Farewell social media statuses

Farewell social media statuses
Farewell social media statuses

One way to tell others about your mood is to change your social media status. Internet users do this infrequently, so a new phrase or quote always attracts attention. The topic of the proposed article is farewell statuses, with the help of which people seem to complete the dialogue with those whom they loved and who will no longer be in their lives.

A bit of theory

Statuses, or text messages voluntarily posted by users on their pages, are a convenient way to simultaneously communicate with all friends, subscribers and those who accidentally or knowingly look into the account. They immediately appear in the news feed and perform the following tasks:

  • Notify about a significant event ("Waiting for everyone for a bachelorette party").
  • Call to share the joy ("Hurrah! I finally succumbed to the resistance! I accept congratulations from those who understand!").
  • Written in the form of a joke, uplifting ("My character is not easy. From the liver!").
  • Help change the way you think about yourself("Always on the lookout for…adventure!").
  • Helps to confess feelings ("Sometimes thinking about someone and not sleeping is so nice!").
  • Express an emotional mood. Such messages also include farewell statuses, which will be discussed in the article ("The phone has been erased, but the memory cannot be deceived. And you will never become a stranger to me!").
Farewell statuses for a loved one
Farewell statuses for a loved one

Philosophical reflections

Farewell statuses are designed to support a person who feels the bitterness of loss. That is why many people choose statements or aphorisms of philosophical content. They seem to tear a person away from the hustle and bustle of the day and make them think about eternal values. When parting, people often turn to the legacy of the great Colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez:

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.

German writer Erich Maria Remarque was able to honestly reveal the theme of "love and war". He has many interesting sayings. For example, this:

No person can become more of a stranger than someone you loved in the past.

One of the most respected writers and poets of today is the Brazilian Paolo Coelho.

Sometimes you have to die to live.

The worst injury is not from the enemy in the war, but the betrayal of a loved one.

Farewell statuses about friends
Farewell statuses about friends

Farewell statuses to your beloved

Breaking up with an ex-lover is alwaysdrama, even if the love is gone. It is especially difficult for those who have been abandoned. At such times, it is important for a woman to learn from a breakup so as not to experience the pain of loss in the following relationship.

Statuses can help you be honest with yourself, trying to give the right assessment of past experience:

  • Sometimes it's so important to say goodbye to open the doors to true happiness.
  • I will definitely become happy. Against all odds!
  • Sometimes letting go is better than holding on.
  • Only those who have parted more than once will know true happiness.
  • If we are destined to be together, then you will definitely find a way to my heart. Rely on fate!

Sometimes statuses are set to draw a line. If the couple's communication mainly took place on social networks, girls often choose the form of an open message:

  • I'm putting the relationship on hold. Bye bye love.
  • I thought I love you. It turned out that she liked to think more.
  • You said the breakup was a mistake. Alas, the meeting was a mistake!
  • From now on, access to my heart is closed for you!
  • Thank you for happy days. What a pity that they are gone forever!

Humor always helps in difficult times. A girl can always afford an ironic and even joking attitude to what is happening:

  • They say a man thrown right will always come back… like a boomerang!
  • If a guy talks nasty things about you after a breakup, know that you managed to break him…
farewellstatuses with humor
farewellstatuses with humor

Messages for girls

Men prefer to refuse to sort things out, so they often disappear without explanation. They simply stop calling and communicating on social networks, unfollowing ex-lovers or abandoning their accounts. But today they are increasingly using farewell statuses for their girlfriend to avoid ambiguity:

  • To be honest, you were a dream. I was just dreaming in earnest.
  • My patience has run out. Be happy!
  • You expected more from me than I could give. Alas, this is not my fault, but your fault.
  • After a breakup, there is always motivation to become a thousand times better.
  • Let me be the biggest mistake of your life.
  • Thanks to the next girl for helping me forget the previous one.
  • Do you prefer freedom? Free!
  • Alas, sometimes it doesn't matter how much you are loved if your feelings are asleep.
  • Married. Another. The case behind the stamp in the passport.

Farewell status to friends

Friends sometimes leave our lives: some for a while, and some forever. We will talk about the status of the intervention of death below, and now let's think about those who leave us, leaving an unhealed wound on the heart:

  • Friendship is the distance between acquaintance and… betrayal.
  • Understanding has come: the place of true friends is in the Red Book.
  • Goodbye ex-girlfriend! Alas, friendship is not a toy.
  • When a guy appears, girlfriends disappear somewhere.
  • Friends leave somehow by chance…
Remember death, farewell statuses for the death of loved ones
Remember death, farewell statuses for the death of loved ones

Memento mori

The most difficult thing is to choose farewell statuses for the death of loved ones. The important thing here is to be polite and not hurt anyone's feelings.

  • The passage of time scares the loss of loved ones.
  • As long as we remember, there is no death for them.
  • When the Lord would give one more moment - to say during my lifetime that I did not have time to say…

We grow up when we understand what real sadness is. This is when there is no one to share it with.
