Literature 2024, October

Karel Capek: biography, creativity

Karel Capek: biography, creativity

When talking about Czech literature, the first thing that comes to mind is the name of an author like Karel Capek. Readers all over the world know his fantastic stories, philosophical and psychological works. Brief biography - the topic of the article

The book "Edges of Obsidian": a brief description, reviews

The book "Edges of Obsidian": a brief description, reviews

The Facets of Obsidian is a fantasy novel by Russian writer Natalia Kolesova. Readers who highly appreciated the book fell in love with it for its love lines and the entourage of werewolves. There were also those who did not like the book. Is it worth spending time on romance?

Baal HaSulam: biography, works, quotes

Baal HaSulam: biography, works, quotes

Yehuda Leib Alevi Ashlag, better known as Baal HaSulam, is considered one of the greatest enlighteners of Kabbalistic ideas of the last century. He received his second and more world-famous name, which stands for "Master of the Ladder", after the publication of his commentary "Sulam" (Ladder) on the book Zohar

Baroque literature - what is it? Stylistic features of baroque literature. Baroque literature in Russia: examples, writers

Baroque literature - what is it? Stylistic features of baroque literature. Baroque literature in Russia: examples, writers

Baroque is an artistic movement that developed in the early 17th century. Translated from Italian, the term means "bizarre", "strange". This direction touched different types of art and, above all, architecture. And what are the characteristics of baroque literature?

Claude Frollo, "Notre Dame Cathedral": image, characteristics, description

Claude Frollo, "Notre Dame Cathedral": image, characteristics, description

Claude Frollo is one of the central characters in Victor Hugo's famous novel Notre Dame Cathedral. In the image of a priest who is not able to fight temptation, but follows it, breaking the fates and lives of those around him, the author's condemnation is embodied. He confronts the main character of the novel, Esmeralda, and contrasts with his pupil, the unfortunate hunchback Quasimodo, who is capable of true love, unlike his teacher

Konstantin Aksakov: biography, activities and interesting facts

Konstantin Aksakov: biography, activities and interesting facts

He did not write, like Leo Tolstoy, Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgenev, epoch-making works, but he was a faithful and reliable friend to all of them. Konstantin Aksakov sensitively and deeply understood the literary process, was a well-known linguist, one of the most prominent specialists in the field of Russian history

American writer Robert Monroe: biography, creativity

American writer Robert Monroe: biography, creativity

American writer and creator of the OBE mental development (out-of-body travel) Robert Monroe is a pioneer in his field. In our article, we are going to introduce you to the personality of this outstanding writer, as well as briefly describe his work

"House of Night" - all books in order, the fate of the world saga

"House of Night" - all books in order, the fate of the world saga

Two famous writers - Phyllis Kast and her daughter Christine - in 2006 began work on the novel "House of Night". All the books in order form a series of 12 books. At the moment, the saga of the unusual girl Zoya is completed, and the authors set to work on new, no less exciting works

"Dry Bread" by A. Platonov: a summary, the main ideas of the work, the plot and the beauty of the language

"Dry Bread" by A. Platonov: a summary, the main ideas of the work, the plot and the beauty of the language

Platonov's language is called "clumsy", "primitive", "self-made". This writer had an original manner of writing. His works are replete with grammatical and lexical errors, but this is what makes the dialogues alive, real. The article will discuss the story "Dry Bread", reflecting the life of rural residents

Warrior ("Marvel"). James Rupert Rhodes

Warrior ("Marvel"). James Rupert Rhodes

Fans of the Marvel series will surely appreciate this article. Today we will talk about one of the heroes, and specifically about the Warrior. Who is this character, what is his role and how has he changed over time? Read all this below

Greek tragedy: definition of the genre, titles, authors, classical structure of the tragedy and the most famous works

Greek tragedy: definition of the genre, titles, authors, classical structure of the tragedy and the most famous works

Greek tragedy is one of the oldest examples of literature. The article highlights the history of the emergence of theater in Greece, the specifics of tragedy as a genre, the laws of construction of the work, and also lists the most famous authors and works

Marina Rybitskaya: the work of the writer

Marina Rybitskaya: the work of the writer

Marina Rybitskaya is a modern writer who writes books in the fantasy genre. Marina fell in love with readers, because her works are distinguished by the sharpness of the plot and the fun that the writer puts into each of her works

