Literature 2024, October

Henry James: biography, works

Henry James: biography, works

Henry James is an American-born writer and playwright whose career spans more than half a century. He is loved by English-speaking readers for his unique artistic style, but little known in Russia

Inversion in literature: features

Inversion in literature: features

Inversion in literature has a special weight when we talk about poetry. We can say that inversion in literature is specially invented for poetry

Signs of classicism in literature. An example of Russian classicism in the comedy "Undergrowth"

Signs of classicism in literature. An example of Russian classicism in the comedy "Undergrowth"

Classicism in Russia begins to take shape at the end of the 17th century and continues ancient traditions. Peter the Great spread high humanistic ideas, and poets and writers identified the characteristic features of this trend, which will be discussed in the article

What is a preface? We learn the points of view of writers, editors and literary critics

What is a preface? We learn the points of view of writers, editors and literary critics

What is a preface? An optional part of the book or a very important text? Let's deal with literary critics

Remarque's works: list in order

Remarque's works: list in order

For many years, Erich Maria Remarque has been the world's favorite anti-fascist writer. He wrote wonderfully, in each work opening a new facet of conflicts, exposing the characters' characters, discussing important issues. It is important for an interested person to read the works of Remarque in order to comprehend history and modernity. A list of all his books can be found in this article

Mark Solonin: biography and creativity

Mark Solonin: biography and creativity

Today we will talk about who Mark Solonin is. The author's books, as well as his biography, will be discussed below. He was born in 1958, May 29, in Kuibyshev. We are talking about a Russian writer, publicist, author of articles and books that belong to the genre of historical revisionism. His works are devoted to the Great Patriotic War, in particular, its initial period. By education, the writer is an aeronautical design engineer

Farewell letter to colleagues - a piece of human warmth

Farewell letter to colleagues - a piece of human warmth

A farewell letter to colleagues is psychologically important. It is written by a person who leaves his position, as they say, “in a good way”: when retiring or for a profitable career transition to another company

Analysis and summary of "What to do?" (Chernyshevsky N. G.)

Analysis and summary of "What to do?" (Chernyshevsky N. G.)

The author wrote his sensational novel in the winter of 1862-1863, being in the dungeons of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The dates of writing are December 14–April 4. From January 1863, censors began to work with individual chapters of the manuscript, but, seeing only a love line in the plot, they allowed the novel to be published. Soon the deep meaning of the work reaches the officials of tsarist Russia

Lermontov's Junker poems and their brief analysis

Lermontov's Junker poems and their brief analysis

Lermontov's works, written during the years he spent in the cadet school, are hardly familiar to a wide range of readers. It is customary not to discuss or even remember the details of his life and work of this period, so as not to sully the blessed memory of the genius of Russian literature

A proverb is a brilliant reflection of folk wisdom

A proverb is a brilliant reflection of folk wisdom

Thematic diversity of proverbs is not their main, although very important, advantage. Much more significant is how they express everyday life, from what side they characterize it

Conflict in literature - what is this concept? Types, types and examples of conflicts in literature

Conflict in literature - what is this concept? Types, types and examples of conflicts in literature

The main component of an ideally developing plot is conflict: struggle, confrontation of interests and characters, different perceptions of situations. The conflict gives rise to a relationship between literary images, and behind it, like a guide, the plot develops

Tsybin Alexander Markovich: biography and publications

Tsybin Alexander Markovich: biography and publications

Alexander Markovich Tsybin is a doctor of technical sciences, while writing in an accessible language about complex things

Writer Dmitry Balashov: biography, creativity

Writer Dmitry Balashov: biography, creativity

Many brilliant literary works were written in the last century. And one of the significant figures in literary circles was the writer Dmitry Balashov. His works become classics, and to this day there are people who like his great work

Funny short horror stories for children 8 years old

Funny short horror stories for children 8 years old

Funny horror stories for children will not only entertain and amuse the child, but also help to cope with unexpressed negative emotions. Funny horror stories help children realize the possibility of stressful situations in their future adult life and teach them to treat things that cause fear with humor

