Literary analysis: "I came to you with greetings" A.A. Feta

Literary analysis: "I came to you with greetings" A.A. Feta
Literary analysis: "I came to you with greetings" A.A. Feta

Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich belongs to the movement of pure art. Adherents of this trend believed that art should stand aside from political and social problems, it should exist not in order to call for something, teach or solve some problems, but for its own sake. In contrast to the poets of pure art, civil lyricists argued that a writer cannot be indifferent to the problems that exist in the country. This dispute has been going on throughout the existence of fiction, but it became especially aggravated during the life of A. A. Feta - in the second half of the 19th century. A detailed analysis of "I came to you with greetings" - one of Fet's most striking works - proves that the author was a representative of pure poetry.

Analysis I came to you with greetings
Analysis I came to you with greetings

Theme and idea of the poem

Determining the theme of Fet's poems, on the one hand, is very easy, but on the other, it is sometimes difficult. This is due, firstly, to the fact that Fet has only three themes: love, nature and beauty. It would seem that it is impossible to get lost in them. Howeversometimes they are so intricately intertwined in one poem that it is almost impossible to see where one theme ends and where another begins. This is exactly what the poem "I came to you with greetings" is like.

At first glance, this work belongs to the category of love lyrics. This is clear from the first line, but then Fet continues with a description of the pictures of spring nature. So what comes out on top? It is impossible to answer, since Fet once again showed with his poem that man and nature are indivisible. Everything that happens in nature with the advent of spring is reflected in the soul of every earthly inhabitant.

Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich
Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich

Meaningful analysis. "I came to you with greetings" as a work of pure art

The main means of expression that the author uses in this work is personification. All nature is depicted by him as a kind of living being. The reader imagines pictures of spring nature, how the forest woke up from its winter sleep. Thus, the author brings the reader to the most important category for him - the category of beauty. Beauty is primarily in nature, and then in man, since he is also part of nature.

Fet's creativity has one important feature - attention to private details. This can be easily seen in this text. The lyrical hero noticed everything: every leaf and twig, he was able to catch even the very mood that filled the spring forest. How did he do it? Very easy, because the same mood is in the soul of the hero himself. He's ready forto live, create, work and love.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet poems
Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet poems

Means of expression

As the analysis shows, "I came to you with greetings" is a work not saturated with expressive means. The author resorts to personifications: "the forest woke up", "wake up", "full of thirst". There is a metaphor in the text - "breathes with fun." Instead of a warm spring breeze, the lyrical hero feels the very joy and fun of awakening nature.

It should be said that this work is very consonant with everything that Fet wrote about nature. Usually he is laconic, uses not too many means of expression, and endows nature with all human qualities.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet: poems about nature and love

So, in the works of Fet, the experiences of the lyrical hero are almost always interspersed with descriptions of pictures of nature. Any movements in the environment give rise to a series of experiences, memories. This is exactly what happens in the poem "I came to you with greetings." We can see the same in the work "The north blew. The grass was crying." However, this work does not show harmony, happiness. The lyrical hero experiences not the most pleasant feelings, he is depicted at the moment of suffering about past love.

Sometimes the author encourages people who have forgotten that they are also God's creations to turn to the earth itself for help. We find a similar motif in the poem "Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch." It also has a motive of springawakening.

A vivid example of the lyrics of pure art is the poem "Whisper, timid breathing". In it, Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich embodied his main idea about the indivisibility of everything that exists. The details of the surrounding world are closely intertwined with the movements and emotions of his lyrical hero. There is not a single verb in the poem, but because of this, it did not become boring and eventless. We see the picture in dynamics. Fet uses verbal nouns, we, as if live, see "changes in a cute face".

Creativity Fet
Creativity Fet


Fet's creativity is a hymn to beauty. He glorified the greatness of Russian nature, showing all its beautiful features. He didn't do anything out of the ordinary. The theme of his work was the annual changes in nature, the usual feelings of sympathy and love between people. But the poet managed to translate this into an unusually poetic form. As the analysis showed, "I came to you with greetings" is a poem that is one hundred percent consistent with the poet's creative system. As in his other works, here the lives of man and nature are shown in parallel. If it is spring in nature, then a person awakens in his soul. If the world is warm and beautiful, then a person is ready to create and work, love and experience.
