Literature 2024, October

Epic genres of literature. Examples and features of the epic genre

Epic genres of literature. Examples and features of the epic genre

Human life, all the events that saturate it, the course of history, the man himself, his essence, described in some kind of artistic form - all this is the main component of the epic. The most striking examples of epic genres - novel, story, short story - include all the characteristic features of this kind of literature

Pirandello Luigi, Italian writer: biography, creativity

Pirandello Luigi, Italian writer: biography, creativity

Pirandello Luigi is a famous Italian playwright, novelist and short story writer. In 1934 he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. However, this is only one of the reasons to get acquainted with his work. Pirandello Luigi created many interesting works that are still very popular

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's birthday. Biography and work of Dostoevsky

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's birthday. Biography and work of Dostoevsky

In 1821, on November 11 (October 30, old style), Dostoevsky, one of the most famous Russian writers and philosophers, was born. In this article we will talk about his biography and literary work

Canzone is a literary genre

Canzone is a literary genre

In medieval literature there are various genres, each of which is distinguished by its form, metrics and purpose. One of the specific genres of that era is the canzone, which will be discussed in this article

Expressionism in literature: definition, main features, expressionist writers

Expressionism in literature: definition, main features, expressionist writers

With the changes in the public and social order of the early 20th century, a new direction in art, theatrical life and music appeared - expressionism. In literature, it manifested itself as the perception of not fictional reality, as "objective visibility"

Alternative fiction: description, history, features, books and reviews

Alternative fiction: description, history, features, books and reviews

Alternative fiction is a genre that is steadily gaining popularity these days. Its founder is considered to be the ancient Roman scientist Titus Livius, who was born in 59 BC. In his works, the historian dared to make an assumption about what would have happened to the world if Alexander the Great had not died in 323 BC

Biography of Leskov, 19th century Russian writer

Biography of Leskov, 19th century Russian writer

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov (1831-1895) - a remarkable Russian writer, author of the immortal story about Lefty and many other works included in the Golden Fund of Russian literature. Leskov's childhood and adolescence passed in the house of relatives

Proverbs about laziness. "Laziness-mother"

Proverbs about laziness. "Laziness-mother"

For a Russian person, laziness is a complex concept. For example, it is difficult to say whether wine is evil or is it good? Of course, it all depends on the measure. If you drink a lot of wine, then you can become an alcoholic, but if you take it regularly in small doses, then it is harmless. Thus, proverbs about laziness do not reflect the whole versatility of the relationship of a Russian person with parasitism

"Women's solidarity, or Survive no matter what" (fantasy)

"Women's solidarity, or Survive no matter what" (fantasy)

The events described in the book take place in our time and in conditional reality, in the so-called "parallel world". The author makes it clear that while there are people, regardless of the world they inhabit, there are complex and diverse relationships between them

Story "Stay with nothing". The origin of the expression and the story of friendship

Story "Stay with nothing". The origin of the expression and the story of friendship

In our article, we offer readers the story "Stay with nothing." It will be devoted to friendship. You will also find out where this expression came from and what it means, when you can bring it in a conversation to brighten up your speech and look like an educated person

Summary, theme of Nekrasov's poem "Schoolboy". Analysis of the poem

Summary, theme of Nekrasov's poem "Schoolboy". Analysis of the poem

The poem "Schoolboy" by Nekrasov, an analysis of which you will find below, is one of the real gems of Russian poetry. Bright, lively language, images of the common people close to the poet make the poem special. The lines are easy to remember; when we read, a picture appears before us. The poem is included in the compulsory study in the school curriculum. Studied by his students in the sixth grade

The role and description of nature in the story "Bezhin Meadow" by Turgenev

The role and description of nature in the story "Bezhin Meadow" by Turgenev

In the article we will talk about the cycle of stories by I.S. Turgenev - Notes of a hunter. The object of our attention was the work "Bezhin Meadow", and especially the landscapes in it. A brief description of nature in the story "Bezhin Meadow" is waiting for you below

Pavel Sanaev, "Bury me behind the plinth": a summary of the story

Pavel Sanaev, "Bury me behind the plinth": a summary of the story

The book "Bury me behind the plinth" (see below for a summary of several stories in the story) produced the effect of an exploding bomb in the world of readers. It is so ambiguous and unusual that it is difficult to convey the emotions that arose when reading

Writer Vladimir Kunin: biography, personal life, photo

Writer Vladimir Kunin: biography, personal life, photo

Vladimir Kunin is a writer about whose past there is a lot of conflicting information. Many incorrect facts about his life were the result of journalistic errors, but some he himself created. The archives of the NKVD are still inaccessible to a wide audience. But it was to them that the Russian writer and playwright Vladimir Kunin referred, whose biography even now, after his death, excites and intrigues journalists and critics

