2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
The works of N. V. Gogol have become the property of world literature. To this day, he remains one of the best satirical writers who so subtly managed to portray Russian reality. This article provides a description of the protagonist of Gogol's immortal comedy "The Government Inspector".
About the work
The action of the comedy takes place in the county town of the Russian wilderness. Local officials received news of the imminent arrival of the auditor. Steeped in bribery and theft, they were pretty frightened and mistook a young rake who was passing through the city for checking. In fact, the auditor does not appear in the comedy at all. The main character can be considered as such only in an ironic sense, since he does not understand that he was mistaken for a "high-ranking official from the capital." Khlestakov's characterization will help to understand that he himself lies unintentionally, simply plays the role that others have imposed on him.
N. AT. Gogol wrote that in the comedy The Inspector General he wants to collect "everything bad in Russia" and "laugh at everything." He admitted that Khlestakov became the most difficult way for him. In the recommendations for the play, the author quite deeply revealed his character: “a little stupid”, “he speaks without any consideration”, “without a king in his head”. The hero of the play, indeed, performs all his actions absolutely unintentionally. Despite the fact that this character is neither a conscious deceiver nor a reasoner, he is the real engine of the plot.

Appearance of the main character
What is a person who was mistaken for an auditor in the town? What is its characteristic? Khlestakov - young, "twenty-three years old", "slender", with chestnut hair - "more chantret", "nice little nose" "and his eyes are so quick." “Inconspicuous” and short, but “not bad-looking”, one might say, “pretty”. Not in service uniform, but dressed in fashion, a dress made of “English cloth”, one tailcoat will cost “rubles and a half hundred”, a cap and a cane.

Khlestakov loves only the best, does not deny himself anything, - "death" as "I do not like to deny myself" and "I love good food." Already at the beginning of the comedy it is clear what kind of person he is. The servant Osip gives a characterization to Khlestakov, from his words it becomes clear that the gentleman “profinted money” on the road, that his father sent, and now sits “twitched his tail”, but asks to rent a “best” room for him, and his lunch is “best”give it. Khlestakov is a petty official, "a simple Elistratishka." He is single, loves to go to the theatre, “rides in a cab”, but spends money, sends a servant to the market to sell a “new tailcoat”. Instead of working, he walks “around the prefect” and “plays cards.”
Khlestakov arrived from St. Petersburg, stayed at a hotel in a small room, lived for the second week, dined, “does not go from the tavern” and “does not pay a penny”. The innkeeper refused to serve them, Osip and Khlestakov, dinner. They don’t even have money for tobacco, “the last fourth day they smoked it out.” Khlestakov didn’t like the town: in the shops “they don’t lend,” he thought to sell his pants, but decided that it was better to come home “in a St. Petersburg suit”, and go up to the “daughter” of some landowner.

The author masterfully presented Khlestakov's characterization. In comedy, each line of the hero reveals his mannerisms and behavior. From the very beginning, he shows himself as an empty and frivolous person: having spent all the money, he not only does not think about the fact that he has nothing to pay with, but also demands. The servant brings him "soup and roast", and give Khlestakov another "sauce" and give salmon. He eats and picks: “this is not hot”, instead of butter, “some feathers”, “axe” instead of “beef”. He scolds the innkeeper: “loafers”, only “fights with passing people.”
Having learned that the mayor asked him, he continues: “The beast innkeeper! Complained already. He threatens: “How dare you? What am I, a merchant or an artisan?” But when he sees the mayor, he shrinks and explains that he is owedsend money from the village. It is justified that there is nothing to pay for: the whole day the innkeeper “starved” him and served “tea”, which “stinks of fish”. Seeing that the mayor was shy, Khlestakov took courage and, in order not to end up in prison, tries to intimidate him. Starting with promises to pay for lunch, he ends up threatening to contact the minister.
The mayor takes him for an auditor, fawns over him, speaks with respect, calls him an "enlightened guest", invites him to his house. Khlestakov does not even try to find out the reason for the honors given to him, says "without any consideration" and begins to complain about the bad conditions, the owner does not give candles when he wants to "compose something." To the mayor’s invitation to live in his house, he immediately agrees: “much nicer” than “in this tavern.”

