Literature 2024, October

Biography, creativity and the best books of Andrey Belyanin

Biography, creativity and the best books of Andrey Belyanin

The work of Andrey Belyanin, who works in the genre of humorous fantasy, has long been known to the Russian reader and has managed to fall in love with him. We will talk about the life and work of this writer in this article

List of the best detectives (books of the 21st century). The best Russian and foreign detective books: a list. Detectives: a list of the best authors

List of the best detectives (books of the 21st century). The best Russian and foreign detective books: a list. Detectives: a list of the best authors

The article lists the best detectives and authors of the crime genre, whose works will not leave indifferent any fan of action-packed fiction

Who is a literary negro?

Who is a literary negro?

The author, who publishes dozens of books every year, is the envy of colleagues and the doubt of readers. Is it really possible for one person to produce such an impressive amount of text without outside help?

Rating of the best books 2013-2014 Humorous fiction, fantasy: rating of the best books

Rating of the best books 2013-2014 Humorous fiction, fantasy: rating of the best books

They said that the theater would die with the advent of television, and books after the invention of cinema. But the prediction turned out to be wrong. The formats and methods of publication are changing, but the desire of mankind for knowledge and recreation does not fade away. And this can be provided only by master literature. This article will give a rating of the best books in various genres, as well as a list of bestsellers for 2013 and 2014. Read on - and you will get acquainted with the best examples of works

Site "Brifli". Summary of books: pros and cons

Site "Brifli". Summary of books: pros and cons

The article contains an overview of the "Brifli" resource dedicated to summarizing the content of literary works, the advantages and disadvantages of this form of reading are considered

The best works of Nabokov

The best works of Nabokov

In this article we will present you the main creations that Nabokov created. The works, the list of which is offered to your attention, includes both those written in Russian and in English. At the last, the author worked when he lived in the USA

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: works, brief description

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: works, brief description

One of the writers of the 20th century, whose work today is of particular interest to researchers, is Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The works of this author are considered primarily in the socio-political aspect. Analysis of Solzhenitsyn's works is the topic of this article

The best books of modern writers

The best books of modern writers

Bottomless fiction! The books of its authors (meaning the best) the average person, unfortunately, a priori will not be able to read throughout his life. Therefore, navigation in the boundless "sea" of books is extremely important. “Why is it necessary to purposefully read?” an uninitiated person will ask… We will answer: “Yes, to decorate your life, to make real friends! (After all, the best books are both advisers, and inspirers, and comforters.)

A dilogy is two works that have a common plot

A dilogy is two works that have a common plot

A dilogy is two literary works, films connected by a common composition, idea and characters. In general, this type of plot construction is quite rare. Most often, writers or directors prefer to do three parts, since with the help of such a structure it is easiest to reveal the meaning and convey the main idea

John Campbell, American science fiction writer: biography, creativity

John Campbell, American science fiction writer: biography, creativity

John Campbell is a famous American writer of the 30s. John's works are still a success, despite the fact that in the books he described a completely different age with different technologies

Konstantin Paustovsky: biography, works, photos

Konstantin Paustovsky: biography, works, photos

In the 1950s, the world recognition came to the writer. He immediately had the opportunity to visit Europe. In 1956, he was nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Prize, but which Sholokhov received. Paustovsky was Marlene Dietrich's favorite writer

James Patterson. Biography, books

James Patterson. Biography, books

James Patterson is an acclaimed American writer whose forte is intricate detective novels and intriguing thrillers. In the period from 2010 to 2013, he became the most sought-after and profitable author of the detective genre

Science popular literature for children

Science popular literature for children

Even during the Soviet Union, popular science literature served as one of the most important factors in the professional orientation of schoolchildren. Books that tell about, say, nuclear physics in an accessible and interesting language have brought many young people to engineering universities in our country. Today, measures are being taken to revive the interest of schoolchildren in the literature of this genre

Lauren Oliver: biography and bibliography

Lauren Oliver: biography and bibliography

Lauren Oliver is an American writer whose creative interests lie mainly in science fiction and fantasy. The writer's debut novel was published in 2010, and since then her popularity has been constantly growing

