Science popular literature for children
Science popular literature for children

Video: Science popular literature for children

Video: Science popular literature for children
Video: John W. Campbell Reshapes Sci-Fi - Pulp! Astounding Stories - Extra Sci Fi 2024, September

Children's interest in science, of course, should be supported by all means, it is well known. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, popular science literature served as one of the most important factors in the professional orientation of schoolchildren. Books that tell about, say, nuclear physics in an accessible and interesting language have brought many young people to engineering universities in our country. Today, measures are being taken to revive the interest of schoolchildren in the literature of this genre. Despite the temporary decline in interest in this kind of literature, the prospects for the development of the genre in our country certainly exist.

scientific popular literature
scientific popular literature

Why are today's children less interested in non-fiction literature?

Compared to previous generations, schoolchildren today do not show much interest in books, popular science literature is no exception. This decline in interest is due to the fact that today there are a huge number of alternativesources of information that are more addictive to children than a book. It is much easier and faster to find out what interests us from a TV program or the Internet than to go to the library in search of a suitable book.

Another factor that cannot be overlooked is, in fact, the lack of authors who can really interest a child, because popular science children's literature is a rather difficult genre. Writing for children is always difficult, because you need not only to convey information to a young reader, but also to keep his attention, to captivate him into the world of books. To date, there are only a limited number of noteworthy authors. If the 70s of the last century can be safely called the heyday, the time of the abundance of talented authors, then the 80s are already characterized by a significant decline, in the 90s it was hardly possible to find a publishing house of popular science literature. Poor-quality works that were periodically published did not arouse strong interest either among children or among their parents, which inevitably led to the fact that the genre of popular science children's literature was gradually forgotten.

popular science literature
popular science literature

Role in general education

Many believe that the literature of this genre can only serve to expand the general content of subjects taught in schools, but this is not so. In addition to expanding the horizons of the child, which in itself is an extremely important task, there is another, no less important goal - motivation. Popular science literature for children helps to arouse genuine interestto the world that surrounds us, to take a different look at seemingly boring school subjects. It is extremely important not only the actual scientific, but also the biographical component. It is useful for schoolchildren to learn about how a pioneer scientist grows out of a simple child. It is very important to have an example of how a person achieves success through knowledge. The scientific popular literature is full of such examples. Thus, we motivate the child to study, to strive for knowledge of the world in order to achieve high goals.

popular science publishing house
popular science publishing house

How to develop a desire to read in a child?

Of course, in modern conditions it is extremely difficult to interest a child in a book, especially a scientific one. Many parents find it impossible to ever see their own child reading and not at the computer. Of course, not every child can be captivated by literature, but a capable student is quite realistic if parents and teachers make joint efforts. The teacher's task, in fact, is to notice in time the child's emerging interest in a particular discipline and tell him what popular scientific literature exists on this topic. Parents, in turn, should encourage the interest of the student in every possible way. Do not forget to be interested in his successes, communicate more often on topics that he is fond of. Do not force yourself to read such literature. You need to try to convince the child that this is interesting and necessary, then he will have a desire to pick up a book.

scientificallypopular children's literature
scientificallypopular children's literature

Prospects for the development of this genre in Russia

Fortunately, recently there has been a steady increase in the attention of publishers to this genre. Popular science literature is slowly but surely reborn. For example, since 2007, the modern publishing house "Prosveshchenie" has been releasing a series of children's educational books called "Your Outlook", from which you can learn a lot of new things, for example, read about the outstanding women of Ancient Russia, about how a person knew electricity, and about many other things. friend. It is impossible not to mention another series of books called "On the Edge of the World." It is suitable for those who are fond of history. The series tells about the development of relations between Russia and Germany, Russia and Japan, France, as well as other countries with which our state fought. There are other series, for example, popular science literature about nature is in demand today.

popular science literature for children
popular science literature for children

Children's Literature Selection

Children's book club "Chitarium" offers children and their parents their own selection of works that deserve attention. The books listed below are aimed at children from six to nine years old. If you decide to get your child interested in reading and at the same time want this reading to be as useful as possible for the development of his horizons, non-fiction literature is for you.

scientific popular literature about nature
scientific popular literature about nature

So, we present to your attention the five most interesting books from the point of view of "Chitarium" on variousthemes, choose what suits your child's taste. Each young reader is individual, so it is necessary to take into account the tastes of each in order to really interest the student, and not force him to read what he is not at all interested in. Children will be happy to explore and learn what they like, what they themselves have chosen. It is very important to give them the opportunity to choose, it is not necessary to decide for the child what to be interested in. Do not try to fill your own gaps in knowledge at the expense of your children.

scientific and popular science literature
scientific and popular science literature

"Cool Mechanics for the Curious" by Nick Arnold

The book describes the basic principles of operation of the simplest mechanisms and machines in an interesting, and most importantly accessible, language. It not only explains how this or that mechanism works, but also gives examples of their use in life. Following the instructions in the publication, the child can independently construct models from parts.

"Why is the water wet?" (Gemma Harris)

Here you can find the answer to almost any child's question. Scientists from various fields of knowledge answer the most frequently asked questions by schoolchildren. You can read the book from the beginning, from the end or from the middle, or simply look for things of interest using the index.

"Secrets of Anatomy" (Carol Donner)

The book describes the incredible adventures of the twins Max and Molly, who, having become tiny, ended up inside the body of a giant. Reading the book, the child, together with its characters, explores the human body. The author is extremelysuccessfully managed to turn a boring story about the structure of our body into an entertaining adventure.

"Children's encyclopedias with Chevostik" (Elena Kachur)

Already known to everyone from the audio performances, the hero - Chevostik - is now moving into a book genre called "scientific popular literature". The main characters go on exciting journeys, during which they get to know the world. Of course, this is much more interesting than listening to or reading boring listings of scientific facts.

"Cosmos" (Kostyukov, Surova)

The name of the publication already speaks for itself. The book is a collaborative project that tells about everything related to space and its secrets. Scientific and non-fiction literature about the vast space so far from us has always attracted children of all ages.
