Tikhon Shcherbaty: image and characteristics

Tikhon Shcherbaty: image and characteristics
Tikhon Shcherbaty: image and characteristics

The novel "War and Peace" by Tolstoy is a work that tells about significant events in the history of our country, about the morals, ideals and views of various sectors of society, about important aspects of the life of the people. An entire historical period is recreated in the epic novel. It presents the fate of peoples and individuals. The heroes of this novel find themselves in a whirlpool of large-scale events. At the same time, the true value of each character is determined by how much he is involved in them, how much he feels responsible for what is happening.

People are like rivers

Tikhon gapped in the novel war
Tikhon gapped in the novel war

Human life appears before readers in all its diversity and plenitude. Numerous streams flow into this huge stream. Tolstoy said: "People are like rivers." By this, the writer emphasized the complexity and versatility of the human personality, as well as its continuous movement. The place and role of this person in the life of the country, in its history, in relations with the Russian people are the questions that Lev Nikolayevich poses in "War and Peace". Inconspicuous participants in the war and figures of history, careerists andthe best representatives of their time pass before us. There are over 500 characters in the novel. Tolstoy created many different characters and types. He showed us that the masses of people are the true makers of history.

The value of ordinary people

Tikhon shcherbaty in the novel war and peace
Tikhon shcherbaty in the novel war and peace

The writer believed that it is not the will of this or that historical figure that determines the path of development of the country, but the spiritual life of ordinary people - partisans, ordinary soldiers and officers, that is, those whose actions determine the outcome of battles. The author admires and deeply touches the manifestation of patriotism in ordinary people. He believes that love for the motherland is not expressed by killing children in the name of saving the fatherland, not by pompous phrases or other unnatural actions, but is manifested simply, imperceptibly, and therefore always leads to strong results. Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy (his portrait is presented below) is convinced that the war has a popular character. Guerrilla warfare is engendered by the feeling of revenge that filled the heart of every person in the difficult days of 1812. In close-up, the writer draws Tikhon Shcherbaty, a partisan from the Denisov detachment, in which he is "the most useful and brave person."

Tikhon gapped characteristic
Tikhon gapped characteristic

A characteristic feature of the appearance of Tikhon Shcherbaty, occupation

This peasant, a native of the village of Pokrovskoe, is certainly the most needed person in his squad. It should be noted that his external characteristic is expressive and funny. The hero has a lack of appearance, because of which he received hisnickname, - he does not have one tooth. This makes Yellowfang look resilient and sly.

Tikhon Shcherbaty knows how to do everything properly and easily. He easily gets water, lays out fires, skins horses for food, cooks food, makes wooden utensils. However, the main occupation of this hero, of course, is military affairs.

Fighting the enemy as the calling of the Yellowfang

Tikhon gapped
Tikhon gapped

Staying with Denisov, Tikhon did all the dirty work at first. He took care of the horses and made fires. However, it turned out that Tikhon Shcherbaty was capable of more. And he began to leave at night for prey, bringing French weapons and clothes, and sometimes brought prisoners on orders. After some time, the hero was enrolled in the Cossacks. Lev Nikolaevich notes that Tikhon Shcherbaty always walked, but did not lag behind the cavalry. He carried a blunderbuss with him, but more for laughs. The real weapons of this hero were an ax and a pike, which Shcherbaty owned to perfection, "like a wolf with teeth."

He gives all his strength, endurance and ingenuity to the fight against the enemy. Shcherbaty by nature is a worker of the earth, who was created for a peaceful life. However, with extraordinary naturalness, this hero suddenly turns into a defender of the motherland. The author embodies in his image the spirit of the avenging people, the prowess and resourcefulness of Russian peasants.


Tikhon Shcherbaty goes to the enemy with an ax in his hands. And not because someone is forcing him to defend his homeland, but under the influence of hatred for uninvited guests and great patriotism. These feelings are so strong in him that Tikhon, good-natured by nature, sometimes becomes cruel. Then the French appear to him not as people, but exclusively as enemies of their homeland.

