Alexander Chekhov - an outcast and a favorite

Alexander Chekhov - an outcast and a favorite
Alexander Chekhov - an outcast and a favorite

The eldest son in the family of Pavel Yegorych and Evgenia Yakovlevna Chekhov, Alexander Chekhov, was born in the middle of the nineteenth century, on August 22, 1855. He signed his works with the pseudonym A. Seda.

alexander chekhov
alexander chekhov

Its prototype was Misail Poloznev in Anton Chekhov's story "My Life". Like Alexander, Misail challenges with his behavior the circle in which he lives. If you dispassionately consider the life of Alexander, then even for the end of the nineteenth century, which has seen all Russian reality, it seems unusual.

Chekhov Alexander Pavlovich: biography

After studying at the Taganrog gymnasium and receiving a silver medal, he enters Moscow University at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, writes stories and is published in popular magazines. By the way, it is to his brother that the future brilliant writer Anton Chekhov owes his literary activity. Alexander puts Anton in a magazine, and he returns to Taganrog, from where his father fled, fleeing from creditors.

In his hometown, Chekhov Alexander Pavlovich serves in customs, thereby causing bewilderment among family members. He himself dreams of a family, of clean, good relations, adores children andat the same time he marries twice women who do not match his dreams.

His first wife was Anna Sokolnikova, who was eight years older than him and had three children and a ban from the church (since she was divorced) for a second marriage. But this did not bother her, the woman had free views on life.

The second wife was Natalya Ipatyeva, who served as his governess, has a sick mother and a sister with starving children, who unsuccessfully married the artist Putyatin.

Alexander Chekhov was supposed to take care of all this.


Parents were believers, strict morals. They did not openly show their love, especially the father. Alexander grew up as a difficult child, wayward and capricious. Behind him was born Nikolai - a sickly, scrofulous child. Feeling that she is pregnant again, Evgenia Yakovlevna gives Alexander to her younger sister for an indefinite period of time for education, and in the first half of 1859 she goes on a pilgrimage to the monasteries.

Chekhov Alexander Pavlovich
Chekhov Alexander Pavlovich

Anton Pavlovich, after so many mother's prayers, became a reward for his parents, and Alexander Chekhov found himself away from home. Although Fedosya Yakovlevna (mother's younger sister) lived next door, the boy still felt cut off from his loved ones.

In the shop

Chekhov Sr.'s story about vacations with grandparents describes in detail his and Anton's childhood. The way they had to deny themselves the usual pastime for children. Their peers rested after the gymnasium, went to visit each other, played in the yardat home, and the brothers were forced to "stick out" in their father's shop, selling goods. Pavel Yegorovich believed that this would discipline them and teach them how to live, but the boys hated the shop. Chekhov in the story "Three Years" describes in detail his childhood and the feelings he experienced.

Chekhov Alexander Pavlovich biography
Chekhov Alexander Pavlovich biography

Chekhov Alexander Pavlovich for his short life in what only adventures did not get involved. He was a vegetarian, was fond of photography, rode a bicycle, studied foreign languages, loved birds. Forty birds lived in his room, circling freely in it, then he also bred elite chickens, made clocks from moss, boiled linoleum from newspapers, added gases to milk …

Participated in social activities, built hospitals for alcoholics (being an alcoholic himself) and asylums for the mentally ill.

Conclusion, sunset of life

381 letters from my elder brother to Anton have been printed. Alexander realized early on that literature was not his path, but in letters to his brother he is free, writes about everything he thinks about, doing it aptly and talentedly. Letters, in turn, are a historical value for all people who are not indifferent to the great writer A. P. Chekhov and his family.

Anton's death was a major shock for Alexander. Alexander Chekhov dedicates his stories about childhood to his brother. Alexander himself dies nine years after Anton. He died in 1913.

At one time he was popular with compatriots not only for his works of art, but also for his works devoted to the fight against alcoholism, the treatment of the mentally ill in St.many other works.

alexander chekhov stories
alexander chekhov stories

His son from his second marriage, Mikhail Chekhov, became a famous Hollywood actor who instilled the Stanislavsky system in America. Mikhail idolized his father, his erudition, knowledge not only in literature, but also in medicine, chemistry and even in matters of philosophy.

Alexander Chekhov endured many trials in life, it seemed that he should bend from failures and hardships, but he was a large living man, extravagant, with a loud voice, adored by children and animals.
