Literature 2024, October

Lyrical digressions in "Eugene Onegin". Lyrical digressions - this is what

Lyrical digressions in "Eugene Onegin". Lyrical digressions - this is what

According to the definition, lyrical digressions are some statements of the author's thoughts and feelings related to the depicted in the work. They help to better understand the ideological intent of the creator, to take a fresh look at the text. The writer, intruding into the narrative, slows down the development of the action, breaks the unity of the images, however, such insertions enter the texts naturally, since they arise in connection with the depicted, they are imbued with the same feeling as the images

Sci-fi writer William Gibson: biography, creativity

Sci-fi writer William Gibson: biography, creativity

William Gibson, inspired by the World Wide Web, immortalized virtual reality in his works. He created a new style, and readers gave him an enthusiastic assessment. So who is this enigmatic writer?

Writer Rogers Rosemary: biography and creativity

Writer Rogers Rosemary: biography and creativity

American writer Rosemary Rogers is one of the most popular authors today. Many writers attribute her to the number of writers who stood at the origins of a new direction in the genre of a love-historical novel. Peru Rogers owns such works as "Love is sweet, love is mad", "Night Moth" and "Love Bound"

"Glass of Water Theory" Alexandra Kollontai

"Glass of Water Theory" Alexandra Kollontai

Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai demonstrated remarkable diplomatic talents, although not without some curious incidents. She escaped Stalin's repressions and died safely a year before the death of the "father of peoples." "The theory of a glass of drunk water" became her most famous achievement, although there were many others

Kundera, Milan (Milan Kundera). Milan Kundera, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

Kundera, Milan (Milan Kundera). Milan Kundera, "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

Kundera Milan is the most famous Czech writer, whose works still have not lost their relevance, but, on the contrary, attract fans of intellectual literature with renewed vigor

Alexey Zverev: biography, creativity

Alexey Zverev: biography, creativity

A talented Soviet writer known only to the elite. His creative activity and life path are very closely intertwined, and this connection is clearly reflected in all his works

The scandalous novel "Fifty Shades of Grey": public reviews

The scandalous novel "Fifty Shades of Grey": public reviews

The book "Fifty Shades of Grey" can rightfully be called the most scandalous novel of recent years. The sensational erotic bestseller by E.L. James caused a storm of conflicting emotions among critics and the public, and overtook Harry Potter itself in sales

"Gooseberry" - a summary of the story of A.P. Chekhov

"Gooseberry" - a summary of the story of A.P. Chekhov

"Gooseberry"… Chekhov… The summary of this story can be summarized in a few phrases, because it is so small. Chekhov always believed that brevity is the sister of talent. But about the double meaning of this work, as always with this writer, one can talk for a long time. After all, everyone who carefully reads Chekhov can find in him something for himself - his own, special meaning

"A horse with a pink mane". Summary of the story

"A horse with a pink mane". Summary of the story

This article provides a summary of a very touching story by V. Astafiev "A horse with a pink mane", which tells about one episode from the life of a boy. This incident, despite its seeming insignificance, was remembered by the hero for life

"Safety", Boris Pasternak - analysis, reviews and interesting facts

"Safety", Boris Pasternak - analysis, reviews and interesting facts

"Safety" is an autobiographical story by Boris Pasternak, which he completed in 1930. In it, he outlines his key views on creativity and art. The first chapters of this work were published in the Zvezda magazine back in 1929

Possible rhyme for the word "eat", as well as "day" and "peace"

Possible rhyme for the word "eat", as well as "day" and "peace"

Today we'll look at how the word "eat" can rhyme, as well as "day" and "peace". Ideally suited to the first word in this case, the noun "arrogance." You can also use the "mix" option

Possible rhyme for "former"

Possible rhyme for "former"

Today we'll look at what a rhyme for the word "former" can be. If we are talking about a person, then, of course, there is a “living” nearby. The door behind him forever "closed". Flowers not "bought" on time

Writer Lion Feuchtwanger: biography, creativity

Writer Lion Feuchtwanger: biography, creativity

Lion Feuchtwanger is considered the founder of a new literary trend in historical romance. In his works, containing reflections on the fate of mankind at different stages of its development, there are clear parallels with the events taking place in the modern world. No less interesting is the biography of the writer, in which there is service in the army, and "book auto-da-fe", and imprisonment in a concentration camp, and much more

