yes. He does not interrupt Oblomov and objects to him rather languidly, which slightly violates the usual image of Stolz in the novel: "It's all old - it's been talked about a thousand times." He even asks Ilya to continue developing his thought and awards him the title of philosopher. Inviting Oblomov to draw an ideal way of life, Stolz pushes him to confession, citing examples of the wonderful deeds of his youth. Thus, he wants to make Ilya come to the idea of the need to change his life.

The image of Andrei Stolz is characterized by his incredible determination. Touched by Oblomov's confession,he is even more convinced of the need for his help and exclaims: "I will not leave you." And only when Ilya Ilyich began to draw new obstacles in the path of action, Stolz realized that he needed to act decisively and firmly. "Now or never" was his ultimatum.

The image of Andrei Stolz
The image of Andrei Stolz

Olga and Oblomov's attitude to love

Having gone abroad and leaving Oblomov in the care of Olga, Stolz does not think about the possibility of a romance between them. Much later, when Olga confesses to him her past love for Oblomov, Stolz will not attach importance to her first feeling. Why? No, this is not a wounded pride - this is not the portrait of Stolz - rather, an underestimation of the personality of Ilya Ilyich, an inability to catch the subtle, gentle, pure that is in his soul and can evoke a woman's reciprocal feeling.

In the fourth part of the novel, the protagonist "fell into a dream" in Pshenitsyna's house, eventually becoming her husband. Time seemed to turn back, as if returning Ilya Ilyich to his native Oblomovka. Stolz is still not indifferent to the fate of Oblomov. Arriving in the city, a friend visited Ilya.

What did Andrey feel during the meeting with his friend? He talks to Ilya, rather, like a wise teacher with a negligent student. His thoughts are occupied with Olga, but, of course, he does not confess to Oblomov his feelings for her. Nevertheless, he is the first to talk about Olga, because he wants to talk about this girl. He understands that Oblomov, carried away by Olga, could not follow Stolz and come to Paris, and he excuses him.

Image of Stolz
Image of Stolz

Save a friend

The portrait of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" is endowed with the features of a strong personality, setting difficult tasks and striving to fulfill them. Waking up Oblomov at least for some activity is his task, so he scares his friend with terrible diseases that will certainly come if he does not change his habits. But it doesn't help. In addition, his self-esteem spurs him to act more and more energetically: after all, he promised Olga to save Oblomov. How can he not comply with her request!

When Andrey realized that due to his negligence Ilya was also robbed, he, a man of the business world who knows how to count money, is extremely outraged. He is excited. This is evidenced by his plasticity: "… threw up his hands at this story." Then he turns to his comrade in an orderly tone and "almost by force" takes Oblomov to his place in order to settle everything. Emotionally, the scene is built by the author on the rise. An inexperienced reader has the right to hope that now Ilya will obey his friend, go to the village, and everything will work out well. But Goncharov, true to the truth of his characters, leads his heroes in a different way. The purposeful and strong image of Stolz could not change the weak and weak-willed image of Oblomov.

Stolz's practicality defines the foundations of his worldview. The hero of the novel is portrayed as a sober realist, in whose soul "there was no room for a dream, a mysterious, mysterious one." Things beyond his awareness were, in his eyes, a kind of optical illusion. Perhaps a total misunderstanding of the character and thoughts of a friend prevented Andrei from “becoming a messiah.”

Portrait of Stolz
Portrait of Stolz

Disabled Oblomov

The characterization of Oblomov and Stolz is especially pronounced towards the end of the story. Without waiting for Oblomov in the village, Stolz again visits a friend. He is amazed not only by the appearance of Ilya Ilyich, but also by the environment that surrounds him. Almost immediately it comes to Olga. Knowing people and having sufficient life experience, Andrei is excited and touched by how sincerely Ilya rejoices at the happiness of his friends. All the more he wants to tear this lazy man with a beautiful soul out of a gray, wretched environment. Andrei tries to disturb his soul, to evoke exciting memories of the past, but Oblomov decisively suppresses him: “No, Andrei, no, don’t remember, don’t move, for God’s sake!”

Then Stolz undertakes to captivate him with a description of those wonderful changes that have taken place in Oblomovka, as well as the opportunity to equip a new house according to his taste. But even this leaves Oblomov indifferent. Stolz is silent, discouraged, does not know how to proceed. Watching an intoxicated friend, he tries to understand why, with sufficient funds, Ilya is surrounded by such poverty. Finally, it seems to him that he is close to the solution, and then he begins to act. Using his will, knowledge and connections, Stolz again saves Oblomov from lack of money.

5 years later

After five years, Goncharov draws us the last and most dramatic meeting of friends. Of course, Stolz doubts that he can resurrect Oblomov. And yet he considers it his duty to pull him out of the "pit" into a more dignified and decent life. Supported by his wife, he intends to almost force Oblomov into a carriage and take him away. He was ready to meet Ilya's resistance, but was not ready to accept the news that his friend was married to Agafya Matveevna and had a son: “The abyss suddenly opened before him…”

Andrey Ivanovich knows nothing about what a deep and strong feeling lives in the chest of Pshenitsyna, a simple and undeveloped woman. He is silent for a long time, not answering Olga's persistent questions, deeply shocked by the loss of a friend.

The image of Stolz briefly
The image of Stolz briefly

What is the true image of Stolz?

Briefly answering the question of who Stolz is is not so simple. Despite the abundance of positive epithets, this person is not perfect. His excessive practicality made it difficult to see in Oblomov not just an apathetic, at times weak-willed and lazy friend, but a philosopher, a person with a fine mental organization, capable of loving and falling in love with himself. The author of the novel did not fail to emphasize the excessive dryness of Andrei Ivanovich. His activities were limited to personal well-being. However, he wanted to help Oblomov sincerely, without hidden implications.

The portrait of Stolz, according to the thinkers of that time, is close to ideal. To shake up the country, it was precisely such "stolts" that were required. Dobrolyubov noted that the country needs a type of such a public figure who would actively fight against Oblomovism in all areas of life.

Stolz - Goncharov's positive hero - is sharply opposed to Oblomov. Already the very social environment surrounding the future "merchant and tourist", the conditions and methods of his upbringing and education are fundamentally different from Oblomov's. Stolz notdreamer. First of all, he is a business man. But this, however, does not prevent him from striving "for a balance of practical aspects with high needs of the spirit."