Mikhail Iosifovich Weller: biography and work of the writer

Mikhail Iosifovich Weller: biography and work of the writer

Mikhail Iosifovich Weller is a modern Russian prose writer, the author of the stories "The Adventures of Major Zvyagin", "Rendezvous with a Celebrity". The topic of today's article is the life and work of the writer

Sandra Brown in literature and cinema

Sandra Brown in literature and cinema

Sandra Brown is a writer known for her vibrant romance novels and creepy, action-packed thrillers, including worldwide bestsellers. Some of the writer's novels have been filmed

Master of the fairy tale genre Kozlov Sergei Grigorievich

Master of the fairy tale genre Kozlov Sergei Grigorievich

It is unlikely that there will be an adult or a child in the country who is not familiar with the images of a kind turtle, a cheerful lion cub, a hedgehog wandering in the fog, the kindest crocodile swimming to the shores of his homeland and many other fairy-tale characters. Kozlov Sergei was able to give a fairy tale to many Soviet children

Spanish literature: the best works and writers

Spanish literature: the best works and writers

Spanish literature dates back to the 12th century, when the Spanish language was born and finally took shape. Prior to this, the peoples who lived on the territory of modern Spain wrote and communicated exclusively in Latin. The entire history of this literature can be roughly divided into four periods. This is the period of origin, the period of prosperity, the period of decline and imitation and the period of rebirth

Jojo Moyes: biography, creativity

Jojo Moyes: biography, creativity

Jojo Moyes is a contemporary writer with half a million copies of novels translated into more than thirty languages. The film rights to her works are bought by the world's leading film studios, and sentimental stories about a modest life and daring dreams touch the hearts of millions of readers around the world

How did Yury Osipovich Dombrovsky live and write about? Biography and work of the writer and poet

How did Yury Osipovich Dombrovsky live and write about? Biography and work of the writer and poet

Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich is a famous Russian writer and poet who lived in the 20th century. His fate was not easy, like many artists of the word, whose work falls on the Soviet era. Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich left us works that make us think about a lot. The article provides a brief overview of his life and work

The best motivating and inspiring books: list, description and reviews

The best motivating and inspiring books: list, description and reviews

Inspirational books are works that can change a person. Under their influence, a worldview is formed. They have something that can inspire, encourage action, and even change the inner world. In some, although rare cases, they can even predetermine fate. Every reader has a favorite book or several of them. What are these works? The list of "Best inspirational books" for each person is different. But there are works that you just need to know

Harry Turtledove: books, biography

Harry Turtledove: books, biography

Harry Turtledove is a famous American science fiction writer. Turtledove has been awarded the Sidewise Awards, Prometheus Awards, and even the Hugo Award for his writing. Do you want to know about the life path and work of this writer? Then this article is for you

Eduard Khrutsky: biography

Eduard Khrutsky: biography

Eduard Khrutsky is a rather popular Soviet writer and screenwriter. During his life, Edward wrote a lot of books, usually in the detective genre. His work was very popular. It is for this reason that Khrutsky was called the master of the domestic detective among the people

Writer Reshad Nuri Guntekin

Writer Reshad Nuri Guntekin

Reshad Nuri Guntekin is a notorious novelist, playwright and writer from Turkey. In his works, the author repeatedly touches on the eternal problems of public life. That is why his works are very popular and relevant. Want to know more about the work and life of this writer? Read this article

Writer Boris Evseev

Writer Boris Evseev

Boris Evseev is a notorious Russian writer who has written more than 20 books in his life. For literary works, Evseev was repeatedly awarded various prizes and awards. Do you want to know about the work and life path of this writer? Welcome to this article

Arsenyeva Elena: biography, creativity

Arsenyeva Elena: biography, creativity

Arsenyeva Elena (real name Elena Glushko) is a rather popular Russian writer. In addition to literary activities, Elena is a professional philologist and screenwriter. Want to learn more about the work and life path of this writer? Welcome to our article

Eve Curie: biography, family, creativity

Eve Curie: biography, family, creativity

Eva Curie went down in world history as a talented writer and journalist. Nevertheless, the girl's talent was not limited to the pen. Eva, among other things, was an excellent pianist, a delightful music critic and an active public figure. Want to learn more about the life path and work of this writer in more detail? You are welcome to read this article

