Literature 2024, October

Multilateral analysis of the poem "Duma"

Multilateral analysis of the poem "Duma"

"Duma" is one of the most significant works in Lermontov's civil lyrics. In it, the author combines his thoughts and feelings that worried him at a young age

Ballad R. Stevenson "Heather honey": history, characters and analysis of the work

Ballad R. Stevenson "Heather honey": history, characters and analysis of the work

Robert Stevenson, author of the world-famous books Treasure Island, Raja's Diamond, Black Arrow, is the author of beautiful poems, including the ballad "Briar Honey"

"Dragon God" and other novels by Miloslav Knyazev

"Dragon God" and other novels by Miloslav Knyazev

One of the modern Russian writers who create fantasy novels is Miloslav Knyazev. At the moment, his authorship belongs to about two dozen works, including the book "God Dragon". Knyazev himself considers March 15, 2010, the day the beginning of his writing career, when the first page of his debut novel en titled "The Great Mission" was written

Short biography of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov

Short biography of Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov

The article presents the biography of Aksakov, a famous Russian writer. He is known to many as the author of the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower", as well as the creator of the "Family Chronicle", "Notes of a Rifle Hunter" and other works

Dramaturgy is Dramaturgy in literature. Modern dramaturgy

Dramaturgy is Dramaturgy in literature. Modern dramaturgy

Dramaturgy is the art and theory of constructing dramatic works. In what other meanings is this word used? What are its foundations? What is dramaturgy in literature?

Writer Sergei Borisovich Pereslegin: biography and creativity

Writer Sergei Borisovich Pereslegin: biography and creativity

Sergey Borisovich Pereslegin is a famous writer, publicist, sociologist, futurologist. His interests are very broad and include theoretical physics, history, science fiction, cognitive technology, future prediction

Svetlana Lavrova, "Where the cock horse rides": reviews

Svetlana Lavrova, "Where the cock horse rides": reviews

In 2013, Svetlana Lavrova won the famous Kangaroo children's book competition. The winner was determined by internet voting. Many readers really fell in love with the author and in particular the story "Where the cock horse rides"

Why is the image of Hamlet an eternal image? The image of Hamlet in Shakespeare's tragedy

Why is the image of Hamlet an eternal image? The image of Hamlet in Shakespeare's tragedy

Why is the image of Hamlet an eternal image? There are many reasons, and at the same time, each individually or all together, in a harmonious and harmonious unity, they cannot give an exhaustive answer. Why? Because no matter how hard we try, no matter what research we conduct, “this great mystery” is not subject to us - the secret of Shakespeare's genius, the secret of a creative act, when one work, one image becomes eternal, and the other disappears, dissolves into nothingness, so and without touching our soul

Journey into the world of love and romance with Diana Palmer

Journey into the world of love and romance with Diana Palmer

A popular author of over a hundred books, Diana Palmer began her writing career as a reporter. Currently ranked among America's Top 10 Romance Writers, she tells sensual romance stories with her usual charm and humor. Diana lives with her family in Cornelia, Georgia. Writing books for her is something more than a job, it is her life, in which the role of wife, mother and grandmother is no less important

Popular sayings and proverbs - the we alth of the Russian language

Popular sayings and proverbs - the we alth of the Russian language

Russian proverbs and popular sayings are brevity and accuracy, they have collected age-old folk wisdom, positive and negative experience. A capacious phrase of several words can assess the event, determine the behavior for the future, sum up the deeds

Australian writer Markus Zusak: biography and work

Australian writer Markus Zusak: biography and work

In the fall of 2013, a military film called "The Book Thief" was released on cinema screens. The film is an adaptation of the 2005 novel of the same name. Its author is the Australian writer Markus Zuzak (another version of the transliteration of the surname into Russian is Zusak). In addition to The Book Thief, he wrote five more novels

British writer David Mitchell: biography, books

British writer David Mitchell: biography, books

David Mitchell is a contemporary English writer. He has several bestselling novels to his credit. But his work came to the attention of many thousands of people after the film "Cloud Atlas", which was based on one of the novels of the young author

