Literature 2024, October

Russian writer Daniil Granin: biography, creativity, photo

Russian writer Daniil Granin: biography, creativity, photo

Daniil Alexandrovich Granin was born on January 1, 1919. The writer's parents are forester German Alexander Danilovich and his wife Anna Bakirovna. Daniel's homeland is the Kursk region, the village of Volyn. About where the Russian writer Daniil Alexandrovich Granin was born, however, there is conflicting information

"Telegram", Paustovsky. Summary by chapter

"Telegram", Paustovsky. Summary by chapter

Today we will consider the story of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky "Telegram". What is this piece about? What is its meaning? Who are the main characters in action? A summary of the chapter by chapter. Let's get started

"The wise minnow", analysis of the tale

"The wise minnow", analysis of the tale

"The Wise Gudgeon" is one of the tales of S altykov-Shchedrin, in which he reveals the vices of modern society

Analysis of the poem "The Prophet" by Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

Analysis of the poem "The Prophet" by Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

Analysis of Lermontov's poem "Prophet" let's start by learning about the time of its creation. It was written in 1841. The poem is considered one of the most recent creations of a genius. We can say that the "Prophet" is a kind of testament of the poet, his farewell

Elsa Triolet: biography, creativity

Elsa Triolet: biography, creativity

Elsa Triolet is a novelist and translator, thanks to whom the names of representatives of Soviet prose and poetry became known outside of Russia. At home, she is now better known as the younger sister of Vladimir Mayakovsky's muse

Best Indifference Quotes

Best Indifference Quotes

Indifference is the state of a person in which he remains indifferent towards others. He is devoid of interest in the surrounding people and events, his attitude can be described as passive. Read the best quotes about indifference in the article

Creativity and biography of Otfried Preusler. German children's writer

Creativity and biography of Otfried Preusler. German children's writer

Otfried Preusler, whose biography is very interesting and informative, was not born in Germany at all, as many people think, but in the Czech Republic. The future great storyteller was born on October 20, 1923 in the city of Reichenberg, which is now called Liberec. The writer died on February 18, 2013 at the age of 89

M. Gorky, "The Legend of Danko": a summary

M. Gorky, "The Legend of Danko": a summary

The legend of Danko from Maxim Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" is very romantic and carries a great semantic load. It tells about a strong and free man who is ready to lead people

A brief image of Khlestakov in the comedy "Inspector General": a man without moral principles

A brief image of Khlestakov in the comedy "Inspector General": a man without moral principles

The hero of the comedy "The Government Inspector" Khlestakov has long become a household name in literature. When they want to characterize a boastful person, they often say that he is lying like Khlestakov

What is a monologue in literature: examples

What is a monologue in literature: examples

In the literature of all times and peoples, such a stylistic device as a monologue is very often used. It is through him that the author most often expresses his view of the world

Summary of Chekhov's "Three Sisters" chapter by chapter

Summary of Chekhov's "Three Sisters" chapter by chapter

Chekhov's play "Three Sisters" has long entered the annals of Russian classical literature. The topics raised in it are still relevant, and performances in theaters have been gathering many viewers for decades

Writer Alexei Varlamov: biography and creativity

Writer Alexei Varlamov: biography and creativity

Alexey Varlamov is a famous Russian prose writer. He was born on June 23, 1963 in Moscow in the family of an employee of Glavlit and a teacher of the Russian language. Varlamov Aleksey Nikolayevich was fond of reading, fishing, traveling since childhood. This was reflected in the autobiographical novel "Kupavna" created in 2000

Soviet poets of different eras

Soviet poets of different eras

Soviet poets who worked at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as those who wrote in the 60s of the last century, can rightly be called revolutionaries of Russian literature

Chinese quotes. Chinese wise sayings

Chinese quotes. Chinese wise sayings

Chinese wisdom is an inexhaustible well of useful information for modern people. They help to solve pressing problems, find peace in the soul, better understand how the world works. Read the best Chinese quotes and sayings in the article

Sun Wukong is a literary character: the Monkey King, known from Wu Cheng'en's Journey to the West

Sun Wukong is a literary character: the Monkey King, known from Wu Cheng'en's Journey to the West

