Literature 2024, October

The story "Clean Monday" or between two worlds

The story "Clean Monday" or between two worlds

An unusually sensual, emotional, but at the same time tragic story by I. Bunin "Clean Monday", the summary of which is almost impossible to retell - on the pages of the story there are not so much events as feelings and experiences of the main characters. "Clean Monday" begins with a chance acquaintance of a young man and a girl at a lecture by Andrei Bely, which became the beginning of an amazingly beautiful novel that had no future. Every evening they went to dine in expensive restaurants

Allen Carr's book "An easy way to stop drinking": genre, content, reviews

Allen Carr's book "An easy way to stop drinking": genre, content, reviews

In Russia, there were no statistical studies that would confirm the effectiveness of Allen Carr's methods. But perhaps every smoker has a friend who at least once recommended him to read the book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking." She helped many. Less popular is The Easy Way to Stop Drinking. The topic of alcohol addiction is very sensitive. Not everyone who managed to overcome it will not be embarrassed to recommend to friends and acquaintances the work of the founder of the Easy Method clinic

Anna Kern - Pushkin's muse. A poem dedicated to Anna Kern

Anna Kern - Pushkin's muse. A poem dedicated to Anna Kern

Anna Petrovna Kern was a Russian noblewoman. She was remembered as a woman who played a significant role in the fate of the brilliant Russian writer Pushkin. She herself wrote her memoirs

Henry Longfellow: biography and creativity

Henry Longfellow: biography and creativity

The work of Henry Longfellow is known to any more or less educated person. His romantic poetry is a bright page in American literature and culture. Let's talk about how the fate of the poet developed, what influenced his work and what books of the writer should be read by everyone

Composition technique in literature: description, application and rules

Composition technique in literature: description, application and rules

The word "composition" is first encountered at school, later it becomes a term, then a concept, gradually expanding to the key in any plan for understanding a literary work. There are various ways and forms of artistic representation of reality, and compositional technique is considered as one of the main formative units

How to write a novel: where to start, come up with a title, plot

How to write a novel: where to start, come up with a title, plot

How to write a novel? Force the reader to plunge into the world created by the author? Feel things, places and worlds he didn't know about? Ignite the reader's thirst to know what happens next and make them turn the page

We read the summary of "After the Ball" by Leo Tolstoy

We read the summary of "After the Ball" by Leo Tolstoy

The article gives a summary of "After the Ball" by L.N. Tolstoy, as well as the history of the creation of this story and its brief analysis

Balzac's Shagreen Skin - a parable or a portrait of time and society?

Balzac's Shagreen Skin - a parable or a portrait of time and society?

Honoré de Balzac conceived and almost brought to life a daring plan: to write a cycle of novels and short stories in which a literary model of contemporary France would be created. He called the main creation of his life "The Human Comedy", by analogy with the "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri. The writer hoped that it would become as significant for the 19th century as the creation of the great Florentine for the Middle Ages. Shagreen Leather (1831) is also included in this cycle

The best modern books. Short review

The best modern books. Short review

Sometimes it seems that due to the abundance of feature films and various TV series today, among which there are many adaptations of various literary works, reading books has become irrelevant. But looking at the shelves in bookstores, you suddenly realize that this is not at all the case. Therefore, now I would like to consider the best modern books, the demand for which has not faded for years

Herman Melville: biography of the writer and his work

Herman Melville: biography of the writer and his work

Herman Melville is a famous American writer with a difficult fate. He began to work very early, he managed to see and learn a lot. In his youth - a traveler, in the middle of his life - a famous and respected writer, in maturity - a forgotten civil servant. Interest in the author's works arose only in the 19th century, and his fame began to grow steadily. Melville began to be perceived by the reader as a contemporary, and his novel "Moby Dick" became the most significant novel of that time

The tragic duel and the death of Pushkin

The tragic duel and the death of Pushkin

It's safe to say that Pushkin's death left an indelible mark on the history of Russian and world literature

Characterization of Taras Bulba through the eyes of our contemporaries

Characterization of Taras Bulba through the eyes of our contemporaries

Taras Bulba is a very colorful figure. He is the hero of the eponymous work by Gogol. Who is he? Hero or sadist? A patriot or just an irresponsible father? It is difficult for a modern teenager to understand this, and for us, with our inverted perception of the 21st century, too

Gogol's death, which gave rise to many mysteries

Gogol's death, which gave rise to many mysteries

Even after so many years, Gogol, whose death was a real shock for many, remains one of the most widely read writers not only in the post-Soviet space, but throughout the world

Characteristics of Chatsky: who are the judges?