Malcolm Gladwell. Books

Malcolm Gladwell. Books

Malcolm Gladwell is known today as a talented journalist, psychologist and writer. This man was born in Canada on the third of September 1963. His activities are quite multifaceted and cover a person's life with its natural ups and downs

"Poetic views of the Slavs on nature", A. Afanasyev: quotes and analysis

"Poetic views of the Slavs on nature", A. Afanasyev: quotes and analysis

The fundamental research "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature" belongs to the famous scientist, folklorist and collector of fairy tales Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasiev. The three-volume work is devoted to the analysis of the folklore and philology of the language of the Slavs in comparison with the folklore sources of other Indo-European peoples. Analysis of the book, quotes and photos

Quasimodo - who is this? The love story of the hunchback and Esmeralda

Quasimodo - who is this? The love story of the hunchback and Esmeralda

Quasimodo and Esmeralda are one of the most famous literary couples. But were the hunchback and the dancer a couple? How their story developed can be found on the pages of Victor Hugo's novel

"Live like life", Chukovsky. Summary, analysis

"Live like life", Chukovsky. Summary, analysis

First of all, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky is known as the author of children's poems about Moidodyr and flying chairs. But the writer was also a literary critic and advocated for the preservation of a living, vibrant Russian language. The book "Alive as Life" (first published in 1962) devoted to this issue has become a classic. Today we will talk about its content

Quoting characteristics of Dorian Gray and other characters of the novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

Quoting characteristics of Dorian Gray and other characters of the novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde's scandalous novel The Picture of Dorian Gray has been relevant since 1890. Today we will talk about the main characters through the prism of their judgments

"Golden Rose", Paustovsky: summary and analysis

"Golden Rose", Paustovsky: summary and analysis

Love for nature, language and the profession of a writer - K.G. writes about this. Paustovsky. "Golden Rose" (summary) is about this. Today we will talk about this exceptional book and its benefits for both the casual reader and the aspiring writer

Aphorisms from the work "Woe from Wit" by Alexander Griboyedov

Aphorisms from the work "Woe from Wit" by Alexander Griboyedov

Today we will talk about the well-known tragicomedy in verse "Woe from Wit" by Alexander Griboyedov, popular expressions (aphorisms) from which everyone hears. Most people have no idea where the common phrases they use so often come from

Lermontov's works for children: stories, poems

Lermontov's works for children: stories, poems

Artist, poet and writer Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is best known as the author of "A Hero of Our Time". But Lermontov's poems for children are far from the last place in his poetic heritage. A lover of history, folklore and fairy tales, the poet wrote a fairly large number of poems and stories, which he himself called fairy tales. Today we will talk about some of the poems, poems and fairy tales of Lermontov, which are written for the younger generation

Analysis of "Courage" by Akhmatova A. A

Analysis of "Courage" by Akhmatova A. A

Analysis of the content and poetic characteristics of Anna Akhmatova's poem "Courage". A look at poetry through the prism of wartime

The meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons" (composition of the writer I.S. Turgenev)

The meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons" (composition of the writer I.S. Turgenev)

Analysis of the title of the novel "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev through the analysis of the main characters, as well as the ideological trends present in the text

Evgeny Bazarov: attitude towards others and a brief description of the hero

Evgeny Bazarov: attitude towards others and a brief description of the hero

One of the main characters of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is Yevgeny Vasilievich Bazarov - a young nihilist, a student at a medical university, the son of an army doctor and a devout landowner. The image of Bazarov is very noticeable in literature and criticism and is the subject of constant discussion

"Eugene Onegin": genre. Novel or poem?

"Eugene Onegin": genre. Novel or poem?

Analysis of the work of A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" on the subject of genre characteristics. Appeal to literary studies

Treatises are Georgievsky treatise. Philosophical treatise

Treatises are Georgievsky treatise. Philosophical treatise

Treatises are scientific, theological or philosophical expositions that contain a description of a certain setting or topic, as well as a discussion of a problem and a logical conclusion. Learn about some scientific, philosophical and political treatises

Who wrote "Cinderella"?

Who wrote "Cinderella"?

