Literature 2024, October

Beginning of a fairy tale, saying and ending

Beginning of a fairy tale, saying and ending

The complex compositional construction of folk tales is not accidental. Each of the parts available in the work plays its own specific role, whether it is a saying, a beginning or an ending

The magic of the fairy tale "Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka"

The magic of the fairy tale "Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka"

In Russian folk tales, the main characters are often helped by animals with unusual and even magical qualities. This speaks of the close connection of our ancestors with nature, faith in its power and justice

Writer Veresaev Vikenty Vikentievich: biography, list of books, features of creativity and reviews

Writer Veresaev Vikenty Vikentievich: biography, list of books, features of creativity and reviews

Russian writer Veresaev Vikenty Vikentievich occupies a special place among Russian prose writers. Today he is lost against the background of his outstanding contemporaries L. N. Tolstoy, M. S altykov-Shchedrin, A. Chekhov, M. Gorky, I. Bunin, M. Sholokhov, but he has his own style, his highest services to Russian literature and a range of excellent writings

The greatest sorcerer Salazar Slytherin

The greatest sorcerer Salazar Slytherin

One of the founders of Hogwarts. The darkest and most ambiguous of them all. His house would remain with a double meaning for many years to come - purebloods would proudly call the name of their House, while others would only speak with disdain about "wyrmlings". What was he, this greatest sorcerer? And what lies behind his majestic name? Salazar Slytherin - founder of the eponymous faculty at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The third is not superfluous: Osip Brik. Biography, photo, life with Lilya Brik

The third is not superfluous: Osip Brik. Biography, photo, life with Lilya Brik

The life and fate of this man would have remained an incomprehensible mystery and mystery for us if he had not decided to connect his fate with the red-haired beauty Lilya Kagan, and through her with one of the most prominent poets of the Soviet era - Vladimir Mayakovsky . It will be about the writer, screenwriter and literary critic Osip Brik. Biography, literary activity and personal life are waiting for you in this material

American writer Thompson Hunter Stockton: biography, creativity

American writer Thompson Hunter Stockton: biography, creativity

Thompson Hunter Stockton was a bright, rebellious and talented person. He possessed a rare gift - to write vividly and boldly about the truth. As you know, the truth is not always sweet, more often bitter and shocking. Especially when it comes to the government, the polity and its obvious flaws

Prishvin's stories: man needs nature

Prishvin's stories: man needs nature

Prishvin's stories will never lose their relevance. The writer survived 3 wars and a revolution and managed to keep in himself what we have already practically lost - love and faith in all living things, in our homeland

Bazarov: attitude towards love in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

Bazarov: attitude towards love in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

Young Bazarov from the first meeting with other heroes of the novel is presented as a man from the common people who is absolutely not shy about this and is even proud of it. The rules of etiquette of a noble aristocratic society, in fact, he never adhered to and was not going to do this

Why did Onegin fall in love with Tatyana Larina?

Why did Onegin fall in love with Tatyana Larina?

Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" can rightfully be considered one of the best literary works of the nineteenth century. On its pages, the author introduces us to the main characters - Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina

Captain Mironov in the story "The Captain's Daughter" - characterization of the hero

Captain Mironov in the story "The Captain's Daughter" - characterization of the hero

Captain Mironov is one of the characters in Alexander Pushkin's legendary story The Captain's Daughter. He plays an important role in the work. Well, let's try to figure out what Captain Mironov really is, what is his place in the work and an example of what exactly he is

Works by Leo Tolstoy: list

Works by Leo Tolstoy: list

Two novels deservedly claim the first place in the list of the best works of Leo Tolstoy - "Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace". Each of us has our own arguments in favor of one of them, whom we would put on the top line. Bringing them is superfluous and the dispute may drag on. In our Top Parade, we give the first place to the two of them, and move on to the second

Mikhail Koshevoy in Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Flows the Don": characteristic

Mikhail Koshevoy in Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Flows the Don": characteristic

Even in the first book, Sholokhov introduces readers to Mishka Koshev. This is an ordinary boy, no different from other Cossacks. He, along with the farm youth, has fun in the evenings, looks after the household. At first it seems that the author inserted this character only for extras. His self-righteousness leads the hero to fanatical actions, very cruel