The attitude of comrades towards Shcherbaty

war and peace
war and peace

The image of Tikhon Shcherbaty is even more fully revealed to the reader in the way his comrades in arms speak of him. It is felt that they admire this hero, respect him. In their rude words, one can even hear a kind of caress: "well dexterous", "what a rogue", "what a beast".

Hero Mobility

It should also be said that Shcherbatov's movements are fast and dexterous. For the first time he appears before the reader running. We see how Tikhon "flopped" into the water, then "got out on all fours" from the river and "ran on". This hero is all in action, in a fit. Even his speech is dynamic. It should also be noted that in the work "War and Peace" Tikhon Shcherbaty is distinguished by his ability not to lose his sense of humor in any circumstances.

We offer now to get acquainted with the comparative characteristics of two heroes - Platon Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbaty. This will help you better understand the role of the latter in the work.

Platon Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbaty

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, drawing the image of the people's avenger, shows that he is distinguished not only by courage, energy, determination, hatred of the enemy. He also has great humanism. In the novel "War and Peace" "the spirit of simplicity, kindness and truth" personifies the soldiernamed after Platon Karataev. This hero is the exact opposite of Shcherbaty. If Tikhon Shcherbaty in the novel is merciless to the enemy, then Plato loves all people, including the French. Tikhon is rude, and his humor is sometimes combined with cruelty. Platon Karataev wants to find "solemn goodness" everywhere. And his appearance, and the "gentle-melodious caress" in his voice, and the nature of his speeches, which are full of thoughts about people and life - everything distinguishes this hero from Shcherbaty.

Tikhon Shcherbaty in the novel "War and Peace" does not remember God. He relies only on himself, on his own dexterity and strength. And Platon Karataev constantly thinks about God. His speech is filled with proverbs. In some of them, echoes of the protest of the peasants against the unjust social order are heard (an example is "where there is a court, there is untruth"). However, Plato himself is not one of those who are accustomed to actively intervene during life, despite the fact that the spirit of truth-seeking is noticeable in him, which is characteristic of the Russian peasantry as a whole.

Platon Karataev, like Tikhon Shcherbaty, in the novel "War and Peace" is a patriot. However, it is very difficult to imagine him fighting. The point is not his timidity, but the fact that Plato does not feel hatred for the enemy.

Shcherbaty - Russian hero

Tikhon gap-toothed in the novel
Tikhon gap-toothed in the novel

In two largely different images, Leo Tolstoy creates a single capacious image of the people, a kind of unity of spirit. Both Platon Karataev and Tikhon Shcherbaty each contribute to the common cause in their own way. Both heroes not only carry outpractical actions, participating in the struggle. Their role is more significant - they carry such qualities as moral beauty, warmth of the soul and kindness. In the novel "War and Peace" Tikhon Shcherbaty, whose characteristics we have examined, expresses the active principle of the soul of a Russian person. It symbolizes the ability of the Russian people to boldly fight the invaders. This hero is the embodiment of a heroic force that has risen to defend the homeland from enemies.

Scherbaty and Petya Rostov

Platon Karataev and Tikhon gapped
Platon Karataev and Tikhon gapped

It should be noted that the function of Tikhon Shcherbaty in the work is not limited to the personification of the courage and strength of a simple Russian peasant. His personality, like many other "passing" characters of the work, serves to enhance the characteristics of the main characters. Having guessed that Shcherbaty killed a man during his sortie for the "tongue", Petya Rostov feels a strong embarrassment, although this feeling does not last long. The author notes that Petya, sitting at the same table with the partisans, was in a state of childlike enthusiastic love for all people. He wanted to please everyone, so he treated everyone to raisins sent from home. The death of Petya Rostov emphasizes the weakness of the naive noble boys and the cruel grandeur of the Tikhonovs. After his death, Dolokhov coldly said about Rostov: "Ready." Denisov, approaching his body, suddenly remembered how Petya Rostov said: "Excellent raisins, take all."

So, Tikhon is a collective image of the people, personifying its best features. He is fearless andself-sacrifice in the name of victory over the invaders. This concludes the analysis of the image of Tikhon Shcherbaty.