Pinocchio: a summary of the extraordinary adventures of the wooden boy and his friends

Pinocchio: a summary of the extraordinary adventures of the wooden boy and his friends

The hero of the fairy tale by the Italian writer Carla Collodi named Pinocchio became a wonderful, cheerful, cheerful Pinocchio for Russian children. We will now consider a summary of the tale written in 1934 by our excellent writer A. Tolstoy. All adventures take six days. But how many events are happening

Ioanna Khmelevskaya. Biography in novels

Ioanna Khmelevskaya. Biography in novels

Ioanna Khmelevskaya is widely known in the post-Soviet space, since it was she who opened the concept of “ironic detective” to readers of that time. Her heroine always got into such incredible alterations that the readers were breathtaking from her indefatigable energy and ability to extricate themselves from them without risk to he alth. Crimes uncovered along the way and great humor made Pani Khmelevskaya's novels long-awaited and loved

Biography of Leonid Andreev, years of life, creativity

Biography of Leonid Andreev, years of life, creativity

One of the famous Russian philosophers once said that Leonid Andreev, like no one else, knows how to tear off the fantastic veil from reality and show reality as it really is. Perhaps the writer acquired this ability due to a difficult fate

Aphorisms about love. best relationship quote

Aphorisms about love. best relationship quote

Aphorisms about relationships presented in this article will help young couples better understand each other, understand the reasons for many omissions and misunderstandings. By following these simple commandments, you can preserve the family union for a long time and strengthen it

Joel Chandler Harris: biography and creativity

Joel Chandler Harris: biography and creativity

The article is devoted to a brief review of the work and biography of the famous American writer D. Harris. The work lists his main works

Who is Dr. Gonzo?

Who is Dr. Gonzo?

Many have heard more than once about a rather scandalous, insanely interesting personality called "Doctor Gonzo". Who is it? - you ask. This pseudonym is much less memorable than a scene from the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, or than a quote that begins: "Two bags of weed, seventy-five balls of mescaline, five blotters of fierce acid …"

Eugene Onegin: heroes and their characteristics

Eugene Onegin: heroes and their characteristics

The novel "Eugene Onegin" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is one of the central works of Russian classical literature. The main characters of "Eugene Onegin" embodied the characters of the people of the XIX century. But this work is extremely relevant today

Adam Smith, quotes and his role in the economy

Adam Smith, quotes and his role in the economy

The article will consider the biography of Adam Smith, quotes and sayings. We will study the areas of his activity, what books he wrote, his role in the development of the economy. Adam Smith is a very famous Scottish philosopher and economist. He is often referred to as one of the first free market capitalists the world has ever encountered, also referred to as the father of modern economics

Nikolai Vladimirovich Stankevich: biography, personal life, cause of death

Nikolai Vladimirovich Stankevich: biography, personal life, cause of death

Nikolai Vladimirovich Stankevich is a famous Russian poet, writer, thinker and publicist. Founder of a circle of like-minded people named after him. This group has played a fairly important role in the history of social thought in Russia. In different years, it included Vissarion Belinsky, Mikhail Bakunin, Konstantin Aksakov, Vasily Botkin

Efimov Igor Markovich, writer: biography and creativity

Efimov Igor Markovich, writer: biography and creativity

The writer I.M. Efimov has been living in America since 1975. His works - both in style, and in semantic saturation, and in texture - are high-quality prose that has absorbed international literary traditions. The name of this author is little known to Russian-speaking readers, but those who got acquainted with the books of Igor Markovich note that the philosophy of life, a fascinating plot and the events described are intertwined in his novels

Writer Vera Panova. Biography of Panova Vera Feodorovna

Writer Vera Panova. Biography of Panova Vera Feodorovna

Vera Panova is known to the modern reader mainly as a teacher and character of Sergei Dovlatov. Not many people read her books today. This woman, in fact, is a classic of Soviet literature. Vera Panova is a writer whose books were loved by both the general reader and the intellectual elite of the Soviet era

Shakespeare's comedies: list of the best

Shakespeare's comedies: list of the best

The main idea that Shakespeare's comedies carry: a person, whoever he is, must himself become the creator of his own happiness. A fascinating plot always reflects the realities of the time and is often built on the same principle. The main characters - a young couple in love - begin to fight for the right to marry. Cheerful laughter, connection with folklore traditions, sincerity of the characters' feelings, high humanism - these are the main features of Shakespeare's comedies

