Literature 2024, October

Lermontov, "The Demon": a summary and analysis of the work

Lermontov, "The Demon": a summary and analysis of the work

One of the geniuses who glorified Russian poetry is rightfully Mikhail Lermontov. "Demon", the summary of which even a schoolboy must know, is considered the best work of the poet. But he began to write this poem when he was only 15 years old! It's amazing how at such a young age one could know so much about love and fiery passion. But the main thing is the skill with which the young writer reveals these feelings to us, the readers. Only real talent could achieve this

Dmitry the Pretender: summary

Dmitry the Pretender: summary

"Dmitry the Pretender" is a famous tragedy by Alexander Sumarokov. How he imagined the events of the Time of Troubles, we will tell in this article

Summary: Gogol's "Nose" N. V

Summary: Gogol's "Nose" N. V

A collegiate assessor is in dire need of a decent appearance, this is what the summary tells about. The nose destroys all his hopes, because Kovalev came to the capital in order to find a good job and get married. The loss of such a significant part of the body makes the assessor powerless and useless

Lyman Frank Baum: biography, creativity. Oz books

Lyman Frank Baum: biography, creativity. Oz books

Who doesn't know Volkov's fairy tale about the girl Ellie, who ended up in the Magic Land? But not everyone knows that in reality Volkov's essay is just a free retelling of the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which was written by Lyman Frank Baum. In addition to this fairy tale, Baum devoted thirteen more works to the universe of Oz, in addition, other equally interesting children's fairy tales came out from under his pen

The novel by the American writer Roger Zelazny "The Nine Princes of Amber": description and reviews

The novel by the American writer Roger Zelazny "The Nine Princes of Amber": description and reviews

The Nine Princes of Amber by Roger Zelazny is the banner of the writer, thanks to which the science fiction writer is known all over the world. If you ask fans of fantasy literature what is the most famous work written by Zelazny, readers will answer without hesitation: "The Chronicles of Amber"

Jim Garrison, "Legends of the Fall"

Jim Garrison, "Legends of the Fall"

Jim Garrison is a contemporary American writer, author of the cult novels The Wolf and Legends of the Fall. In Russia, not many readers know about the writer and his work, so the purpose of this article is to highlight the writer’s work and his main book, Legends of Autumn, based on which the film of the same name was shot in 1994

Elric from Melnibone: author, history of creation, a series of books in chronological order, the main ideas of the work, translation features

Elric from Melnibone: author, history of creation, a series of books in chronological order, the main ideas of the work, translation features

Michael Moorcock began writing stories about Elric of Melnibone in the 1950s. John Corton helped the writer to think over the character. He sent in letters sketches on paper, as well as thoughts on the development of the hero

Interesting quotes from The Lord of the Rings by John Tolkien

Interesting quotes from The Lord of the Rings by John Tolkien

John Tolkien's novel "The Lord of the Rings" is a cult book in the world literature of the mid-twentieth century. A few years after the release of the trilogy, fan clubs, role-playing communities began to open. What caused such a stir?

Harry Potter potions: types, classification, magical ingredients and potion rules, purpose and use

Harry Potter potions: types, classification, magical ingredients and potion rules, purpose and use

Potionmaking explains how useful, medicinal or dangerous drinks, powders or ointments can be created from vegetable, animal components and minerals. Potions was studied at Hogwarts from the first to the fifth year, and from the sixth year to the seventh, according to the results of the S.O.V exam, students with the best performance in Potions were selected to further study this subject

The story of Barahir's ring and its fate

The story of Barahir's ring and its fate

For the first time with the ring of Barahir we meet on the pages of Tolkien's book "The Silmarillion". It did not have magical properties, but only emphasized the status of the owner. Barahir's silver ring was forged and fashioned in the form of two snakes, one of which devoured the other

Summary of N.V. Gogol's "Carriage"

Summary of N.V. Gogol's "Carriage"

The work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is ardently loved not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in Europe. The writer skillfully mixed everyday life and fantasy, created incomparable folk and satirical images of characters, some of which he wrote off from real life. Belinsky and Pushkin admired Gogol

Hermann Hesse. "Narcissus and Goldmund": a summary

Hermann Hesse. "Narcissus and Goldmund": a summary

The novel "Narcissus and Goldmund" is a landmark work for the German writer Hermann Hesse. In it, the author expressed his idea of the human path, of the spirituality and skill of the artist, of love and the search for the meaning of life

Erickson Steven, Canadian writer: biography, creativity

Erickson Steven, Canadian writer: biography, creativity

The story of the creative path of a Scottish writer who was not afraid to create his own world. The embodiment of ideas, experiences and exciting excitement in pursuit of new stories - all this can be found in this article