Characteristics of Chatsky: who are the judges?

Chatsky, Alexander Andreevich, was a rather deep person for his time. No stranger to romance, he possessed a tenacious analytical mind and a rare ability to notice even the most insignificant processes taking place in society. The main characteristic of Chatsky is his intransigence

Characteristics of Alexander Nevsky: short biography

Characteristics of Alexander Nevsky: short biography

Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky is a prince who occupies a special place in Russian history. In ancient Russian history, he is the most popular character - the defender of the Fatherland, a fearless knight who devoted his life to his homeland

Evgeny Bazarov - characteristics of the hero of the novel

Evgeny Bazarov - characteristics of the hero of the novel

Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov. Their characteristics and reasons for opposition. Who stays in the past and who owns the future

Characteristics of Onegin in the modern school

Characteristics of Onegin in the modern school

How up-to-date is the literature program? Is it necessary to include modern authors in it and to what extent? Do children read and how to stimulate this process. And, finally, is Eugene Onegin still needed, or is all this hopelessly outdated?

Characteristics of Famusov and Chatsky

Characteristics of Famusov and Chatsky

Famusov's characteristic is the exact opposite of Chatsky's. In this example, the author accurately and with humor reveals the conflict of generations, as well as the conflict between society and individuals who do not share some of the concepts of this society

Characteristics of Bazarov, his role in the novel "Fathers and Sons"

Characteristics of Bazarov, his role in the novel "Fathers and Sons"

Evgeny Bazarov is one of the most discussed figures in Russian classical literature. Nihilism, unacceptable for those times, and a consumerist attitude towards nature were reflected in the characterization of the hero

Oblomov's characteristic. Life or Existence?

Oblomov's characteristic. Life or Existence?

Oblomov was not interested in anything, but his soul was open, and he was ready to borrow new impressions from life, which is why Oblomov's characterization wins somewhat

What to read to a girl at her leisure

What to read to a girl at her leisure

The article talks about what to read to a girl, what books can evoke emotions. Examples of several interesting works are given

Characterization of Mtsyra in the light of Lermontov's romantic ideals

Characterization of Mtsyra in the light of Lermontov's romantic ideals

Yes, the author and his hero are spiritually close to each other. Characteristics of Mtsyri, the history of his life allow us to notice direct analogies. Like Lermontov, Mtsyri is a bright, extraordinary person, ready to challenge the whole world and rush into battle in the name of freedom and for the sake of finding the Motherland

The image and characteristics of Khlestakov

The image and characteristics of Khlestakov

N. V. Gogol wrote that in the comedy "The Inspector General" he wants to collect "everything bad in Russia" and "laugh at everything." He admitted that Khlestakov became the most difficult way for him. In the recommendations for the play, the author quite deeply revealed his character: “a little stupid”, “he speaks without any consideration”, “without a king in his head”. Khlestakov's characterization will help to understand that he himself lies unintentionally, simply plays the role that those around him imposed on him

Lermontov's duels. Who killed Lermontov in a duel

Lermontov's duels. Who killed Lermontov in a duel

The foot of Mount Mashuk is the site of Lermontov's duel, the tragic duel that so unexpectedly ended the life of a genius. But who is to blame for his death? Coincidence of circumstances or insidious plans of enemies and envious people?

Akhmadulina Bella: poems and biography

Akhmadulina Bella: poems and biography

Bella Akhmadulina's poetic gift manifested itself in childhood, she easily rhymed everything that came into her head, and at the age of 12 the girl began to write down her poems in a notebook. When she was 15 years old, the well-known literary critic D. Bykov read the poems of the young poetess

What is a novella? The meaning of the word and its origin

What is a novella? The meaning of the word and its origin

Do you know what a novella is? Who would have thought that anecdotes, fables and fairy tales would serve as the basis for its appearance

Alexander Chekhov - an outcast and a favorite

Alexander Chekhov - an outcast and a favorite

Alexander Chekhov endured many trials in life, it seemed that he should bend from failures and hardships, but he was a large living man, extravagant, with a loud voice, who was adored by children and animals

Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich: biography, activities and interesting facts

Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich: biography, activities and interesting facts

Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich - poet, writer, journalist. A man who became a legend during his lifetime. Events from the biography of this extraordinary personality are reflected in famous works. Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich is rightfully considered a classic of the memoir genre

The tale of the Fox and brother Rabbit. More stories from Uncle Remus

The tale of the Fox and brother Rabbit. More stories from Uncle Remus

Being a writer, Harris will start traveling and collecting stories about the cunning Brer Rabbit and his family, about the cunning Fox, who cannot catch and eat a very smart hare. But first he will work as a typesetter in a printing house, then as a journalist and, finally, as an editor in various newspapers

Ilya Ehrenburg: biography and creativity

Ilya Ehrenburg: biography and creativity

Poet, writer, public figure, journalist, translator Ehrenburg Ilya Grigoryevich was born in 1891 (January 27 - new style, January 14 - old) in Kyiv. His family moved to Moscow in 1895. Here, Ilya's father was for some time the director of the brewery

Diana Gabaldon. Adventure Gothic - the key to success

Diana Gabaldon. Adventure Gothic - the key to success

Diana Gabaldon is an American writer who has written more than a dozen successful novels over the past twenty years. A distinctive feature of her work is the mixture of genres and the predominance of Gothic themes

B. Titov, "To spite all deaths": a summary

B. Titov, "To spite all deaths": a summary

Few people get to endure as much suffering and torment as the hero of the story "To spite all deaths." The summary can be summarized in a few words: a person became disabled, but did not give up and built his destiny anew

"It's all in one single covenant": an analysis. "The whole essence is in one single testament" - a poem by Tvardovsky

"It's all in one single covenant": an analysis. "The whole essence is in one single testament" - a poem by Tvardovsky

Tvardovsky's poem "The whole essence is in a single testament" explains to us that the freedom of creativity is unlimited, that every person has the right to express his opinion

Artem Kamenisty and his novel "Border River"

Artem Kamenisty and his novel "Border River"

Someone likes the work of Artem Kamenisty, while others criticize his works. "The Border River" is a book that has received both positive and negative reviews. Consider the opinions of critics and readers in the article. What does Kamenisty himself say about the peculiarities of his prose?

Penelope Hufflepuff: interesting facts

Penelope Hufflepuff: interesting facts

Penelope Hufflepuff is a famous witch who became the founder of the school of magic called Hogwarts. She chose a badger as a symbol of her faculty, and most of all she valued diligence, honesty and diligence in her students. The chalice that once belonged to her was used by the Dark Lord to preserve his soul. Penelope is also known for her culinary charms

Types of riddles, their use

Types of riddles, their use

The fact of the existence of such a genre as a riddle was known in ancient times. It has not lost its relevance in the modern life of people. Why is this form of folk and author's poetry so attractive? Why is the genre so active? The types of riddles that exist today are extremely diverse

How to come up with a riddle on your own?

How to come up with a riddle on your own?

How many folk puzzles can you remember right off the bat? ten? twenty? For sure, these will be the most famous. But there are thousands of mysteries! Plus, you can create your own

Andrey Platonovich Platonov: biography and creativity, photo

Andrey Platonovich Platonov: biography and creativity, photo

Among writers there are those whose work is not recognized during their lifetime, because it does not correspond to the views of their time. But years or decades pass, and their works receive a worthy place in the history of literature. These writers include Andrei Platonovich Platonov, whose biography is a vivid confirmation of this

The Tale of the Hedgehog in the Fog and other interesting stories about this character and his friends

The Tale of the Hedgehog in the Fog and other interesting stories about this character and his friends

Hedgehog in many people causes sympathy. They wrote interesting stories about this touching animal. A fairy tale about a hedgehog, told to the baby at night, will help him fall asleep in a good mood. If you add a few more characters to the story, then the tale of the prickly animal can be role-played, which will make the children even more delighted

Sergei Nilus: books and biography of the writer

Sergei Nilus: books and biography of the writer

Outstanding spiritual writer and thinker Sergei Nilus is known as the author of works about the followers of the faith and Orthodox shrines. Thanks to his selfless service to God, we now have the historical truth about the past of the spiritual life of Russia