Gorodetsky Sergey Mitrofanovich: biography, creativity, photo

Gorodetsky Sergey Mitrofanovich: biography, creativity, photo

Gorodetsky Sergey Mitrofanovich is a famous Russian poet, one of the brightest representatives of the literary movement acmeism. At the age of 22, the author published the book "Yar" (1906) - his first and successful brainchild. In it, the poet vividly recreated the semi-real, multi-colored appearance of Ancient Russia with mythological images, in which objects of modern times were originally intertwined with echoes of authentic antiquity, pagan beliefs and ritual games

Dmitry Merezhkovsky: biography. Poems, quotes

Dmitry Merezhkovsky: biography. Poems, quotes

Merezhkovsky Dmitry Sergeevich was born in 1866 in St. Petersburg. His father served as a petty palace official. Dmitry Merezhkovsky began writing poetry at the age of 13. Two years later, as a high school student, he visited F. M. Dostoevsky with his father. The great writer found poetry weak, told the novice author that in order to write well, one must suffer

Biblical phraseological units, their meaning and origin

Biblical phraseological units, their meaning and origin

The article presents some biblical phraseological units - both well-known and those whose meanings can not explain everything. The Bible is without a doubt one of the greatest books of all time. Its comprehension is an endless process that has been going on for many centuries. Today there are many schools whose representatives study this book, explain its contents

Viktor Dotsenko - contemporary author

Viktor Dotsenko - contemporary author

The author of the famous action movie series based on the literary cycle "Mad" is the writer and director Viktor Dotsenko. The author has written a whole series of books about the "Russian James Bond", Mad Savely Govorkov. The screen version of the novel played a big role in the literary activity of the writer

"Heart in the palm of your hand": a summary of the novel

"Heart in the palm of your hand": a summary of the novel

Belarusian writer Ivan Petrovich Shamyakin, laureate of the State Prize, author of Soviet patriotic works. In 1964, his novel "A Heart in the Palm" gained popularity. The article is devoted to the presentation of the summary of the book

What role did Oblomov's dream play in Goncharov's novel?

What role did Oblomov's dream play in Goncharov's novel?

Oblomov's dream is a kind of journey back to the time when he was a child. Thus, Goncharov showed how from a living inquisitive boy, petty guardianship can bring up a sloth unadapted to life

Goncharov "An Ordinary Story": a summary and history of creation

Goncharov "An Ordinary Story": a summary and history of creation

Goncharov decided to write about the people of the new formation in the novel "An Ordinary Story". These are the new socially active forces in Russia (new blood) that are beginning to determine its future. They are no longer “superfluous people” in their country

Writers and poets of the golden age

Writers and poets of the golden age

The poets of the golden age possessed insane genius and left the brightest trace not only in the art of the Russian state, but also in the hearts of grateful readers

Writer and screenwriter Alexei Gravitsky

Writer and screenwriter Alexei Gravitsky

Alexey Gravitsky is the author of novels, short stories and short stories in the science fiction genre. In addition, he is one of the creators of popular TV series, including Rublyovka-Live

Short biography and works of Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich

Short biography and works of Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich

In an interview, Alexander Solzhenitsyn admitted that he devoted his life to the Russian revolution. What did the author of the novel "In the First Circle" mean? Domestic history keeps hidden tragic twists and turns. The writer considered it his duty to testify about them. Solzhenitsyn's works are a significant contribution to the historical science of the 20th century

Jose Saramago: biography, books

Jose Saramago: biography, books

Thanks to this man, the whole world started talking about the literature of Portugal. Coming from a peasant family, a great humanist and Nobel Prize winner in literature - what is he, José Saramago? What did it take for him to become a truly great writer?

Spell from "Harry Potter". List of magic spells

Spell from "Harry Potter". List of magic spells

What kind of world would there be without magic? And what magic can be without "Harry Potter"? Are you sure you know many spells? Then read on

Analysis of Salinger's Catcher in the Rye

Analysis of Salinger's Catcher in the Rye

"The Catcher in the Rye" is one of the most popular and significant works of the twentieth century, which has not lost its relevance today. This article proposes an analysis of the main features of the novel

Who is the author of "Harry Potter" and how it all began?

Who is the author of "Harry Potter" and how it all began?

In 1990, a new image arose in the mind of Joan (the author of "Harry Potter"): a wizard boy who later became famous all over the world. This character after a while made her rich and famous. And it all started with a crowded train in the UK

Creative professions: how do writers become?

Creative professions: how do writers become?

