Spell from "Harry Potter". List of magic spells

Spell from "Harry Potter". List of magic spells
Spell from "Harry Potter". List of magic spells

Who among us does not remember a wonderful boy with tousled hair, emerald eyes and a lightning-shaped scar under a long bang? More than one generation has grown up on the history of Harry Potter and, perhaps, many more will follow his example. Since 1997, the story written by J. K. Rowling does not leave adults or children indifferent, inspiring exploits, forcing them to dream of beauty and believe in magic. It is the latter that will be discussed in this article.

The most famous spell from Harry Potter

In this case, the leading position is definitely shared by two manifestations of witchcraft spells. In fact, the entire "Potterian" is built precisely on this confrontation.

harry potter spell list
harry potter spell list

You don't even have to be a fan of the teenage wizard novel series to instantly think of a Harry Potter spell like "Avada Kedavra", which the dark side has been trying to reduce the number of goodies. It was these spells that led to the death of the young wizard's parents in due time.

However, always and everywhere he was opposed by another spellfrom "Harry Potter" - the famous word "Expelliarmus", so fond of the main character and more than once saved his life. Perhaps it is these spells that are most associated in the minds of fans of the "Potter" with "the boy who lived."

From my favorite

If you think about it, the influence of the series of novels about a young wizard is so great that some phrases have become quite firmly embedded in everyday life. For example, such a spell from "Harry Potter" as "Accio" quite often comes to mind while searching for a lost thing. After all, how wonderful it would be if a phone left in the wrong place, or a long-forgotten abstract, were at the right time with a simple wave of a magic wand!

The list of spells from Harry Potter that we remember on occasion can be continued for quite a long time. For example, when the keys are treacherously at the very bottom of the bag, the famous Alohomora spell comes to mind, with which you can easily open any door.

Harry Potter spells and their meanings
Harry Potter spells and their meanings

And sometimes you really want to say something like “Stupid” to some overly chatty interlocutor, which was actively used in the last parts of the Potter series. And so it becomes a pity that outside of Hogwarts it is forbidden to conjure …

Continuing the list of spells from Harry Potter, let's remember Lumos. Just imagine how much more convenient it would be to use this charm instead of your phone's display when you find yourself in a dark room!

Dangerous Charms

So, it's time to talk about magicmore seriously, because such things are not worth joking with. Let's start our list with perhaps the most dangerous spells. In addition to the already named Avada Kedavra, there are a huge number of no less serious charms in the Harry Potter universe. Continuing a series of "unforgivable spells", one should, of course, name "Cruciatus" and "Imperius", which also did a lot of hard work. The first spell is for torture, and the second is for absolute control over the will of a person. The use of any of them is strictly prohibited and is usually punishable by a lifetime ticket to Azkaban.

harry potter death spell
harry potter death spell

Despite the fact that the most terrible spell is "Avada Kedavra" - a death spell, Harry Potter encountered other, no less dangerous manifestations of magical power on his way. The simple word "Sectusempra", for example, is capable of inflicting the most severe cut wounds on the enemy, and "Serpensortia" is very useful if you intend to throw a poisonous snake at the enemy's feet.

In the first book about the adventures of a young wizard, Hermione uses the Petrificus totalus spell, which provokes complete paralysis of the body. Of course, it’s not worth using these spells for nothing, but at that moment the situation was simply hopeless.

The Oppunyo spell is also known to us thanks to the young sorceress. In a fit of rage, she somehow had to set a flock of small canaries on Ron. Of course, they will not bring much harm, but they can definitely annoy.

Finally, among the most dangerous spells, one can single out the Incarcero spell, which bindsopponent.

Protective magic

Continuing to list the spells from "Harry Potter" and their meanings, we smoothly move on to the spells opposite to the previous ones. The disarming spell (Expelliarmus) has already been discussed before, so we won't repeat it. Protective enchantments include a spell such as Protego, which creates a shield in front of the wizard.

Of course, in this regard, one should not forget about the Expecto Patronum charm, which saved the life of the protagonist of the Potter series more than once. By the way, in the films we are shown only one side of the luminous Patronuses. In fact, they are much more versatile and mysterious. For example, a Patronus can act as a kind of telegram, which, of course, is not as important as protection against Dementors, but is also quite useful.

most popular harry potter spell
most popular harry potter spell

The Ridiculus spell is very useful when meeting with a Boggart, but it turns out to be absolutely useless in relation to other opponents. However, the enemy can always be pushed back with the more versatile Depulso.

It should be noted that all of the above are combat spells from Harry Potter, the knowledge of which is useful to every Auror.

Unlock Charm

This category is, of course, much more harmless. It would seem that there is nothing else to say, but few people know that, in addition to the well-known Alohomora, there are analogues. The Dissendium spell, for example, only unlocks secret doors, while the Portoberto Charm seems to be made for those who like more spectacular action. Atusing this enchantment, padlocks explode, and in their place there is just a smoking hole in the door.

Mental "superpowers"

Besides the unforgivable "Imperius", the books describe other ways to get into someone's head. A striking example of this is the Legilimens spell, which allows you to read the thoughts of another wizard. The only way to counter this scourge is to master the art of Occlumency, so in that respect it's even cool that ordinary people can't do magic.

Do you remember how Zlatoust Lokons tried to enchant Ron and Harry Potter? The most popular spell in this unfortunate wizard's arsenal is Obliviate, which can be used to erase another person's memory.

And with the help of the Confundus charm, you can literally confuse a person, causing him to lose orientation in space.

Household magic

Spells from "Harry Potter" and their meanings are very extensive and varied. Caring JK Rowling, the owner of boundless imagination, has created a whole dictionary of magical terms used by wizards in everyday life.

The Reparo enchantment, for example, would be very useful to each of us, because with their help you can repair any small object. The cleansing spell "Escuro" would solve the problem of cleaning forever, and "Boilio", which makes the liquid boil, would greatly simplify the process of cooking.

harry potter fire spell
harry potter fire spell

"Incendio" - a fire spell - Harry Potter did not use, but Hermione did it successfully during a match ofQuidditch when the young wizard's broom was bewitched by Quirrell. Of course, this spell should rather kindle the fireplace, but it will also work to set fire to the teacher's cape.

Other life hacks

Being a magician is extremely convenient. You can, for example, not worry about heavy luggage or bags that need to be carried from the store, because especially for such cases, the Lokomotor spell is provided, which lifts things into the air and moves them after the caster.

Mages are not at all afraid of slush either, because they have the Impervius spell in their arsenal, which repels water, so you can safely run through puddles. And the Peck spell is the dream of any traveler, since its use allows you to instantly collect everything you need, and in the most optimal way.

harry potter battle spells
harry potter battle spells

And all this is flowers compared to the ability to fly on a broom and, moreover, to transgress. Come to think of it, how much time are these mages saving this way?!

Where do enchantments come from

But seriously speaking, the creation of a spell dictionary is a colossal work done by JK Rowling during the writing of "Potter". Almost all spells used in books and movies are borrowed from the Latin language with the corresponding meaning. In fact, this is a titanic work, a work verified to the smallest detail. Every Harry Potter spell: the most popular and only seen once in the entire series of novels, is all brought to perfection.

spell from harrypotter
spell from harrypotter

The whole universe of "Harry Potter" is built to the smallest detail, to the most insignificant (at first glance) nuances, from which the magic is eventually obtained.