Odintsova Anna Sergeevna: characteristic

Odintsova Anna Sergeevna: characteristic

The article is devoted to a brief description of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova - the heroine of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons". The work indicates the features of her character and features of appearance

Books by Larisa Renard: a review of the best. Bestsellers for women

Books by Larisa Renard: a review of the best. Bestsellers for women

The collection of works under the screaming name has absorbed the main three steps from Larisa Renard. This includes the works described below: Circle of Female Power, Elixir of Love, and Discovering the New Self. Each of the parts of the famous trilogy allows a woman to take a big step in studying her essence, to change the world around her in the direction that is convenient for the young lady herself

Farewell social media statuses

Farewell social media statuses

One way to tell others about your mood is to change your social media status. Internet users do this infrequently, so a new phrase or quote always grabs attention. The topic of the proposed article is farewell statuses, with the help of which people seem to complete the dialogue with those whom they loved and who will no longer be in their lives

Examples of epics. Heroes of Russian epics

Examples of epics. Heroes of Russian epics

Epics - a kind of oral folk art in a song-epic manner. Their plot, as a rule, is built on the description of some extraordinary event from the past or a significant historical episode

"Poor people" - a summary of the school curriculum

"Poor people" - a summary of the school curriculum

Not everyone gets to read "Poor people". The summary is aimed at briefly acquainting the reader with the problems of the work

Miftahetdin Akmulla: biography and poems of the poet

Miftahetdin Akmulla: biography and poems of the poet

Akmulla Miftahetdin shigyrzary is a famous poet-educator, thinker and philosopher of the Bashkir people, who left a deep mark not only in national literature, but also in the educational and cultural life of neighboring peoples - Kazakhs and Tatars

Literary living room: script. Literary living room script

Literary living room: script. Literary living room script

Whatever the scenario of the literary living room, its main and leading goal is to help the child fulfill himself, discover his inner artist, learn to respectfully communicate with others and feel harmoniously in the world of people. This is a wonderful tandem not only of a teacher and student, but also of a child and music, poetry, prose, art and creativity. This type of artistic orientation will help to correct the situation with the notoriety of modern youth

Todd McFarlane: biography

Todd McFarlane: biography

Todd McFarlane is a famous Canadian comic book creator. We will tell about his most famous works in this article

Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky

Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky

Many people know the work of Dostoevsky, where the main character is Raskolnikov. In the novel "Crime and Punishment" the author tells not so much about a criminal offense as about the theory of murder, trying to reveal to the reader the theory of Rodion Romanovich - the main character

"The Miserly Knight": a summary. "The Miserly Knight" - a work by Pushkin

"The Miserly Knight": a summary. "The Miserly Knight" - a work by Pushkin

What will the summary tell the reader about? "The Miserly Knight" is a work by Pushkin that reveals one of the most terrible human vices - greed

"Petersburg Tales": a summary. Gogol, "Petersburg Tales"

"Petersburg Tales": a summary. Gogol, "Petersburg Tales"

In the years 1830-1840, a number of works were written about the life of St. Petersburg. Composed by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The cycle "Petersburg Tales" consists of short, but quite interesting stories. They are called "The Nose", "Nevsky Prospekt", "Overcoat", Notes of a Madman" and "Portrait". The main motive in these works is the description of the image of the "little man", almost crushed by the surrounding reality

What is the meaning of Oblomov's life? Oblomov: a life story

What is the meaning of Oblomov's life? Oblomov: a life story

What is the meaning of Oblomov's life, what is the history of his relationship with other characters, character problems - all this is vividly described in Ivan Goncharov's work "Oblomov"

Summary of "The Old Genius" by N. Leskov

Summary of "The Old Genius" by N. Leskov

Summary of the "Old Genius" presents the reader with another work of the famous prose writer Nikolai Semenovich Leskov. It was written in 1884

A. P. Chekhov, "Intruder": a summary of the story

A. P. Chekhov, "Intruder": a summary of the story

One of Anton Chekhov's well-known works is called "Intruder". The summary of the story will reveal to the reader the character of the "little man", whose image became very popular in the literature of that period

