Nekrasov Andrei: the literary father of Captain Vrungel

Nekrasov Andrei: the literary father of Captain Vrungel
Nekrasov Andrei: the literary father of Captain Vrungel

Andrey Nekrasov is a writer, essayist, prose writer, better known to the reader as the author of the adventures of the famous Captain Vrungel and his faithful assistants Fuchs and Loma.

Most favorite cartoon

More than one generation of children grew up on this work, successfully filmed by director D. Cherkassky in 1978. Saveliy Kramarov, Vladimir Basov, Mikhail Pugovkin, Sergey Martinson speak in the voices of their favorite characters in the 13-episode cartoon. The unlucky and fearless Captain Vrungel was voiced by Zinovy Gerdt.

andrey nekrasov writer
andrey nekrasov writer

Writing such an epoch-making fantasy book for kids, sitting at his desk at home, Andrey Nekrasov would hardly have been able to. Therefore, he personally decided to conquer the seas and oceans in order to get in touch with the life of his hero in reality. Rather, it was the other way around: first there were oceans and seas, and then a cute character Khristofor Bonifatievich Vrungel appeared, who described his incredible adventures around the world, naturally embellishing them a little.

Andrey Nekrasov: biography

AndreySergeevich Nekrasov was born in Moscow on June 22, 1907. The doctor's son was fond of adventure literature in childhood; The Travels of Marco Polo made a special impression on him.

Nekrasov Andrey
Nekrasov Andrey

After graduating from school in 1924, he began working as a fitter at the capital's tram station, but young Andrey was attracted by unknown horizons, and in 1926 he moved to distant Murmansk, where he got a job as a sailor on a fishing boat. Then there was another ship. And more.

And he beat whales and mined gold

Sailing on various ships as an ordinary sailor and fireman in the regions of the Far East and the Far North, Andrey Nekrasov began to record interesting cases and funny situations that he witnessed and in which he himself took part. For 10 years, in difficult natural conditions, he tried himself in various fields: he stood at the burning furnaces of the ship's stoker, heavy shifts, hunted walruses in the Bering Strait, organized whaling in the Pacific Ocean, mined gold on the Amur and oil on Sakhalin. In 1933, after graduating from a naval college in Vladivostok, Andrey Sergeevich Nekrasov was appointed deputy in the maritime department of the Dalmorzverprom trust.

Nekrasov's writing activity

The first publications (1928) were separate notes and poems (mainly for a children's audience), under which Andrey Sergeevich Nekrasov signed as Tope.

Nekrasov Andrey Sergeevich
Nekrasov Andrey Sergeevich

In 1935, the book "Sea Boots" saw the light of day - a collection of stories in whichthe author shares with the reader stories about the difficult working days of sailors in the conditions of the North. In 1936, the book "The Tale of Comrade Kirov", written in collaboration with several writers, was published.

The book "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel", published in 1937 and brought popularity to its author, was translated into many languages and reprinted several times. The prototype of the captain was a long-time acquaintance A. M. Vronsky, who headed the first whaling trust in the Far East and often entertained his friends with invented stories at his leisure. At the same time, the writer Bogdanov N. V. not unreasonably believed that one of the prototypes of Christopher Bonifatich was Nekrasov himself, who amused the editorial staff with fascinating tales-stories.

The book was met with mixed reviews by critics of the time. So, Leo Kassil praised the story, written for people who love jokes, appreciate the intricate charm of fables and notice the true philistine meaning in ridiculous absurdities. The writer I. Rakhtanov predicted that the frivolous work would soon be forgotten, but after 30 years he changed his mind, including Vrungel in the category of books that are destined for a happy long life.

andrey nekrasov biography
andrey nekrasov biography

Almost immediately after the publication, the children's book was withdrawn from sale, and the author, who at that time held the post of assistant to the 1st secretary of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee, was arrested and sent to build the Norilsk plant.

Postwar years

In 1941 Andrei Nekrasov volunteered for the front,served in aviation and infantry; since 1942 he was an employee of a front-line newspaper. In 1943 he joined the Writers' Union of the USSR.

In 1944, having fallen under the wheels of a merciless repressive machine, the writer was sentenced by a military tribunal to 3 years.

In 1953, the author's new book, An Enviable Biography, saw the light of day. Nekrasov also wrote the work "The Fate of the Ship" (1958) and a series of popular science books.

After rehabilitation, the writer was in the leadership of a closed yacht club for Soviet captains and even acquired one of the decommissioned German yachts, which he called "Trouble" in honor of the book counterpart. When launched, the ship sank, fully justifying its name, and after the repair, hitting the power line with steel shrouds, it completely burned down.

Until the last days Nekrasov Andrei Sergeevich was a member of the editorial board of the literary almanac "Ocean" and the magazine "Pioneer". Died at the age of 80, February 15, 1987.
