American writer Thompson Hunter Stockton: biography, creativity

American writer Thompson Hunter Stockton: biography, creativity
American writer Thompson Hunter Stockton: biography, creativity

Thompson Hunter Stockton was a bright, rebellious and talented person. He possessed a rare gift - to write vividly and boldly about the truth. As you know, the truth is not always sweet, more often bitter and shocking. Especially when it comes to the government, the polity and its obvious flaws.

Writer Thompson Hunter Stockton turned American society upside down during his years as a journalist. He discouraged people with his truthful notes and articles, which were of a political nature. His writing style was very different from the usual - it was an expressive, emotional and deeply personal way of narrating in the first person. In other words, Thompson started a new branch of writing - gonzo journalism. With a strong word, he went through absolutely everything and was not shy in expressions. Such an unusual way of self-expression brought fame to the author of many books.

thompson hunter stockton
thompson hunter stockton

Start - wrecked truck

The youth of a journalist cannot be called sweet and simple. After the death of his fatherThompson family remained in the care of the mother. The woman is addicted to alcohol. Endless drinking, of course, did not bring anything good. Eternal need and permissiveness did not affect children in the best way. Hunter became addicted not only to alcohol, but also to drugs. This attachment to a "separate reality" led him to crash. The truck on which the writer worked crashed, as the driver, Hunter, was under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. To avoid punishment, he quickly retreated and fled to the army, where no one could get him.

Serving in the army - the beginnings of an unusual talent

In the army, Thompson Hunter Stockton was not known for being diligent. The young man wrote for the newspaper of the military base, led a sports column and not only - he described absolutely everything he saw. Nothing escaped the journalist's bold pen. All the shortcomings in the organization of the military base were instantly revealed, which led the journalist to the inevitable result - he was commissioned, and ahead of schedule. The discouraged leadership could not curb the obstinate soldier. After the Thompson army, Hunter Stockton completely surrendered to his bright and reckless fate.

fear and loathing in las vegas
fear and loathing in las vegas

Circle of Life

Despite his sad retirement from the military, the military program allowed Hunter to enter Columbia University for free. During his studies, he worked part-time at Time magazine, from where he was quickly fired for a fight he had caused with a local chef and a breakdown of the chocolate machine. But such minor annoyances never depressed the journalist,because he was the only one who dared to write the truth and not be afraid of the consequences.

Study ended in squabbles, but he still received a diploma and went to Puerto Rico, where his first novels and stories were born. Among them was one, now already known to everyone. This is the story "The Rum Diary". In it, Thompson talks about the fate of the journalist and the newspaper where he works. Needless to say, that all employees are mired in unrestrained drunkenness and debauchery (the main condition for almost all the works of the author)? Tragic and shocking story "The Rum Diary" brought Hunter fame not only in the "diligent" American society, but throughout the world.

rum diary
rum diary

Private life of a journalist

In Hunter's seemingly turbulent and indefatigable life, there was a place for a family. Thompson married his longtime girlfriend, Sandra Conklin. She was his friend, wife and reliable support for many years. But Thompson's addiction to drugs and alcohol led to endless miscarriages and the death of their newborn babies. Only one out of six possible children was born and survived - Juan.

These problems almost drove Sandra to suicide, but her husband's moral support did not let her say goodbye to life. They raised their only son and were really happy. Later, Thompson and Sandra nevertheless divorced, but remained bosom friends until the last day of Hunter's life.

thompson hunter stockton books
thompson hunter stockton books

Unusual segment of Thompson's life

Thompson Hunter Stockton, whose books are nowpopular all over the world, spent a whole year among bikers. Fate brought him into contact with a well-known and feared group of people called the Hells Angels. No matter what respectable citizens attributed to this motorcycle club - and kidnappings of children, and murders, and violence, and everything the devil was capable of. A year of life among these bikers allowed the author to debunk the stereotypes that have developed about them. He, as usual, described the essence and purpose of the existence of the "Hell's Angels" in colors, which had nothing to do with the opinions of others. This unusual period of Thompson's life was the prelude to the peak of his popularity - work in Rolling Stone magazine.

thompson hunter stockton quotes
thompson hunter stockton quotes

Significant works

Thompson's first article in the magazine was a vivid and lively first-person account of another unusual experience - an attempt to become a sheriff in a small town in Colorado. In the light of the election campaign, he promoted free access to drugs for personal use! He covered the town with posters with a naked girl, signed with excerpts from his articles. During the same period of time, he shaved his head in order to pry his opponent with a caustic phrase about his "lush vegetation" on his head. Thompson's shocking and outspoken campaign failed, of course, but it provided the basis for the first well-known article in Rolling Stone, Freak Power in the Mountains. In the same magazine, two of the main works of the journalist were published - "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" and "Fear and Loathing during the Election Campaign-72".

Labor that broughtfame

The book "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", like many other works of Thompson, shocked and intrigued the reader. It tells about the strange journey of two heroes across America. Strange because it did not have any specific purpose. Every minute was lived here and now. The heroes' car was filled with drugs of all conceivable and unimaginable types - from LSD to cocaine. Among the stimulants for changing consciousness, there was also alcohol in large quantities. With this set, the heroes of the book travel around the country.

Every episode of life is perceived and transmitted under the influence of drugs, through the veil of cocaine and booze. Despite the altered state of consciousness of the characters, the book tells the truth, the true existence of American society. For a bold story and debunking of myths, the author's book was not published for a long time, but Rolling Stone magazine took full responsibility and did not regret it. The work instantly gained popularity and fame, which the writer so sought. All his creations were first published in English, later they were translated into other languages, including Russian.

film adaptations of works
film adaptations of works

Screenings of the author's works brought him to a new round of fame. In the film "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", the beloved Depp starred as the main character. Thompson and Johnny became friends, they were connected by an unusual view of this world. For the role, the actor had to shave his head, in which Thompson himself helped him.

Books for those who are not afraid of the truth

All the author's books are saturated with tragedy and humor, unusual and sometimes aggressive interpretation of events. The book "Fear and Loathing during the Election Campaign-72" clearly shows a bright, strong and lively style. "This is my business card," - so said Thompson Hunter Stockton. The author's quotes have spread all over the world, they are filled with biting and caustic sayings about American presidents and politicians. His works are intended for those who are not afraid of drug addicts and the truth of life.

Unusual hobbies of the writer

Hunter has been collecting all kinds of weapons all his life. The most unusual items could be found in his collection. He valued it and each time showed the results of his hobby to guests. According to some of the writer's fans, this hobby appeared due to his main statement: "I must be sure that I can control my death." The writer was most afraid of remaining weak in the arms of his son. He would rather end his life in his mind and relative he alth, and only weapons could help him in this.

writer in english
writer in english

At 67 years old, Thompson, in his cozy house, locked himself in his office, pulled the trigger and died of his own free will. Everything was as he planned. This sad event happened in 2005.

Hunter Thompson's life and work has passed through a haze of altered state. Perhaps this helped him gain courage and scream about the obvious gaps in society and government, a dull existencelaw abiding citizens. It's like he laughed at the law and rules invented by "fat politicians." The journalist filtered through the prism of truth everything that came across on the way. Is it not for this that the seemingly dissolute and evil drug addict was appreciated and loved by readers all over the world? This question can only be answered by reading his articles and books. Hidden deep in marijuana smoke is the shocking truth that politics is the drug, not cocaine.
