What is a man called in ballet: personalities, interesting facts

What is a man called in ballet: personalities, interesting facts
What is a man called in ballet: personalities, interesting facts

Many adults don't know anything about ballet and find it boring. Most often, they even find it difficult to answer what a man is called in ballet. Meanwhile, this is an exciting activity in which there is a place for a person of any gender.

Manly ballet

There are no problems with ballerina girls. But what is the name of a man who dances ballet? A simple analogy will help you understand the terms. After all, there are artists of the theater, cinema, opera. So it's easy for boys. They are ballet dancers or dancers.

Now it's clear what a man is called in ballet. In addition to ridiculous words, a lot of stereotypical ideas stuck to men. Someone considers them weak, someone overly feminine. But the truth is that dancing for many hours requires remarkable stamina. And to keep the partner on outstretched arms is a real test of strength.

Jump in ballet
Jump in ballet

Famous men in ballet

The following dancers have made a significant contribution to world culture:

  • Vaclav Nijinsky is still considered one of the best dancers in the world, although not a single recording of this artist from the beginning of the 20th century has survivedcentury.
  • Rudolf Nureyev, already at the age of twenty, became a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater thanks to his incredible charisma and skill.
  • Maris Liepa is world famous for his emphatically masculine dance style.
  • Mikhail Baryshnikov was so famous that Joseph Brodsky and Stephen King mentioned him in their works.
  • George Balanchine is an artist of Georgian origin who laid the foundation for all modern American ballet.
  • Maurice Béjart is one of the greatest choreographers of the 20th century, bringing together the traditions of ancient, classical and modern ballet.

Interesting facts

Dancing man
Dancing man

You should know this:

  • Men's bodysuits, tightly fitting legs, introduced the French monarch Louis XIV. He personally loved to dance as part of a troupe and believed that such beautiful limbs should not be hidden from the audience. In addition to emphasizing the beauty of the legs, leotards also perform purely practical tasks. They are very comfortable to move in.
  • Men never dance in hard pointe shoes. Instead, they prefer soft shoes. By the way, if you call these shoes "slippers", any dancer will be very offended.
  • Ballet dancers do not follow such a strict diet as, for example, actors. The fact is that daily dancing for many hours in a row is a huge physical activity. Extra pounds simply will not have time to appear, but you can feel the lack of calories.
  • Dancers should not be pumped up too much, they will look ugly on stage. However, balleta class can successfully replace a workout in the gym.