Koschey the Immortal - who is he? Theories about the origin of the folk anti-hero

Koschey the Immortal - who is he? Theories about the origin of the folk anti-hero

The question of who Koschey the Deathless is is still relevant today. Is this folk art or did it have a prototype of some historical figure? Perhaps this is generally a figment of the imagination of all times and peoples? And why does this immortal fairy tale anti-hero have such a strange name? Let's talk about all this in more detail

Jim Butcher, American writer: biography, creativity

Jim Butcher, American writer: biography, creativity

Jim Butcher is the author of the famous book series The Dresden Files, The Alera Code and The Ash Towers. His skills are timeless, and even if Butcher had been born two hundred years ago, he would have found a job to his liking. This is a very versatile person. No one knows what goes on in that person's head. He works in his hometown of Independence, Missouri

English writer Charlotte Bronte: biography, creativity and personal life

English writer Charlotte Bronte: biography, creativity and personal life

One of the cult books of the nineteenth century, which is very popular to this day - "Jane Eyre". The author of the novel is a famous British writer, one of the three Brontë sisters - Charlotte. What is her fate - both personal and creative?

English writer Du Maurier Daphne: biography, creativity and interesting facts

English writer Du Maurier Daphne: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Daphne Du Maurier writes books in such a way that you can always feel what is called the subtle shades of the human soul. Subtle, seemingly insignificant details are extremely important for creating in the reader's mind the images of the main and secondary characters of the writer's works

Historical novel "A Tale of Two Cities", Charles Dickens: summary

Historical novel "A Tale of Two Cities", Charles Dickens: summary

Charles Dickens is the most famous English novelist of the 19th century in our country. One of the most interesting historical works of the writer was the novel "A Tale of Two Cities". The article will be devoted to this artistic creation. We will review the summary of the novel, as well as present a small analysis

Ravenclaw - faculty of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Who studied at the faculty of Ravenclaw? Harry Potter

Ravenclaw - faculty of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Who studied at the faculty of Ravenclaw? Harry Potter

Once upon a time, four wizards founded Hogwarts School. These were Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. The faculty, to which the most intelligent were enrolled, was named after Candida. It will be discussed in our article

Which detective is ironic to read? The best authors of female ironic detective stories

Which detective is ironic to read? The best authors of female ironic detective stories

Ironical detective is a genre that appeared in Russia not very long ago - less than a hundred years ago. Compared to others, this direction is considered young. Russian ironic detective stories arose thanks to the dedicated efforts of Joanna Khmelevskaya

Pronin Viktor Alekseevich: biography, books, photos

Pronin Viktor Alekseevich: biography, books, photos

Pronin Viktor Alekseevich is one of the most famous Russian writers in the detective genre. His works were highly appreciated by both Soviet and modern Russian readers

Vasily Peskov: life and work

Vasily Peskov: life and work

Today we will talk about who Vasily Peskov was. The biography of this incredibly tantalum man is given below. We are talking about the Soviet and Russian writer, journalist, photojournalist, TV presenter of the program "In the world of animals" (from 1975 to 1990), traveler. He was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1964, as well as the award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of media from 2013 (posthumously)

Lucas Michael David: biography, career, photo

Lucas Michael David: biography, career, photo

In 2013, the historical novel "The Oracle of Stamboul" was written by Lucas Michael David. The writer tells about the incredible life story of the orphan girl Eleonora during the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Fairy tale and reality are intertwined in prose

Gabit Musrepov - the pearl of Kazakh literature

Gabit Musrepov - the pearl of Kazakh literature

Great comparisons, metaphors and epithets, collected and elegant style - this is how critics describe the work of this writer. There is hardly a person who has not heard of him. Gabit Musrepov - jeweler of the word

Yuri German is a writer from God

Yuri German is a writer from God

The article gives a brief description of the work and life path of the famous Soviet writer Yuri German

An absent-minded person in Marshak's poem and in life

An absent-minded person in Marshak's poem and in life

The author of the famous poem is Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. The scattered man is certainly a collective image, although researchers talk about the existence of several real prototypes

Author's note explaining the text - that's what a remark is

Author's note explaining the text - that's what a remark is

It often happens that a word that came from another language takes root, becomes an integral part, if not of speech, then of literature. Footnotes, notes, remarks, reasoning and hints - all the author's remarks are the same important components of a work of art as dialogues and monologues. Dramaturgy without remarks is simply impossible to imagine