Construction of social reality. Dual facticity of society

Construction of social reality. Dual facticity of society

The concept of constructing social reality is well known to many today. And this is not surprising, since in recent years there has been quite a lot of talk about this process and relativity as such. But the very term "construction of social reality" appeared not so long ago. In particular, in the second half of the 20th century, namely, in the sixties, a movement began, called the "Discursive Turn"

The plot in literature - what is it? Development and plot elements in literature

The plot in literature - what is it? Development and plot elements in literature

According to Efremova, a plot in literature is a series of successively developing events that make up a literary work

Sonechka Marmeladova: characteristics of the heroine of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

Sonechka Marmeladova: characteristics of the heroine of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

Sonechka Marmeladova is the moral ideal of the writer. This is the bearer of faith, hope, sympathy, love, understanding and tenderness. According to Dostoevsky, this is how every person should be. This girl is the epitome of truth. She believed that all people have an equal right to life

Nikolai Filatov: biography, career

Nikolai Filatov: biography, career

Nikolai Grigoryevich Filatov was born in 1959. He studied at the Kursk State Medical Institute, graduating in 1983. Passion for writing woke up in him quite early - the author created his first poetic works at the age of eleven. Since then, Nikolai Grigorievich did not stop writing, becoming a professional poet

French writer Michel Houellebecq: biography, family, creativity

French writer Michel Houellebecq: biography, family, creativity

In the late 90s, at the peak of his popularity, Houellebecq left France for Ireland. Settles in the sparsely populated area of County Cork. For himself, he acquires the building of an abandoned post office on the ocean, which he attaches to the house. Begins to hide from the press, almost does not give interviews

The image of the Demon in the poem "The Demon" by Lermontov

The image of the Demon in the poem "The Demon" by Lermontov

The image of the Demon in the poem "The Demon" is a lonely hero who has transgressed the laws of goodness. He has contempt for the limitations of human existence. M.Yu. Lermontov worked on his creation for a long time. And this topic worried him throughout his life

The image of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

The image of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

A deep philosophical message lies at the heart of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. The image of Raskolnikov (the main character) is very complex and controversial

The best modern fairy tales for children

The best modern fairy tales for children

Modern fairy tales for children are created by many writers from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and authors from foreign countries. They contain bright titles that attract attention, as well as an interesting and captivating plot

Fairy tale about vegetables for children

Fairy tale about vegetables for children

Fairy tale about vegetables is not just entertainment. Thanks to her, the child gets acquainted with this or that product, finds out what color it is, what shape it has. An interesting story about the benefits of vegetables may interest the baby. Without realizing it, he will love to eat them, and this is very important for his body

What are beautiful quotes from books

What are beautiful quotes from books

Beautiful quotes from books can come in handy for all occasions, but most often they are needed to demonstrate to others their own erudition, enlightenment in certain matters and the ability to screw in the right phrases at the right time

A parable of friendship. Short parables about friendship for children

A parable of friendship. Short parables about friendship for children

People have always liked parables. They are filled with deep meaning and help people realize the meaning of many things. It doesn’t matter if it’s a parable about friendship or a parable about the meaning of life, the main thing is that this type of story has always been, is and will be in demand among people for many reasons

Poems about Russia: review, description, list, authors and analysis

Poems about Russia: review, description, list, authors and analysis

What makes up the image of the Motherland for every person living in Russia? Probably from two components: firstly, the place where he lives, and, secondly, from its boundlessness, from its vast expanses

Short biography: Paul Verlaine

Short biography: Paul Verlaine

At the end of the 19th century, France had many talented poets, each of whom had a wonderful and interesting biography. Paul Verlaine was one such outstanding lyricist. No wonder he was proclaimed the "prince of poets" and a recognized master of the symbolic direction. However, he was neither a theorist nor a leader

The love story of the Master and Margarita in Bulgakov's novel

The love story of the Master and Margarita in Bulgakov's novel

The love story of the Master and Margarita has become a real work of art and an object of discussion for many more centuries