In fact, to become a writer, all you have to do is write. But there is another piece of advice: don't hand out your business cards to everyone and advertise your name. If you dedicate an hour or two a day to your writing career, you are unlikely to see your creation on the lists of the most exciting bestsellers of the year. In this article, you will learn how to become a writer

How to write poetry. Help for aspiring poet

How to write poetry. Help for aspiring poet

Today being talented is fashionable. But not everyone is born with a certain valuable skill. If you want to master some creative business, you can try to figure out how to compose poetry. You don't need much for this, just a desire and a couple of tips. These are the ones you can find in the article

American writer and screenwriter Richard Matheson: biography, creativity

American writer and screenwriter Richard Matheson: biography, creativity

Richard Matheson was a famous writer who influenced many future science fiction writers, including the work of Stephen King. The novel "I am a legend" is the best work of the author

Books about the war: list, summary

Books about the war: list, summary

A lot of wonderful, interesting, patriotic books about the war have been written. The most popular were and remain those whose authors themselves experienced the horrors of this event. Among them, Boris Vasiliev, Vasil Bykov and Konstantin Simonov stand out. This article lists the best books about the war of 1941-1945

A tale is a work of folklore or fiction

A tale is a work of folklore or fiction

In some works - folklore and fiction - the narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator, who uses individual speech in the presentation of events, which differs from the usual speech of the author himself. Such creations of folklore or copyright are usually called tales. And if we try to define a tale, it is, first of all, the presence of oral speech in the context of the description of events by a narrator, different from the personality of the author

Scientific research and Lomonosov's contribution to literature

Scientific research and Lomonosov's contribution to literature

M. V. Lomonosov was at the origins of the new Russian literature. He is not only a great scientist of his time, but also the best poet of that era. So what is Lomonosov's contribution to literature?

Proverbs of King Solomon. The Parable of King Solomon's Ring

Proverbs of King Solomon. The Parable of King Solomon's Ring

King Solomon is a ruler known for his wisdom and ability to make wise and correct decisions in situations that seem intractable. The parables of King Solomon are studied in schools, the monarch's quotes are used as parting words, and the life experience of this person is set as an example to those who have gone astray. This ruler was destined by fate to become what he became. After all, his very name Shlomo (Solomon) is translated from Hebrew as “peacemaker” and “perfect”

Lobsang Rampa: biography, books

Lobsang Rampa: biography, books

Do you believe in the transmigration of souls? In a religious concept based on the belief that the soul, after leaving the physical body in connection with death, can move into a new body shell of an already living person, animal, bird, reptile or other creature? Well, to believe or not is your own business. The hero of this article, Henry Hoskin, devoted almost his entire life to mysticism and esotericism, proving to everyone that the Tibetan lama Lobsang Rampa moved into his body

Vyacheslav Shishkov: biography, works. Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov: novels "Vataga", "Gloomy River"

Vyacheslav Shishkov: biography, works. Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov: novels "Vataga", "Gloomy River"

Altai. Here, on the banks of the Katun River, stands a monument to the great Russian, Soviet writer V. Ya. Shishkov. The choice of location is not accidental. The inhabitants of the Altai Territory are grateful to the author, who sang of Siberia, not only for his huge contribution to Russian literature, but also for the development of the Chuisky tract project

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov, Russian literary critic, linguist: biography, works

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov, Russian literary critic, linguist: biography, works

Russian linguistics cannot be imagined without such a significant scientist as Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov. A linguist, literary critic, a man of encyclopedic education, he left a significant mark on the teaching of the Russian language, did a lot for the development of modern humanities and brought up a galaxy of talented scientists

The most famous Polish writers of the 20th-21st centuries

The most famous Polish writers of the 20th-21st centuries

Polish writers may not be so familiar to the Russian reader. But the classical layer of the literature of this country is very original and especially dramatic. However, Polish writers are also known to us on the other hand, as the brightest representatives of such popular genres as science fiction and ironic detective

Analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Rain" and the poet's work

Analysis of Fet's poem "Spring Rain" and the poet's work

The article tells about the work of A. A. Fet, his cycles of poems about nature. Literary analysis of the poem "Spring Rain"

Education and Oblomov's attitude to education

Education and Oblomov's attitude to education

The article tells about the upbringing and education of Oblomov and Stolz. Their comparative characteristics, the fate of the heroes are given

Boris Vasiliev, "He was not on the lists": analysis of the work

Boris Vasiliev, "He was not on the lists": analysis of the work

The article tells about the content of the story "I was not on the lists", the main characters, the love line between Kolya and Mirra, as well as the history of the creation of the work