Sun Wukong is a popular character in medieval Chinese literature. What he became famous for, we will tell in this article

Stendhal "Parma Monastery": a summary

Stendhal "Parma Monastery": a summary

We will talk about the work written by the outstanding French writer Stendhal. The Parma Monastery is the most famous work of the author. This article will reflect the summary of the work, its analysis and feedback from readers

Historical fiction: a list of the most famous works

Historical fiction: a list of the most famous works

Historical fiction is a favorite genre for many readers. To learn about the most famous and best works of this direction, you should read the material in the article

Edith Wharton: biography and photos

Edith Wharton: biography and photos

Edith Wharton wrote 20 novels during her life, as well as 10 collections of short stories. She became the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize. Most of her works have become classics of American literature

The language of the elves. The most interesting fictional languages

The language of the elves. The most interesting fictional languages

The Elven language is a fictional group of artificial languages that was designed and created by the English writer John Tolkien. In particular, he used them in his most famous novels "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" when choosing the names of the heroes of the works. In The Silmarillion, using these invented dialects, names were given to all the characters and objects mentioned on the pages of the work

Crichton Michael: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Crichton Michael: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Michael Crichton is an American writer, author of many books in the science fiction and thriller genre, a well-known producer and screenwriter. His books are very popular all over the world, many of them have been filmed. Crichton is called the father of the techno-thriller for his great contribution to the development of this genre

Junichiro Tanizaki: biography and work of the great Japanese writer

Junichiro Tanizaki: biography and work of the great Japanese writer

Junichiro Tanizaki is a famous Japanese writer whose works have become world classics. To this day, Junichiro's books are read all over the world - readers find more and more beauty in them

Interesting quotes about the soul

Interesting quotes about the soul

Quotes about the soul, of course, attract the attention of users. When we read them, a feeling of own power is created inside. Gradually comes the realization that any problems can be solved. You just need to work on yourself correctly, do not give up in the face of difficulties, do not retreat. Many people are looking for the meaning of their own lives and spend many years on this search

Zhukovsky's works: list

Zhukovsky's works: list

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky is considered one of the founders of romanticism in Russia. This poet put the problems of the inner world of man at the center of his work. As Belinsky said about him, the merit of Zhukovsky is invaluable - he gave "the soul and heart" of Russian poetry

The best Dramione fanfiction: list

The best Dramione fanfiction: list

Fans of the legendary world of "Harry Potter" are distinguished by their lively and indefatigable imagination, so even after the filming of the film adaptation is over, the adventures of the main characters continue. One of the most popular fantasies was the pairing of Hermione and Draco Malfoy. In this article we will consider the most worthy fanfictions on this topic

Formulas of life: Russian folk proverbs

Formulas of life: Russian folk proverbs

Proverbs and sayings summarize all the valuable experience accumulated by our ancestors over the centuries of development. Each nation has its own customs and mentality, so proverbs in all countries are different, but they all promote the same values: true friendship and love, devotion, honest work and approaching God

Friendship is the highest value. Great people quotes about friendship

Friendship is the highest value. Great people quotes about friendship

Cody Christian once said: "You need to cherish friendship, because only she can pull a person out of where love cannot." There are many sayings about this most notorious love. So much so that at times people begin to forget about friendship, or even completely ignore its existence. Questions begin to arise, what is friendship, who can be called a friend, and whether it exists at all. But instead of an answer, it’s better to present quotes of great people about friendship

John Fowles: biography, personal life, books, photos

John Fowles: biography, personal life, books, photos

John Fowles is a famous British postmodern writer. He is famous for his novels The Magician, The Collector and The French Lieutenant's Mistress. He worked in the genre of realism with a slight allowance for fantastic elements, constantly maintaining a high intellectual standard. Questions about the sincerity of human relationships and the nature of reality are of great importance in Fowles' work

Evgeny Schwartz: biography, photos, works

Evgeny Schwartz: biography, photos, works

Kind storyteller Yevgeny Lvovich Schwartz always asked that his fairy tales not be searched for subtext and allegory. But all this was read at once, even where the author himself did not expect. And nowadays you just have to turn to his works again and again, because they are ambiguous