Platonov, "Little Soldier": summary and main characters

Platonov, "Little Soldier": summary and main characters

The work "The Little Soldier", a summary of which will introduce the reader to the boy Seryozha, who practically grew up in the war, was written in 1943 by prose writer Andrei Platonov

"Elder son", Vampilov: summary of the work

"Elder son", Vampilov: summary of the work

Wrote the comedy "Elder Son" Vampilov. A summary will help the reader to get acquainted with this wonderful work, which was filmed in 1975

"First Love", Turgenev: a summary of the chapters

"First Love", Turgenev: a summary of the chapters

One of the most famous works of Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich is the story "First Love", published in 1860. She introduces the reader to the experiences of a young character

Chekhov, "Uncle Vanya": a summary of the chapters

Chekhov, "Uncle Vanya": a summary of the chapters

The play "Uncle Vanya", a summary of which includes a description of village life, was written in 1986. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov very colorfully and emotionally conveyed all the events taking place in it, leaving the reader to judge the actions of the characters for himself

The story "Taras Bulba": description of the main character and his sons

The story "Taras Bulba": description of the main character and his sons

One of the most famous works of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol - "Taras Bulba". The description of events that took place over more than two centuries is one of the main motives of this story. And they all affect the fate of one character

"The block", Chingiz Aitmatov: a summary of the chapters. What is Aitmatov's novel "The Scaffold" about?

"The block", Chingiz Aitmatov: a summary of the chapters. What is Aitmatov's novel "The Scaffold" about?

Aitmatov Chingiz Torekulovich is a famous Kyrgyz and Russian writer. His work was noted by many critics, and his works were recognized as truly brilliant. Many of them brought the author world fame. Among them is the novel "Plaha"

Pushkin's parents: biographies and portraits. What were the names of Pushkin's parents

Pushkin's parents: biographies and portraits. What were the names of Pushkin's parents

Many people know who Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is. His great works cause awe not only among the Russian reader. And, of course, most people are well acquainted with the biography of the poet, which everyone has carefully studied since school days. But few people remember who Pushkin's parents were, knows their names and even more so what they looked like

Sholokhov, "The Fate of Man": analysis of the work

Sholokhov, "The Fate of Man": analysis of the work

One of the wonderful works written by Mikhail Sholokhov - "The Fate of Man". An analysis of the work and its summary will help the reader get to know its main character Andrei Sokolov

Vasily Bykov, "Obelisk": a summary of the work

Vasily Bykov, "Obelisk": a summary of the work

Another wonderful story written by Bykov - "Obelisk". A summary will help the reader to get acquainted with its content. This work was written in 1971, and a few years later the story was filmed

"Young Guard": summary. Summary of Fadeev's novel "The Young Guard"

"Young Guard": summary. Summary of Fadeev's novel "The Young Guard"

Unfortunately, today not everyone knows the work of Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev "The Young Guard". The summary of this novel will acquaint the reader with the courage and courage of young Komsomol members who worthily defended their homeland from the German invaders

Aksenov Vasily: biography and the best books of the writer

Aksenov Vasily: biography and the best books of the writer

Aksenov Vasily Pavlovich is a well-known Russian writer. His works, imbued with the spirit of freethinking, tough and touching, sometimes surreal, do not leave any reader indifferent

Alexander Kosarev: biography and creativity

Alexander Kosarev: biography and creativity

Kosarev Alexander Grigorievich is a Russian writer, author of adventure novels and short stories. My favorite topic is treasure hunting. In this article we will present the biography of the author and talk about the most famous works

Interesting kiss quotes

Interesting kiss quotes

For many people, the theme of love is very important. A kiss is a frequent companion of love and falling in love. It is common for a person to remember many bright moments of his life, and kisses are no exception. Often poems and songs are dedicated to them, they are written about in books and diaries. This article contains quotes about the kiss of eminent thinkers and unknown authors

Biography and work of Nikolai Rubtsov - Russian poet

Biography and work of Nikolai Rubtsov - Russian poet

In our literature there are many great writers who brought immortal values to Russian culture. The biography and work of Nikolai Rubtsov are of great importance in the history of Russia. This article will talk about his contribution to literature