World classics of literature: Hermann Hesse, Kurt Vonnegut and Henry Miller

World classics of literature: Hermann Hesse, Kurt Vonnegut and Henry Miller

The focus is on the world classics of literature, three wonderful books: "Gerdtrude", "Breakfast for Champions" and "Tropic of Cancer"

Kuprin's works. Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich: list of works

Kuprin's works. Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich: list of works

Kuprin's works are known to almost every Russian reader. And absolutely all the stories occupy a worthy place in the history of Russian literature. They are very kind to both adult readers and little lovers of his children's stories

Andrey Kivinov: biography and creativity

Andrey Kivinov: biography and creativity

It's not easy to write about serious things with humor. Perhaps only those who know the life of law enforcement agencies from the inside are able to accurately convey the atmosphere that prevails behind the closed doors of the offices of the criminal investigation department

Screenwriter, playwright and prose writer Eduard Volodarsky: biography, creativity

Screenwriter, playwright and prose writer Eduard Volodarsky: biography, creativity

Eduard Volodarsky is one of the most talented screenwriters of the domestic film industry. Stanislav Govorukhin, Alexei German and Nikita Mikhalkov, together with Volodarsky, presented the audience with more than one masterpiece

Review of the book by Taras Bulba. Essay according to plan in grade 7

Review of the book by Taras Bulba. Essay according to plan in grade 7

Printed publications make our life bright and colorful since childhood. Despite the presence of mass media and the ubiquitous Internet, books continue to live on our shelves, brightening up leisure

Nadezhda Volpin is the civil wife of the poet Sergei Yesenin. Biography, creativity

Nadezhda Volpin is the civil wife of the poet Sergei Yesenin. Biography, creativity

Nadezhda Volpin is a poetess and translator who began her career at the dawn of the 20th century. However, it was not so much her writings that brought her the greatest popularity, but an affair with Sergei Yesenin, which began in 1920. This article will be devoted to the biographies of this amazing woman and her work

The best works of Colleen McCullough

The best works of Colleen McCullough

On January 29, 2015, the famous Australian writer, who left a bright mark on world literature, died. Made famous by a large-scale epic, which became an international bestseller, she stood on a par with American authors who gained fame after the release of a single work. Colleen McCullough, which will be discussed in our article, went to a secluded island located not far from Australia, and there, in the Norfolk clinic, she died at the age of 78

Do you love romance? The best book about love - what you need

Do you love romance? The best book about love - what you need

Love is the most beautiful feeling, and there is no person in the world who would be indifferent to this topic. Sociologists, psychologists and writers have been trying to unravel this phenomenon for centuries

Most interesting books: people's rating

Most interesting books: people's rating

Today, there are many literary works in the world. Someone, taking a book off the shelf, just wants to have a good time reading, and someone is waiting for the work to touch the farthest strings of his soul, teach something new, explain what a person could not understand for a long time without help. this very book. But how to choose the most interesting books among such a variety?

Interesting book for teenagers. List of interesting books for teenagers

Interesting book for teenagers. List of interesting books for teenagers

An interesting book for teenagers - what should it be? And what does it have to bear to its young reader? With the help of our article, you can answer these questions, as well as choose a good and interesting book to read to your child

Timothy Ferris and his secrets to be successful. Review of Timothy Ferris' books "How to Work" and "How to Lose Weight"

Timothy Ferris and his secrets to be successful. Review of Timothy Ferris' books "How to Work" and "How to Lose Weight"

Timothy Ferriss was nicknamed the “productivity guru” after the release of his first book, How to Work…. In it, he gives simple advice on the rational use of his time. The second book of Ferriss is devoted to simple diets that allow you to quickly and effectively lose weight

What are the books and why read them

What are the books and why read them

If the classics of literature heard the question, what kind of books are, they would probably be upset. After all, such questions did not arise before. Books were the only source of new knowledge. They studied with books, they rested with them. Now these functions have been taken over by the Internet in a variety of media. But can he replace books? We will answer this question after we find out what books are in the library. What can we find in them?

Daniel Pennack: biography and creativity

Daniel Pennack: biography and creativity

Biography and work of the famous French writer Daniel Pennac, author of detective stories and children's books