Chinese quotes. Chinese wise sayings

Chinese quotes. Chinese wise sayings
Chinese quotes. Chinese wise sayings

Despite the scientific and technological progress of mankind, often answers to spiritual questions remain inaccessible to a person. Here the wise sayings of China come to the rescue. Reading aphorisms, quotes and proverbs allows you to better understand yourself and the world.

culture and nature of China
culture and nature of China

About noble people from dysfunctional families

Many people will be interested in Chinese quotes in the form of proverbs that have come down from ancient times of the Celestial Empire to the present day. Often they describe situations from everyday life. This description, despite millennia of history, does not cease to be relevant today.

For example, the following quote shows that a person's future is not always determined by his origin:

And phoenixes are born in the crow's nest.

These words indicate that even in a family whose members are subject to vices and addictions, worthy personalities can be born. This is not to say that these cases are natural - they are the exception rather than the rule. But the Chinese saying says that this can also happen - a person born in a dysfunctional family canmanifest themselves during their lives in a way that is radically different from other members of the genus.

About extra words for enlightenment

The wisdom of the Celestial Empire helps to understand the most difficult circumstances, capaciously describing a number of possible situations in one phrase. For example, this is the following proverb:

If one word doesn't make sense, a thousand words won't make sense.

This wisdom can also apply to the case when you need to reason with a stupid young man who is burning through his youth, and, if necessary, direct someone who does not want to work in a certain area that could bring significant income to the true path. These words will also be useful to women who dream of reasoning with their unlucky spouses. This Chinese saying helps to clearly understand that where a person has to repeat the same thing a hundred times, in reality he does not hear the words addressed to him. Therefore, do not repeat the request more than once in vain - because the result will be the same.

statue of the sage Confucius
statue of the sage Confucius

Aphorisms of Confucius

Chinese sage Confucius is famous for his sayings. He was the most ordinary person, although today his teachings are often associated with religion. Confucius' real name is Kong Qiu. His ideas are built on morality and ethics, the moral foundations of human interaction.

For example, the following wise saying of Confucius is known:

Dig two graves before taking revenge.

A person who has suffered injustice from someone is often filled with a desire to take revenge, restoring suchway of justice. But in reality, even just retribution leads to negative consequences - the sage warns about this in his eloquent expression. It should be remembered by everyone who has been undeservedly harmed. By forgiving the offender, a person first of all does good for himself. Forgiveness helps to protect oneself from further harm that may be caused by revenge.

statue of confucius
statue of confucius

The golden rule of morality developed by Confucius is:

Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.

In many ways, this Chinese quote has something in common with the Christian teaching that a person should treat his neighbor in the way he expects to be treated himself. It is not always possible to translate this concept into reality. But such an attitude bears fruit and can make relationships between people much more positive.

The teachings of Confucius remained popular for almost twenty centuries. Many of his quotes relate to issues of personal development, gaining nobility. Chinese sage said:

You can only overcome bad habits today, not tomorrow.

If a person constantly puts off work on himself until better times, then most likely they will never come for him. You can fight bad addictions only "here and now" - otherwise, these attempts will be just empty dreams.

chinese garden
chinese garden

Sun Tzu's wisdom on achieving goals

The wise sayings of Sun Tzu are known all over the world -ancient Chinese strategist and thinker. He is considered the author of the famous treatise "The Art of War", and quotes from this sage are still popular.

Many of Sun Tzu's phrases reveal the patterns of achieving goals and a successful life. In this regard, his phrases will be useful to modern readers. For example, the following Chinese quotation by this sage is known:

A thoroughbred horse cannot cover distances of a thousand li with one jump. On a nag, you can cover this distance in ten days, if you do not stop halfway.

Here Sun Tzu metaphorically says that it is not always necessary to achieve a certain goal with special conditions - such as talent or we alth. A person who has no talent, but who is willing to work hard, will achieve his goal faster than a lucky person who is gifted in a certain area and does not want to work. Many fall into another misconception, which is the idea that we alth is necessary to be successful. Many successful people in their field became so, not being financially secure at the beginning of their journey.

Chinese man in traditional dress
Chinese man in traditional dress

And those who do not have special talents, and those who do not have "mountains of gold" to achieve their goal, will be able to achieve what they want if they listen to this Chinese wisdom. This quote shows that if every day you persevere towards your goal, it will certainly be achieved. This will happen even if the speed of progress towards the desired is comparable to the speed of a nag.

The saying about the need to maintain balance

The following Chinese quote from the wise Sun Tzu reads:

If you act too cruelly, you will fail; if you act too gently, you yourself will be in chains.

These words remind that, on the one hand, cruel people sooner or later also suffer serious trouble. After all, the world is arranged harmoniously, and everything bad that comes from a person sooner or later returns to him.

But you can't go to the other extreme, becoming too compliant. This also does not benefit the person himself, although it can be quite convenient for others. If you are too soft where it is absolutely not required, you can fall into a trap yourself.

lovely chinese house and garden
lovely chinese house and garden

Chinese life quotes

Life is often compared to a game, and the wisdom of the Middle Kingdom continues this metaphor:

Wrong move with one piece - and the game is lost.

People often underestimate the importance of small things. It seems to them that if you close your eyes to what seems insignificant, you can still achieve success. This is not entirely true. Indeed, in life, as in a chess game, each of the moves matters. Only by considering each of your actions and planning the entire strategy in advance, you can count on success in a certain area.

The following quote teaches how to behave in any life situation:

Don't hold back what goes, don't push away what comes.

Applyingthis wisdom in any sphere of life, you can count on success. Do not hold on to people or circumstances by clinging to them - this will only bring suffering. On the other hand, don't resist change. Such an attitude to life will make any person happier and more harmonious.

Another proverb about life teaches the ability to find pleasant moments:

Learn to find joy in life - this is the best way to attract happiness.

If a person succeeds in this, over time there are more and more pleasant moments in his life. But you need to start small, learning to find the good even in the most ordinary day.

About will

Another proverb says that throughout life a person must cultivate willpower in himself. Life was given by mother and father, and perseverance and determination are the qualities that a person must cultivate in himself on his own.

Parents gave you life - bring up the will yourself.

Often all a mother and father can give is life. It is possible to educate a will in a person with the help of external influence, but this is the duty of the person himself, and not his parents. A Chinese proverb teaches this.

About parental love

The following proverb once again speaks of how blind parents can be regarding their children:

The hedgehog thinks his children's skin is soft.

This Chinese wisdom compares unconditional and often blind parental love to a hedgehog's attitude towards its cubs, which seems to have no thorns on their backs. ATin reality this is not the case. And if you avoid such an attitude towards your child, then there will be much more truth in his life than if the parent is blind to any of his shortcomings.

Chinese wisdom is an inexhaustible well of useful information for modern people. They help solve pressing problems, find peace in the soul, better understand how the world works.