Khlestakov's speech
Even a brief description of Khlestakov shows that in the image of his hero the author gives a collective and somewhat exaggerated type of a superficially educated upstart. For the sake of a beautiful style, Khlestakov uses in his speech incomprehensible French words, clichés from literature. And at the same time, he does not consider it shameful to insert vulgar expressions. He speaks abruptly, jumping from one to another, all because he is spiritually poor and unable to focus on anything. He grows in his own eyes from the attention of officials, becomes bolder and no longer knows the limit in lies and boasting.
The very first action gives an extremely clear description of Khlestakov. Whenofficials take him to the institutions of the city, he is primarily interested in whether there are any entertainments where you can "play cards." From which it becomes clear that a person likes to have fun. In the house of the mayor, he tries to rise in the eyes of others and says that he is a member of the department, once he was even "mistaken for the commander in chief." He boasts that he is "known everywhere", with "actresses familiar." Often sees "writers", "on a friendly footing" with Pushkin.
Claims that he wrote "Yuri Miloslavsky", but Marya Antonovna recalls that this is Zagoskin's work. What about the newly minted auditor? He instantly finds an excuse, informing those present about the existence of two different books with the same title. He says that he has "the first house" in St. Petersburg and then, intoxicated with wine and success, he admits an inaccuracy: "you will run up" to your place "on the fourth floor" and "tell the cook." But those around him take this more as a slip of the tongue and encourage him to lie, thinking it will let them know more about him.

Rejoices in a warm welcome and does not realize that he was mistaken for another person. “The lightness in thoughts is extraordinary” - the author gave him such a description. Khlestakov does not pretend to be an auditor, he simply does what those around him impose on him. This behavior further establishes him in their eyes as a high-ranking official. “Although he lied,” he plays “with the ministers” and goes “to the palace.” Khlestakov weaves an intrigue, but he himself does not realize this. The image of this hero is the embodiment of stupidity andvoid.
His thoughts fussily jump from one subject to another, without stopping or stopping at anything. The author in the comments also gives Khlestakov a characterization. The quotes “without a king in my head”, “somewhat stupid” give a clear understanding that we are facing one of those people who are called “empty”. Moreover, he instantly changes his appearance and adapts to reality. A sort of chameleon that changes its color for survival, not for fun. Thanks to this unintentionality and sincerity with which he plays the role imposed on him, Khlestakov easily gets out of any situation when he is caught in a lie.

Relationships with others
In the mayor's house, everyone wants to know more about the "distinguished guest" and ask the servant Osip what his master likes, what he is interested in. Khlestakov, on the other hand, brilliantly plays the auditor in front of the officials, and only in the fourth act of the comedy begins to understand that he was mistaken for a "statesman." Does he feel anything about it? Hardly. He easily transforms and plays the role that society has offered him.
In comedy, everything is based on a situation of self-deception. The author presents the reader with a person who lacks his own content. In the comedy "The Government Inspector", Khlestakov's characterization clearly shows that he is a person without inner content. He does not so much deliberately deceive as he misleads other participants in the comedy. It is precisely in this unintentionality that the strength of this character lies.
Khlestakov to suchdegree gets used to the role that appears to be the groom of the mayor's daughter. Without shame or conscience, he asks for her hand, not remembering that a minute ago he confessed his love to her mother. He throws himself on his knees first before his daughter, then before his mother. As a result, he conquers them and drags himself after both, does not know who to choose.

Comedy finale
When Khlestakov realizes that he was taken for the wrong person, another unseemly feature of this hero is revealed. Having an empty and insignificant character, he writes to his acquaintance writer about what happened to him. And despite the fact that they accepted him in this town complacently, Khlestakov joyfully describes the vices of his new acquaintances, those whom he has already robbed in order, and offers to ridicule them in the newspaper. This is the characteristic of Khlestakov.
Gogol's work ends with a "silent scene": a real auditor has arrived. But this does not make him the main character of the comedy; Khlestakov is rightfully considered the main character. The author of the work publicly stated that the only positive face in his comedy is laughter. So Gogol warned the accusations from the officials. The writer argued that regardless of age, education or social status, every Russian person becomes Khlestakov even for a minute.
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