Roman V. Zlotnikov: bibliography. Best Books

Roman V. Zlotnikov: bibliography. Best Books

Roman Zlotnikov, whose bibliography is given in this article, is a popular Russian writer. He works in the fantasy and science fiction genres. He is the author of several series of popular novels, he is the winner of a large number of awards

Martynchik Svetlana Yurievna: biography, creativity

Martynchik Svetlana Yurievna: biography, creativity

Max Fry is the protagonist of the popular book series. For a long time, nothing was known about the author of the books, but in the early 2000s, the writer himself revealed himself. Or rather, a writer. The article tells about her biography and literary career

Poet Emil Verhaern: biography and creativity

Poet Emil Verhaern: biography and creativity

The future writer was born on May 21, 1855 in Belgium, in the city of Sint-Amands, which is located in the province of Antwerp. At the age of 11, Verhaarn entered a Jesuit boarding school in Ghent. After graduating, he entered the Faculty of Law at the Leuven Catholic University. During his studies, Emile Verhaern met young writers who founded the literary magazine Young Belgium. Inspired by this, he began to write himself: Verhaarn's first articles were published in student magazines

Best quotes by Ostap Bender

Best quotes by Ostap Bender

Everyone has heard the quotes "How much is opium for the people?" or "I will command the parade!". Their well-known great strategist Ostap Bender spoke

Montaigne's personal experience as the basis of the book "Experiences". M. Montaigne, "Experiments": a summary

Montaigne's personal experience as the basis of the book "Experiences". M. Montaigne, "Experiments": a summary

Montaigne's life and scientific experience resulted in fifteen years of idle recordings of an educated progressive aristocrat of the Renaissance. He created them, especially not bothering himself with labor. The French humanist philosopher wrote to the table without even thinking about publishing

Anatoly Pristavkin: biography, creativity

Anatoly Pristavkin: biography, creativity

Anatoly Pristavkin is a writer, most of whose works were published in Soviet times. His books have been translated into thirty languages

Ian McEwan: creativity, biography. Roman "Atonement"

Ian McEwan: creativity, biography. Roman "Atonement"

Ian McEwan is one of the representatives of modern British prose. For the novel "Amsterdam" this author was awarded the prestigious Booker Prize. However, among the works that Ian McEwan wrote, "Atonement" occupies a special position. This novel not only differs from others in style and content, but also touches on deep psychological problems

Paphos - is it a literary past or present?

Paphos - is it a literary past or present?

Most are familiar with such words as "pompous", "pathetic", "pathetic", "pathetic". Paphos is enthusiasm, inspiration, uplift. The article discusses how this technique is expressed in literature, what changes the concept of pathos has undergone in our time

Raskolnikov's first dream. The meaning of Raskolnikov's dreams

Raskolnikov's first dream. The meaning of Raskolnikov's dreams

In the composition of F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", Raskolnikov's dreams occupy the most important place, being an integral part of the construction of the work. Dreams in the novel are a reflection of the inner world of the hero, his ideas, theories, thoughts hidden from his consciousness

Tikhon Shcherbaty: image and characteristics

Tikhon Shcherbaty: image and characteristics

Guerrilla warfare is engendered by the feeling of revenge that was filled in the hard days of 1812 in the heart of every person. In close-up, the writer draws Tikhon Shcherbaty, a peasant partisan from the Denisov detachment, in which he is "the most useful and brave person"

Pierre Bezukhov: characteristics of the character. The path of life, the path of searching for Pierre Bezukhov

Pierre Bezukhov: characteristics of the character. The path of life, the path of searching for Pierre Bezukhov

One of the main characters of the epic "Warrior and Peace" - Pierre Bezukhov. Characteristics of the character of the work is revealed through his actions. And also through the thoughts, spiritual searches of the main characters. The image of Pierre Bezukhov allowed Tolstoy to convey to the reader an understanding of the meaning of the era of that time, the whole life of a person

Litota is an understatement trope

Litota is an understatement trope

The richest Russian language contains many turns of speech, expressions that allow you to give any saying the desired emotional color, make it more or less vivid. Litota is far from the last place among such terms. This is a deliberate artistic understatement that can be applied in relation to the qualities of a person or an object, a certain phenomenon or event

Yudenich Marina Andreevna, Russian writer: biography, personal life and creativity

Yudenich Marina Andreevna, Russian writer: biography, personal life and creativity

Marina Andreevna Yudenich is a writer, journalist, political technologist and prominent public figure. In addition, a spectacular, youthful brunette holds the post of chairman of the council for the protection of human rights and the development of civil society in the Moscow region

Heroes of the novel "Anna Karenina": characteristics of the main characters

Heroes of the novel "Anna Karenina": characteristics of the main characters

The debate around the novel "Anna Karenina" has been going on for decades, someone understands and pities Anna, someone, on the contrary, condemns her. Isn't this what Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy sought with his creation?