"Cinderella" is a wonderful fairy tale known to each of us since childhood. But who is its author? What were the Cinderellas in different countries? Read about all this in the article

The novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Stolz characteristic

The novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Stolz characteristic

Characterization of Stolz - one of the main characters of the famous novel by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" - can be perceived ambiguously. This man is the bearer of a new for Russia raznochinsk mentality. Probably, the classic wanted to initially create in his appearance a domestic analogue of the image of Jane Eyre

What is a start? The beginning of the epic

What is a start? The beginning of the epic

Today we will look at what a beginning is. Different explanatory dictionaries give slightly different meanings. We will review the main definitions. Also, the beginning is characteristic of epics. We'll tell you when it's used

Biography and creativity of Tsvetaeva

Biography and creativity of Tsvetaeva

Marina Tsvetaeva is a brilliant poetess of the Silver Age. Her poems amaze with sincerity, emotionality, frankness of feelings. But the work of Tsvetaeva has always been inextricably linked with the events of her life

Biography of Stephen King, creativity and interesting facts from life

Biography of Stephen King, creativity and interesting facts from life

There are a huge number of talented and revered writers in the world, but not all of them managed to become a legend during their lifetime. Biography of Stephen King is no less fascinating than his works

Restless Gustav Emar. Adventure writer

Restless Gustav Emar. Adventure writer

To get a complete picture of the culture and life of Native American tribes, it is enough to read the novels of a French writer named Gustav Aimard (Oliver Glu, 1818-1883). The characters and circumstances are mostly based on real stories

Types of rhyme in versification

Types of rhyme in versification

The article differentiates the concepts of rhyme and rhyme, whole stanza, free and free verse, etc. The main types of rhyme are considered: adjacent, cross, ring and free

What are perfect rhymes? Historical digression

What are perfect rhymes? Historical digression

Exact rhyme is a match of the quality and quantity of post-stressed vowels and consonants. Inaccurate rhyme occurs when individual sounds coincide, starting with the last stressed vowel. In modern versification, any rhyme - accurate and inaccurate - can equally be appropriate for a particular poetic work

The subversive of the foundations of Bazarov. "Fathers and Sons" - a novel about the dispute of generations

The subversive of the foundations of Bazarov. "Fathers and Sons" - a novel about the dispute of generations

"A chemist is more useful than a poet," said Turgenev's character, the son of a doctor Bazarov, in the late 50s of the 19th century. "Fathers and Sons" is a novel about the eternal dispute between materialists and idealists, and its characters hold extremely opposite views

The image of Onegin in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

The image of Onegin in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

The image of Onegin… This iconic image inspired the intelligentsia of the early 19th century to lead Russia out of the impasse of social development onto the high road of social and industrial progress

Bazarov's quotes about nihilism. Nihilism of Bazarov ("Fathers and Sons")

Bazarov's quotes about nihilism. Nihilism of Bazarov ("Fathers and Sons")

"Fathers and Sons" is not just a novel about a dispute between two generations. In it, Turgenev also comprehends the essence of modern trends, in particular nihilism. It is assessed by him as a pernicious phenomenon and questioned

Dante Alighieri: biography, dates of life, creativity

Dante Alighieri: biography, dates of life, creativity

The name of the famous Italian poet Dante Alighieri has worldwide fame. Quotes from his works can be heard in a variety of languages, since almost the whole world is familiar with his creations. They have been read by many, translated into different languages, studied in different parts of the world

Fiction is a living folklore and literary genre

Fiction is a living folklore and literary genre

The article tells about the fiction genre, about its Russian and English roots, as well as about the reasons for the attraction of this genre for children

A few quotes about the sun

A few quotes about the sun

The sun in the literature and art of all times and peoples has been and remains one of the most attractive and exciting objects. Quotes about the sun are always lively, poetic in nature, loved ones are compared with the sun, solar warmth is a poetic image of love as a means of external design of feelings and emotions

Marina Kramer: biography, books. Strong woman Koval Marina

Marina Kramer: biography, books. Strong woman Koval Marina

Dive into a wonderful world where you have to solve difficult riddles, build logical chains and try to predict the actions of the characters, offers the author of female detective stories Marina Kramer. The most famous series of books by this author tells about the queen of criminal passions named Marina Koval. The popularity of these books is easy to explain - they are based on real events! We bring to your attention the history of the appearance of the series and an overview of publications