Elena Aleksandrovna Bychkova: biography and creativity

Elena Aleksandrovna Bychkova: biography and creativity
Elena Aleksandrovna Bychkova: biography and creativity

Elena Aleksandrovna Bychkova is a Russian writer. I chose fantasy as my genre. Born in Moscow, in 1976, on August 21. Permanent co-author of Natalia Turchaninova and Alexey Pekhov.


Elena Alexandrovna Bychkova
Elena Alexandrovna Bychkova

"Ruby Karashehr" - the debut novel, which was created by Bychkova Elena Alexandrovna. This work was created jointly with Natalia Turchaninova. This work was the first in a trilogy, which received the same title. This book in 2004 was awarded the "Silver Caduceus" within the framework of the international fantasy festival called "Star Bridge". In addition, the novel received the Sword Without a Name Award for Debut of the Year. The work "Radiant" was named "Book of the Year" by the magazine "World of Fiction".

The author's cycle called "Kindrat" is the most popular. It was created jointly with Natalia Turchaninova. Before us is a story in the genre of urban fantasy in modern realities, which shows the vampire empath Darel. He has unique abilities and feels like a man. In addition, an extensive network of vampire clans is described, which are fighting for the possession of power. Firstbook series "Blood brothers" was awarded in 2006 literary award "Wanderer" as the best urban fantasy from 2001 to 2005. For the novel "Sometimes they die" Bychkova Elena Alexandrovna received a similar award. The author admits that the book was created under the impression of climbing to a height of 5550 meters to the Everest camp. Also, our heroine is a screenwriter of computer games, including Heroes and "The Legend of the Knight".

bychkova elena alexandrovna
bychkova elena alexandrovna


Elena Alexandrovna Bychkova graduated from a literary class in high school. Entered the Moscow University at the Faculty of Journalism. Graduated from the university. She completed postgraduate studies, choosing the Department of Foreign Journalism and Literature. At the same time she worked as a correspondent and editor. She was also a journalist. She specialized in the following topics: "Fight against AIDS", "Informal youth movements", "Foreign real estate". The debut literary publication of our heroine took place in the Internet magazine of young Russian writers called "Prologue" in 2000. This project exists under the Ministry of Culture of Russia. And there appeared the story of our heroine "Snow Tiger". The debut novel en titled "Ruby Karashehr" appeared in 2004 in the publishing house "Alfa-kniga".

Our heroine is married. Her husband is the writer Alexei Pekhov. Since the creation of the family, these people have been working in constant collaboration. Our heroine is addictedphotography and mountain trekking. Passed Annapurna circle and Everest track. Often uses travel as the basis for creating the atmosphere and plots of future books.


We have already talked a little about who Bychkova Elena Aleksandrovna is. Her books will be listed below. In 2012, in collaboration with Natalia Turchaninova, the novel "Sometimes They Die" was created. In 2004 she worked on the book Ruby Karashehr. In 2005, the works "Hostages of the Light" and "Blood Brothers" were published. In 2007, the works “Radiant”, “Sorcerer from the Death clan” were created. In 2009, the book "Founder" was published. In 2010, New Gods appeared. In 2011, the book "Spellcasters" was published. In 2014, the works "Spirit Trap" and "Master of Dreams" appeared. In 2015, the world saw the work "Maker of Nightmares".

Tales and stories

sometimes they die bychkova elena alexandrovna
sometimes they die bychkova elena alexandrovna

Elena Alexandrovna Bychkova, together with Natalya Turchaninova, created the work "Snow Tiger" in 1999. She also owns the previously written work “Fifteen minutes to seven”. In 2000, the works "Rive D'Art", "Healing", "Young Rose", "Northern Country" appeared. In 2001, the work "Feather from an Angel's Wing" was published. In 2002, the work "Two from a Broken Ship" appeared. In 2003 "Chance" was written. Soon the story "Priceless Reward" was published. On its basis, a trilogy was later created under the name "Ruby of Karashehr". In 2007, the work "Night of the Midsummer Solstice" appeared. In 2009, A Little Peace in the Time of the Plague and Spirit Festival were published.

Other works

bychkova elena alexandrovna books
bychkova elena alexandrovna books

Elena Aleksandrovna Bychkova prepared a translated edition of the book "Blood Brothers", taking the pseudonym Lena Meydan. Basically, it's an adaptation. The work cannot be regarded solely as a translation, since individual storylines, as well as characters, have been changed in the book. Prepared an American edition called Twilight Forever Rising. Its presentation took place in 2010. She released the German edition of the book Der Clan der Vampire.

Our heroine has received a number of awards for her work. In 2013 she was awarded the Wanderer Award for the book Sometimes They Die. Received the Griboedov medal. Thus, her achievements in literary activity were noted. Received the Gogol medal. Thus, the contribution of the writer to the development of cultural traditions, as well as humanism in her work, was noted. Won the Book of the Year Award for Best Fantasy Continuation. Such an award was presented to her by the magazine "World of Fiction" for the work "Radiant".