Creativity of Chekhov Anton Pavlovich. List of the best works

Creativity of Chekhov Anton Pavlovich. List of the best works

Chekhov's books have entered our lives since childhood. These are the creations of a dreamer who, at the end of the 19th century, managed to convincingly show his compatriots with his works that one should live differently. He was a staunch opponent of all discrimination and at the same time a unique master of the word

How to write a book. Step by step instructions for work

How to write a book. Step by step instructions for work

Writing a book is the dream of almost every intellectually developed person, but not everyone is ready to take on its implementation. Someone is convinced that for this it is necessary to have at least literary talent, others frankly consider this occupation unpromising. But in vain

Author of books Evola Julius: biography and creativity

Author of books Evola Julius: biography and creativity

Evola Julius - a famous Italian philosopher, is considered one of the theorists of neo-fascism. About his main works in this article

Erich Fromm quotes: aphorisms, beautiful sayings, catchphrases

Erich Fromm quotes: aphorisms, beautiful sayings, catchphrases

For more than a decade, his work on psychoanalysis has been popular in narrow circles, but Erich Fromm's quotes are not as popular as the aphorisms of writers who were his contemporaries. Why? It's simple, Erich Fromm, without a twinge of conscience, revealed the truth that people did not want to admit

The story of Deadpool and his amazing abilities

The story of Deadpool and his amazing abilities

The fascinating story of Deadpool, one of the characters in the Marvel universe, will be of interest not only to fans of comics

"King Lear". History of creation and summary of Shakespeare's tragedy

"King Lear". History of creation and summary of Shakespeare's tragedy

How was William Shakespeare's "King Lear" created? The plot of the great playwright borrowed from the medieval epic. One of the legends of Britain tells of a king who divided his possessions between his eldest daughters and left the youngest without an inheritance. Shakespeare put a simple story into a poetic form, added a few details to it, introduced a couple of additional characters. It turned out one of the greatest tragedies of world literature

Creativity of Grigory Chkhartishvili. Aliases

Creativity of Grigory Chkhartishvili. Aliases

In the nineties, detective novels about Erast Fandorin began to appear on the shelves of bookstores. Over time, the character gained wide popularity, to which, of course, Russian filmmakers could not but respond by making several films based on the books of Grigory Chkhartishvili. The pseudonym of the prose writer is B. Akunin. However, he is not the only one. The writer writes under other names

Hubbard Elbert: photo and biography

Hubbard Elbert: photo and biography

Hubbard Elbert, whose biography is described in this article, is an American writer. Author of the famous essay "Epistle to Garcia". Elbert was simultaneously a publisher, philosopher and artist. Hubbard became one of the key figures in art

Interesting quotes from books about life

Interesting quotes from books about life

Quotes from books about life certainly attract the attention of a large number of people. Some spend whole years trying to find their own vision on any issue. Both men and women equally think about the meaning of life and individual purpose

What is the difference between a story and a fairy tale and other literary forms

What is the difference between a story and a fairy tale and other literary forms

The division of literature into types of narrative forms and genres is often very arbitrary. And if, for example, a story can be distinguished from a novel in terms of length, then sometimes more complex situations arise. So, to understand how a story differs from a fairy tale, only an analysis of the content of the work can help

"The Fox had an ice hut, and the Hare had a bast hut " Bast hut: what is Zaikin's house made of?

"The Fox had an ice hut, and the Hare had a bast hut " Bast hut: what is Zaikin's house made of?

Mysteries of Russian folk tales. Fairy tale "Zayushkin's hut". Bast hut - what is it made of? What is bast, and how it was used on the farm. Logic and poetics of a fairy tale

Ilya Kormiltsev: biography, family, poetry tests, date and cause of death

Ilya Kormiltsev: biography, family, poetry tests, date and cause of death

Ilya Kormiltsev is a famous Russian poet and translator from Italian, English and French. Known as a literary and musical critic, for several years he headed the publishing house "Ultra.Culture". One of the main authors of most of the texts of the Russian rock band "Nautilus Pompilius"