Serafimovich Alexander Serafimovich: biography, creativity

Serafimovich Alexander Serafimovich: biography, creativity

Serafimovich Alexander Serafimovich is a representative of the so-called proletarian literature. The work of this writer is consonant with the literary activity of Maxim Gorky. His early stories were influenced by the revolutionary movements of the second half of the nineteenth century. And throughout his career, he remained true to his views and beliefs. What is the main idea of the works created by Alexander Serafimovich? What is the value of his literary work

Writer Zaitsev Mikhail Georgievich: books, biography, creativity

Writer Zaitsev Mikhail Georgievich: books, biography, creativity

There are many books around that deserve to be read. Sometimes it is very difficult to choose one in order to devote your free time to it. In this case, Mikhail Zaitsev offers his works. You definitely won't get bored with them

John Keats: biography, personal life, creativity and quotes

John Keats: biography, personal life, creativity and quotes

John Keats is the greatest English Romantic poet. In addition to wonderful poems, wonderful letters were written from his pen, addressed to friends and relatives, and representing not only philological, but also artistic interest. The biography of John Keats is very short, but he left behind a large poetic legacy. In such a short time, and he worked for only about six years, Keats was able to become an epoch-making poet

History of Chinese book printing

History of Chinese book printing

The invention of printing is one of the most important events in the history of civilization. The decrease in the cost of the book led to its distribution and an increase in the level of education of the population. And even in our time, when most of the text has been transferred to electronic format, the printed book remains in demand

Biography of Edgar Allan Poe, military career, creativity

Biography of Edgar Allan Poe, military career, creativity

Biography of Edgar Poe is full of white spots. This is due to the dismissive attitude of many of his contemporaries and the plight of the writer. In fact, the history of the poet was unbiasedly restored only in the 20th century, but by that time there was little information about his life. Today, Edgar Allan Poe remains one of the most mysterious personalities. There were many assumptions about the circumstances of his death already in 1849, and the real cause of the death of the poet, most likely, will forever remain unsolved

The Laurentian Chronicle is the most important historical source

The Laurentian Chronicle is the most important historical source

One of the most important historical documents that tell about the life of Russia during the Mongol-Tatar yoke is the Laurentian Chronicle. What does it contain?

The most famous fabulists

The most famous fabulists

Fable is the oldest genre of literature, originating in Ancient Greece. It is based on a moralizing story containing morality either in the text of the work itself or in a separate part of it. Traditionally, this genre has a small volume and is written in poetic form. Famous fabulists most often choose animals as the main characters, embodying the vices of both the individual and society as a whole

Puppeteer Nestor Vasilyevich: biography, creativity

Puppeteer Nestor Vasilyevich: biography, creativity

Puppeteer Nestor Vasilyevich is a famous Russian writer. Considered the founder of several genres of fiction at once

"Kruglyansky Bridge": a summary of the book by Vasil Bykov

"Kruglyansky Bridge": a summary of the book by Vasil Bykov

"Kruglyansky Bridge" - a story by Vasil Bykov, telling us about the relationship between people, humanism, as well as the inhuman and human face of war

Alexander Arkhangelsky. Biography. Books. TV films

Alexander Arkhangelsky. Biography. Books. TV films

Alexander Nikolaevich Arkhangelsky is a Russian writer and poet, literary critic, publicist, representative of the modern intelligentsia, Ph.D. cultural events of the week

Modern books. Books by contemporary writers

Modern books. Books by contemporary writers

This article presents books of the 21st century, addressed to a generation that is growing up in the age of information technology

Which translation of "The Lord of the Rings" is better: an overview of options, advice and recommendations from readers

Which translation of "The Lord of the Rings" is better: an overview of options, advice and recommendations from readers

The history of Russian translations of The Lord of the Rings has many pages. Each of them is very distinctive and has unique advantages and disadvantages that are not inherent in other translations. For example, despite the existing "Guide to the translation of proper names from" The Lord of the Rings ", written personally by Tolkien himself, almost each of the Russian-language versions has its own set of names, and they all differ markedly from each other

How Tolstoy died: date and cause of death of the writer

How Tolstoy died: date and cause of death of the writer

Description of the life and circumstances of the death of the great Russian writer