Modern books. Books by contemporary writers

Modern books. Books by contemporary writers
Modern books. Books by contemporary writers

Books by modern writers are increasingly attracting the attention of society. The problems of the works reflect our everyday reality, and this explains the interest in them. It is worth noting that the books of modern authors will be useful to read not only for philologists, but also for everyone who is interested in the development of literary thought and the formation of this type of art. This article presents books of the 21st century, addressed to a generation that is growing up in the age of information technology.

Bridge over Eternity

Modern books can hardly compare with the depth of thought of Richard Bach. We remember him from the famous Seagull Jonathan Livingston. However, this writer has many other works that every self-respecting person should read.

modern books
modern books

One of his very entertaining books is "Bridge over Eternity". She talks about how to find yourself in the midst of incessant events that quickly replace each other. Each of us, no doubt, dreams of meeting his love on an endless journey, but not everyone succeeds. Books by modern writers, like the works of Richard Bach, remain in memory for a long time and cause a storm of positive emotions.

"I would like tosomeone was waiting for me somewhere”

This is a collection of stories by Anna Gavalda, which causes conflicting opinions among many readers. If one likes her style of writing, the other will put the book aside after a few paragraphs, deciding that it is not meant for serious reading.

books by modern writers
books by modern writers

Modern books mostly touch upon the problem of human existence and the meaning of life. In part, Gavalda also has this. Perhaps, just not in such a pronounced form.


Everyone who has picked up this book at least once, after that, could not tear himself away from it until he fully read it. The author of the work, Narine Abgaryan, tells the story of his childhood. Bright details, funny pranks, pranks are integral parts of the exciting story about the girl Manya, her unforgettable grandmother Rosa Iosifovna and sisters. Everyone knows that six-year-old Gayane loves to shove everything that comes across, and nine-year-old Karinka is not inferior in her courage to any boy.

If you want to plunge into childhood, remember the carefree years or just cheer yourself up, read Manyunya, you won't regret it! Modern books are sometimes so deep and heavy that a few hours of joy, laughter and fun will definitely not hurt the reader!

Our human friends

This is a story by Bernard Werber, which was repeatedly staged by Moscow theaters. A wonderful and touching story of two young people who, by the will of a funny accident, found themselves in the same cage. They can't get out of theirrefuge, unable to leave it of their own free will. Books (modern novels) rarely take the liberty of voicing the problems of choice.

books for teenagers modern
books for teenagers modern

The author emphasizes some absurdity of human existence without a high idea in life, without meaning. And now people turn out to be just guinea pigs that can be easily controlled, even manipulated. The writer touches on the subject of personal development and reflects the deep problems of modern society.

Veronica decides to die

This is a novel by Paolo Coelho that has won worldwide recognition. Modern books would be incomplete without the fascinating creative heritage of the Spanish writer. This novel contains the very essence of life, its value is proclaimed and designated. The story of a girl for whom the meaning of life was lost at a certain moment is very revealing and deep. It will take a long time before she understands and realizes that she has made a terrible mistake.

books modern novels
books modern novels

More days, weeks, months and years will pass before she is able to love life, appreciate herself and know what she wants to achieve. Such a perception of reality requires a responsible approach, focus on oneself and one's heart.

You can recommend the book to young people who are looking for their purpose, purpose and meaning of what is happening. It will be very useful for everyone, because it is so important to realize the true values in time in order to correctly prioritize.

Harry Potter

A work that at one time made a great impression on young people and children. Ten or twelve years ago, the name of an extraordinary boy wizard sounded everywhere. The children gave up exciting computer games for a while and, to the delight of adults, sat down to read books. The work fully complies with all the requirements put forward for the category "Books for teenagers". Modern children are such that they will only read what they are truly interested in. If stories or novels do not catch the imagination in any way, then most likely they will postpone them until better times.

books by contemporary authors
books by contemporary authors

To please your children, give them some colorful volumes of "Harry Potter". Books for teenagers, modern fairy tales are rarely so understandable and fascinating that they want to re-read them several times.

Thus, despite the seeming narrowness of choice, a large number of works are available to current readers, which can be consulted at any time. For those who love to read, appreciate high-quality literature, have at least some command of the literary word, of course, books by contemporary authors will appeal to them. Happy reading! Spend time with a book with pleasure and benefit!