"Basket with fir cones", Paustovsky: summary and analysis of the story

"Basket with fir cones", Paustovsky: summary and analysis of the story

Amazing, touching work written for children. A story about beauty and about music, which is the very instrument that brings beauty to our world

Futurist is a revolutionary in art

Futurist is a revolutionary in art

Futurism (lat. futurum - future) is the common name for the artistic avant-garde movements of the early 20th century, primarily in Russia and Italy. The author of the word and the founder of the direction is the world-famous Italian poet Marinetti

The best historical romance novels: authors and plot

The best historical romance novels: authors and plot

Authors of historical romance novels often enjoy well-deserved popularity with numerous fans. They manage to combine in their work the events that really happened with a beautiful romantic story that makes the novel interesting and attractive to a huge readership. In this article we will talk about several books of this genre

Fairy tale "Cat, rooster and fox". Learning to read thoughtfully

Fairy tale "Cat, rooster and fox". Learning to read thoughtfully

In Russia, instructive stories about animals have been folded since ancient times. Peasants saw them next to their huts and knew their habits and characters well. They attributed to the animals the features of people

Summary of Leskov's "Old Genius". Leskov's works

Summary of Leskov's "Old Genius". Leskov's works

In the story, the author describes to us a story, on the one hand, typical, about inequality and bureaucracy, on the other hand, interesting and thoughtful, about heroes with original character traits

Philosophy of loss. What we have - we do not store, having lost - weep

Philosophy of loss. What we have - we do not store, having lost - weep

Proverbs are the true expression of what happens to people or the world around them. The people very accurately notice both human weaknesses and strengths, and the phenomena of nature. In a short phrase, there is a deep meaning that can be conveyed by many different words. The proverb "What we have - we do not store, having lost - we cry" from that category of folk wisdom, when one short phrase replaces long explanations

Ilichevsky Alexander Viktorovich, Russian writer and poet: biography, literary works, awards

Ilichevsky Alexander Viktorovich, Russian writer and poet: biography, literary works, awards

Alexander Viktorovich Ilichevsky - poet, prose writer, master of words. A person whose life and personality is surrounded by a constant halo of loneliness and renunciation. It is not known for certain what was the root cause - a hermit's existence away from the media and secularism gave rise to his unusual literary works, or prose and Russian poetry, far from the mind of the inhabitants, influenced the author's detached lifestyle. Russian poet and writer Alexander Viktorovich Ilichevsky is a laureate of many awards

Daniel Tammet: biography, personal life, creativity

Daniel Tammet: biography, personal life, creativity

Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant. He can perform mind-boggling mathematical calculations at breakneck speed. But unlike other savants, he is able to describe how it happens. Daniel speaks seven languages and even develops his own. Scientists wonder if his exceptional ability holds the key to autism

Leo Tolstoy: writer's death, biography and creativity

Leo Tolstoy: writer's death, biography and creativity

Great works of world classics "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", written by Leo Tolstoy. We know his creative path, but did anyone think about his life? What guided the writer at the time of writing this or that masterpiece?

Literary critics - who are they? Russian critics

Literary critics - who are they? Russian critics

Literary criticism is a field of creativity that is on the verge of art (that is, fiction) and the science of it (literary criticism)

Biography of Nekrasov. Briefly about the stages of life

Biography of Nekrasov. Briefly about the stages of life

Nekrasov's biography, briefly dwelling on his childhood years, says that they were not particularly happy. My father was of a tough and even cruel temper. The boy felt sorry for his mother and throughout his life he carried the image of a Russian woman, sympathizing with her difficult lot. At the same time, observing with his own eyes the difficult peasant life, Nekrasov was imbued with the cares and hardships of his father's serfs

Paul Auster: biography and creativity

Paul Auster: biography and creativity

Paul Auster is a famous American writer, screenwriter and translator. This remarkable writer works in such literary directions as postmodernism and absurdism

Anatole France: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Anatole France: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Anatole France is a famous French writer and literary critic. In 1921 he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Swedish academicians noted his refined style, humanism and classical Gallic temperament. Interestingly, he donated all the money to the starving Russia, where at that time there was a civil war. Among his most famous works are the novels "Thais", "Penguin Island", The Gods Thirst, "Rise of the Angels"

What is the meaning of the saying "They carry water for the offended"?

What is the meaning of the saying "They carry water for the offended"?

It is not necessary to study the numerous pages on the Internet devoted to this saying for a long time to be convinced of the amazing variety of its interpretations, sometimes very contradictory. There is nothing surprising in the fact that many wonder, enter into an argument. In this article, we will consider all the options for the semantic load on the saying "They carry water for the offended"