Arsenyeva Elena: biography, creativity

Arsenyeva Elena: biography, creativity
Arsenyeva Elena: biography, creativity

Arsenyeva Elena (real name Elena Glushko) is a rather popular Russian writer. In addition to literary activities, Elena is a professional philologist and screenwriter. Want to learn more about the work and life path of this writer? Welcome to our article!


The future writer was born on September 17, 1952 in the Russian city of Khabarovsk. The girl graduated from the Faculty of Philology at the local pedagogical institute. Later, Elena received a second education: the girl graduated in absentia from the screenwriting department of a rather prestigious institution - the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov.

Arsenyeva Elena
Arsenyeva Elena

Later Arsenyeva Elena worked on Khabarovsk television. The girl was the editor of children's and youth shows on the local channel. After some time, Elena, due to her passion for literature, changes her job. The girl gets a position in an eminent art magazine called "Far East". Later, the writer works in one of the book publishing houses of Khabarovsk.

In the end1980s Elena Arsenyeva moves to Nizhny Novgorod. There she becomes one of the regional representatives of the Young Guard organization. In 1989, Elena became a full member of the Writers' Union.


Elena's first publication is a short novel called "Not a Wife", which was published in the journal "Far East", where the writer worked. Elena's pen test would have gone unnoticed if it weren't for a critic from the popular newspaper Literaturnaya Rossiya, who reviewed the work of young writers from the Far East and Siberia. The article about the novel "Not a Wife" was devastating.

Ladies' novels
Ladies' novels

The critic ruthlessly trampled Elena's first literary experience. However, the girl did not give up. She continued her literary activity. Thus, already a couple of months after the devastating review, Elena brings her new book to the publishing house called "The Last Snow of April". This work is a collection of poems that have been written by Elena over the past few years.

Early Stage

Initially Elena Arsenyeva wrote in realistic and documentary styles. However, the writer soon changed her style of writing. Seriously carried away by folklore and fairy tales, Elena completely switched to science fiction. The girl wrote a number of fabulous and fantastic stories. The most interesting and popular include "Constellation of Visions", "Blue Cedar" and "Athenaora Metter Porphyrola". ATArsenyeva's fantastic works very organically and competently intertwine the harsh reality with the author's fiction. Thus, not only ordinary people live in the worlds created by Elena, but also wizards, dragons and even aliens from other Universes.

series of books
series of books

Arsenyeva Elena: books

Starting from the 90s, another leap can be traced in Grushko's work. Elena stops writing fantasy stories and starts publishing women's novels. At that time it was quite a popular genre. It is for this reason that the girl decided to change her literary image and try herself in a new role. Starting to write ladies' novels, Elena Grushko realized that she needed a creative pseudonym. She decided to change her real name to Arseniev - in honor of her father Arseny Vasiliev, who was a music teacher. Thus, Elena begins to write detective, historical and romance novels that are designed for a female audience.

Books by series

Arsenyeva has written more than two hundred books for her many years of literary activity. In addition, the girl quite often changed her style of writing. For this reason, in order not to confuse her readers once again, the writer made a conditional division of her works. In this part, we will look at the main series of novels.

The series called "Detectives" contains novels that tell about the incredible adventures of Alena Dmitrieva. In essence and content, Arsenyeva's detective stories strongly resemble Dontsova's novels for women.

Arsenyeva Elena books
Arsenyeva Elena books

In the "Historical Novels" series, the writer tells about amazing love stories against the backdrop of different eras. Elena is very scrupulous about her works. It is for this reason that Arsenyeva recreates a certain historical era to the smallest detail.
