Characterization of Taras Bulba through the eyes of our contemporaries

Characterization of Taras Bulba through the eyes of our contemporaries
Characterization of Taras Bulba through the eyes of our contemporaries

"Taras Bulba" - a small work of Gogol, of course, one of the most vivid impressions of the school literature program. What is it about and why was it included in the program?

On the one hand, this is surprising, because it seems that this is not a children's work at all. Indeed, what is it about? It is about how two sons came to one of the Cossacks of the Don Cossacks. He collects them and takes them to introduce them to his comrades, to the camp.

characteristics of taras bulba
characteristics of taras bulba

“In the army” young people have fun in a very reprehensible way by today's standards, and then the Cossacks start a military campaign just to “warm up”. They lay siege to the city for no apparent reason, and senseless bloodshed is committed.

Here is an outline of a work that is recommended for reading to all schoolchildren. The question arises as to what to read here. What is the characteristic of Taras Bulba? Is it a positive character or a negative one? None of those who thoughtfully read this work will turn their tongues to say that this is a negative hero. But what thenattracted to him? After all, he is very eccentric, rude, and besides, he also killed his own son! To what extent is such a brief description of Taras Bulba true and complete?

There are probably some very attractive character traits in him that outweigh all of the above and even make it all be called the influence of the era. Of course, Taras Bulba is a hero. The characterization of Taras Bulba is impossible without mentioning his love for the Motherland and for God. This love is expressed in a very specific way, but it is a whole, sincere feeling. It is devoid of any accounts and thoughts about the benefit of itself or its sons.

brief description of taras bulba
brief description of taras bulba

Speaking of sons. If one can still talk about Taras Bulba with warmth, admire the integrity of his nature, similar in some ways to the first Christian martyrs, then the attitude towards Andrei, I think, has fundamentally changed in recent years. Here we have two sons of Taras: the rude older one, Ostap, and the more refined younger one, Andrey. From the very beginning, the heart of the modern reader lies more with the youngest son. The characterization of Ostap in the story "Taras Bulba" is not very attractive. And Andrei is smarter, more cunning, spiritually thinner and, moreover, in love.

But during the campaign, it is Andrei who commits betrayal. Is it forgivable? I think that, unfortunately, opinions are divided. The concept of betrayal has somehow leveled off lately. It is understandable and even understandable, but not excusable.

brief description of ostap in the story taras bulba
brief description of ostap in the story taras bulba

What has changed in our mindscontemporaries that the characterization of Taras Bulba is ready to become negative for us, and that the traitor Andrey is almost a hero? Where did the concepts of honor, dignity, decency go from our consciousness. Why is the value of human life in the first place? And how right is that?

I foresee the surprise of readers. “Of course, human life is the most important and most valuable thing,” they will say. But then why is there anything worth giving it away for?

While "Taras Bulba" is in the school curriculum, while the characterization of Taras Bulba is being discussed, while children are still talking about it, not everything is lost for Russian morality.