Biography of Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich. Literary heritage of the writer

Biography of Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich. Literary heritage of the writer

Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich needs no introduction. This great prose writer and playwright is known throughout the world. The biography of Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich is presented in this article

Good Romance Novels: Best Books

Good Romance Novels: Best Books

Good romance novels everyone chooses for themselves, based on their preferences. Most likely, they will coincide by 80-95% with the list compiled according to the opinion of the majority of readers

A.Kuprin "Garnet bracelet", or Love that passed by

A.Kuprin "Garnet bracelet", or Love that passed by

When A. Kuprin first published "Garnet Bracelet", many women began to admit that love passed by them, as well as by the heroine. Pure and faithful wives live with conscientious and beautiful men who are not capable of love

About the novel "Wolfhound" (Semenova M.V.)

About the novel "Wolfhound" (Semenova M.V.)

In 2014, all fans of the fantasy genre, and fans of the work of Maria Semenova in particular, got a reason to rejoice: the novel “Wolfhound. Peace along the way. This is a continuation of a series of works about the life and adventures of the legendary warrior from the kind of Gray Dogs

Vil Lipatov: biography, works

Vil Lipatov: biography, works

Vil Lipatov - Soviet writer of the 60s. Many people remember the characters of his works - Aniskin, Stoletov and many others. Interestingly, the images of all his negative heroes are based on real people. According to his most famous and popular works, wonderful Soviet films were created

Schwartz Evgeny Lvovich: biography, creativity

Schwartz Evgeny Lvovich: biography, creativity

Shvarts Evgeny Lvovich is an outstanding Russian Soviet playwright, storyteller, screenwriter and prose writer who created 25 plays. However, not all of his works were published during his lifetime. He owns such famous plays as "Dragon", "Ordinary Miracle", "Shadow", etc

Famus society and Chatsky. Famus society: characteristics

Famus society and Chatsky. Famus society: characteristics

The play "Woe from Wit" is a famous work by A. S. Griboyedov. In the process of its creation, the author departed from the classical canons of writing a "high" comedy. Heroes in "Woe from Wit" are ambiguous and multifaceted images, and not caricature characters endowed with one characteristic feature

Comedy by A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit": characters and their characteristics

Comedy by A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit": characters and their characteristics

The article contains a general analysis of the work "Woe from Wit", as well as a description of the main characters, secondary and off-stage characters

I. A. Goncharov. Summary of "Oblomov" by chapter

I. A. Goncharov. Summary of "Oblomov" by chapter

A summary of Oblomov chapter by chapter is presented by this article. Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov thoroughly and scrupulously - for 10 years - worked on his novel. The narrative has become classical in its essence, but dynamic in form, revealing the development of the plot in a balanced way

Woman, religion, the way everyone chooses for themselves. Y. Levitansky and his poems

Woman, religion, the way everyone chooses for themselves. Y. Levitansky and his poems

Recently, here and there, one hears the lines “Woman, religion, the way everyone chooses for themselves…”. Someone agrees with them, someone does not, but they do not leave anyone indifferent, and even for a minute, they make you think about your life. Are we on the right road, who are our fellow travelers, and what do we believe in when we say the words of prayer… So who is the author of these lines? Let's figure it out together

Ray Bradbury: quotes from the great master

Ray Bradbury: quotes from the great master

Once upon a time in his distant youth, Ray Bradbury burned all his unsuccessful, in his opinion, stories. A huge bonfire in the backyard: the spectacle was grandiose. Yes, two million words were easily burned, he said sadly afterwards. Perhaps easily, but not in vain, since in the future it was this incident that formed the basis of his debut novel Fahrenheit 451. And today it is not in vain that we remember this amazing writer, because we are talking exclusively about him - "Ray Bradbury: quotes from a great master"

Reading the novel and considering its problems: "A Hero of Our Time", M.Yu, Lermontov

Reading the novel and considering its problems: "A Hero of Our Time", M.Yu, Lermontov

Grigory Pechorin - this is the real "hero of our time" (and any other), because the questions raised by the author are beyond any era. They were, are and will always arise as long as the human race is alive. What are the problems of the work "A Hero of Our Time"?

Quotes about the evening: reflecting with famous writers

Quotes about the evening: reflecting with famous writers

Pink, bloody, gold, crimson, sad, lonely… The list is endless. How many poets and writers - so many epithets. You can spoil such worship, but not spoil it, especially sitting on the seashore at sunset and quietly watching it … Next should be a wonderful quote about sunset and evening, and it will definitely be. So let's read