Penelope Hufflepuff: interesting facts

Penelope Hufflepuff: interesting facts
Penelope Hufflepuff: interesting facts

The Harry Potter universe is full of magical characters. Of particular note are those who became the founders of the magical school Hogwarts. There are four of them, as well as faculties. We get more information about Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor, since the Dark Lord himself studied at the first, and the main characters studied at the second. However, we must not forget about the others.

For example, Penelope Hufflepuf (Helga Hufflepuf) is the founder of the faculty of the same name. She appreciated kindness and perseverance in people, so the students of the faculty had the same characteristics.

Who is Hufflepuff?

You can learn about Penelope Hufflepuff already in the first book about the adventures of Harry Potter, when they begin to describe the faculties. Draco Malfoy, for example, said that there is nothing worse than being in this house. Many people think that not very smart people get there. But it's not.

According to the book, Penelope Hufflepuff appreciated diligence and kindness in people, so the students of her faculty are diligent and good-natured. She was one offounders of the school of magic, but little is known about her.

bowl of penelope hufflepuff
bowl of penelope hufflepuff

What is Hufflepuff famous for?

It is worth noting that there is little information about the character of the founder of Hogwarts. However, it is well established that she was an expert in cooking enchantments. It is also believed that many of the dishes that Hogwarts greets students with are prepared according to her recipes.

Also, Penelope Hufflepuff chose a badger as a symbol of her faculty. In addition, she did not like lies, so honesty and loy alty are also considered the hallmarks of her students.

Unfortunately, the photo of Penelope Hufflepuff is hard to find. But according to the sketches that are in the book, she is slightly overweight, with an open face, a slight, slightly bewildered smile. Outwardly attractive.

penelope hufflepuff photo
penelope hufflepuff photo

One of the Dark Lord's Horcruxes

Much more interesting information about Penelope Hufflepuff can be found in the last parts of the book and the film. After all, her bowl became one of the Horcruxes.

According to the books, the Dark Lord hid pieces of his soul in objects to become immortal. But since he was distinguished from childhood by a sense of his own superiority, simple objects did not suit him. Therefore, he tried to collect things that were associated with the founders of the faculties, that is, with the great and famous magicians.

The only item that has survived to the point of its greatness is Penelope Hufflepuff's cup. He tricked her out of the granddaughter of the founder of the school of magic, and the lady herselfkilled.

Later this cup was kept in the safe of the death eater Belatrice, who was betrayed by the Dark Lord. To keep it safe from others, a procreation spell was cast on it, and those who touched it were burned, and the bowl itself copied itself.

bowl of penelope
bowl of penelope

So, Penelope Hufflepuff is a famous witch who became the founder of the school of magic called Hogwarts. She chose a badger as a symbol of her faculty, and most of all she valued diligence, honesty and diligence in her students. The chalice that once belonged to her was used by the Dark Lord to preserve his soul. Penelope is also known for her culinary charms.