Lyceum lyrics by Pushkin A. S. Analysis and list of works

Lyceum lyrics by Pushkin A. S. Analysis and list of works

Pushkin's lyceum lyrics are poems full of vitality and lightness. Already in them, the author manifests himself as a true master of the word, capable of turning prose into the poetry of life

Fonvizin's works: list of works

Fonvizin's works: list of works

What works of Fonvizin are known to modern readers. Definitely "Undergrowth". After all, comedy is part of the school curriculum. It is known that the Russian writer wrote critical articles-translations of foreign authors. However, Fonvizin's works are not limited to literary works and a satirical essay about the ignorant Prostakov family. What else did the creator of the household comedy write? And why, in his declining years, was it difficult for the author of The Undergrowth to publish his creations?

Political ditties: folk and author's ditties, political folklore

Political ditties: folk and author's ditties, political folklore

We are all familiar with such a genre of folk poetry as ditties. What is their beauty? Chastushkas are easy to remember, rhythmic, and, most importantly, deeply emotional. Interestingly, the singing of ditties occurs not only at festivities. Short, four-line rhymes are composed on rather serious topics. Widespread among the people, for example, political ditties

Vladimir Bukovsky: biography, books, personal life and family

Vladimir Bukovsky: biography, books, personal life and family

Vladimir Bukovsky is a popular domestic writer. A well-known public and political figure, he is considered one of the founders of the dissident movement. In total, he was forced to spend 12 years in compulsory treatment and in prisons. In 1976, the USSR exchanged him for the Chilean communist Luis Corvalan. Bukovsky went to the UK

What is an encyclopedia: meaning, types

What is an encyclopedia: meaning, types

Human knowledge is the most valuable achievement of our civilization. From century to century, information was accumulated and transmitted on the most convenient media. Giant libraries, archives, databases, all this is a storehouse of information from various fields of science. Separate knowledge arrays generalized by the topic form encyclopedias. It is about them that our article will be

Russian poet Vladislav Khodasevich: biography and creativity

Russian poet Vladislav Khodasevich: biography and creativity

Khodasevich's biography is well known to all connoisseurs and lovers of literature. This is a popular Russian poet, memoirist, Pushkinist, literary historian, and critic. He had a great influence on Russian literature in the 20th century

"The Tale of the Bear" - content in prose

"The Tale of the Bear" - content in prose

Today we will consider Pushkin's fairy tale "About the Bear". The content of this work is given below. Annenkov published this work in the middle of 1855 on the pages of the book "Materials for a biography"

Analysis of the poem "The Star of the Fields". Rubtsov as a representative of quiet lyrics

Analysis of the poem "The Star of the Fields". Rubtsov as a representative of quiet lyrics

Rubtsov is a representative of quiet lyrics. In schools and colleges, an analysis of the poem "The Star of the Fields" is often offered as a task. Rubtsov acted in it as a poet-philosopher

A. A. Akhmatova: "Courage". Analysis of the poem

A. A. Akhmatova: "Courage". Analysis of the poem

Even those poets who avoided social topics turned to historical issues during the war years. For example, A. A. Akhmatova. "Courage" (analysis confirmed this) is an example of acmeistic verse, while the work, of course, was designed to raise patriotism

Akhmatova about love. Analysis of the poem "Clenched her hands under a dark veil"

Akhmatova about love. Analysis of the poem "Clenched her hands under a dark veil"

Anna Akhmatova - a brilliant woman poet of the first half of the 20th century. The main theme of her works was the relationship between a man and a woman. An analysis of the poem "She clenched her hands under a dark veil" shows how vividly and emotionally Akhmatova could speak about love, using the simplest words

Epithets, metaphors, personifications, comparisons in poetic and oral speech

Epithets, metaphors, personifications, comparisons in poetic and oral speech

Epithets, metaphors, personifications, comparisons make speech richer and more expressive. Without these figures of speech, it is simply impossible to imagine fiction, and oral speech too

Literary analysis: "I came to you with greetings" A.A. Feta

Literary analysis: "I came to you with greetings" A.A. Feta

As the analysis shows, "I came to you with greetings" is a vivid example of Fet's creativity. As a representative of pure art, Afanasy Afanasyevich paid great attention to nature, but nature in his poems is always inextricably linked with man