Literature 2024, October

“Kangarus verses” by Anna Logvinova

“Kangarus verses” by Anna Logvinova

In the modern world every day there are new poets. The generation of the old school does not perceive their poems. What not to say about youth. In fact, each of their verses is saturated with more meaning than the creations of some of the classics that are included in the school curriculum. This article will focus on Anna Logvinova

Summary of "Notes of a Madman". Reflections on the story of N.V. Gogol

Summary of "Notes of a Madman". Reflections on the story of N.V. Gogol

A summary of the Notes of a Madman should begin on 10/03/1833, when Poprishchin, watching the rainy weather through the office window, sees the young unmarried daughter of his boss Sophie getting out of the carriage and entering the department building

"Old Genius": summary for the reader's diary

"Old Genius": summary for the reader's diary

Some works by Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov are held at the school. To get a good mark, you need to know the plot, the main characters. Then the student will correctly fill out the reader's diary and, on the basis of this, will be able to answer well when the time comes to study the story "The Old Genius". A summary will help you with this

"Old genius" summary. "Old genius" Leskov chapter by chapter

"Old genius" summary. "Old genius" Leskov chapter by chapter

Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov (1831-1895) is a famous Russian writer. Many of his works are held at school. A brief summary will help to study one of the most famous stories of the writer. "The Old Genius" Leskov wrote in 1884, the same year the story was published in the magazine "Shards"

Turgenev's works are the work of a real Artist

Turgenev's works are the work of a real Artist

The work of a true artist is distinguished by unity, which is saturated with a rich inner meaning, reflected in the individual elements of the whole. The basis of this integrity are the visible trends that distinguish the works of Turgenev - the universalism of the author's emotionality and the elegiacism of artistic thought

"Ivan": summary. The story of V. O. Bogomolov

"Ivan": summary. The story of V. O. Bogomolov

Vladimir Osipovich Bogomolov is a Soviet writer who went through the Great Patriotic War. At the front, he served as the commander of the intelligence department, so the writer knew firsthand about all the horrors of the war. One of the most famous works belonging to his pen is the story "Ivan", a summary of which is offered to your attention

Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "The Scaffold": a summary of the chapters

Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "The Scaffold": a summary of the chapters

In this article we will consider Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "The Block". A summary of this work written in 1986 is presented below

"The fate of a man" - Sholokhov's story. "The fate of man": analysis

"The fate of a man" - Sholokhov's story. "The fate of man": analysis

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov is the author of famous stories about the Cossacks, the Civil War, the Great Patriotic War. In his works, the author tells not only about the events that took place in the country, but also about people, characterizing them very aptly. Such is the famous story of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". An analysis of the work will help the reader to feel respect for the protagonist of the book, to know the depth of his soul

Evgenia Ginzburg: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Evgenia Ginzburg: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

She became one of those who dared to speak frankly and honestly, without embellishment and bluntly, about what it was like to spend several years of her life, a good part of it, in Stalin's camps. What is it like not to live, but to survive from day to day. About this - the book of the journalist and writer Evgenia Ginzburg "The Steep Route", based on her memoirs

Michael Sullivan: books and biography

Michael Sullivan: books and biography

What kind of books does Michael Sullivan write? "Theft of Swords" - this is the work by which you can evaluate all the work of the author and understand whether it is worth reading or not

Kenneth Graham: tragedy and accomplishment

Kenneth Graham: tragedy and accomplishment

Writing talent does not bring happiness to everyone. Kenneth Graham, whose biography is very tragic, knows this better than others

Victoria Ivanova and her worlds

Victoria Ivanova and her worlds

If you like light humorous fantasy, do not pass by books by Viktoria Ivanova. Good humor, adventure and just a little bit of love will not leave you indifferent

Classical writers and an example of artistic style

Classical writers and an example of artistic style

Any work of classical literature is an example of an artistic style. Its task was expressed in rhyme by Alexander Pushkin - to “encourage” “feelings” with his “lyre”. A characteristic feature of fiction is that its plot is “launched” by the author in a special world, recreated by him with the help of artistic images

Olga Trifonova: short biography, books

Olga Trifonova: short biography, books

Olga Trifonova is the widow of the author of the famous story "The House on the Embankment". Biographies of famous and historical personalities occupy a special place in her work. The most famous work - "The Only One" - is dedicated to the tragic fate of Stalin's wife

The girl with the dragon tattoo. Film and book

The girl with the dragon tattoo. Film and book

Throughout the history of mankind, millions of books have been written by our ancestors and contemporaries. They are read, taken away for quotes, they are stored in a library or in the cloud storage of the Internet. And all that unites smart people is reading books and watching a good movie. We will talk about one of these masterpieces, the book "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", and the film shot based on the paper edition, in the article

Ibsen "A Doll's House", or "Nora"

Ibsen "A Doll's House", or "Nora"

A Doll's House, a work by Henrik Ibsen, also known as The Burrow, reflected the spirit of that time: rebellious thoughts, doubts, moral dilemmas, attempts to maintain a human face even in the most difficult and controversial situations

Merope Mrax: biography and characterization

Merope Mrax: biography and characterization

Merope Gaunt doesn't appear very often in the pages of a Harry Potter novel, and she can't be called the main character of the story. Nevertheless, she plays a significant role in the plot. Having carefully studied the work, you can restore the complete picture of the character's life

Maria Spivak: biography, personal life, family, photo

Maria Spivak: biography, personal life, family, photo

Maria Spivak is known to a wide range of readers for the controversial and heatedly discussed translation of the Harry Potter series of books, which is actively discussed on Internet forums to this day, and at the time of release it literally divided fans of the cult fantasy novel into two camps. What else can you remember about the life and work of the translator?

"The burden of human passions": reader reviews, summary, reviews of critics

"The burden of human passions": reader reviews, summary, reviews of critics

"The Burden of Human Passion" is one of the iconic works of William Somerset Maugham, a novel that brought the writer worldwide fame. If in doubt whether to read or not to read the work, you should familiarize yourself with the plot of "The Burden of Human Passions" by William Maugham. Reviews of the novel will also be presented in the article

What is the story "Emelya and the Pike" about and who is its author? The fairy tale "At the command of the pike" will tell about Emelya and the pike

What is the story "Emelya and the Pike" about and who is its author? The fairy tale "At the command of the pike" will tell about Emelya and the pike

The fairy tale "Emelya and the Pike" is a storehouse of folk wisdom and traditions of the people. It not only contains moral teachings, but also demonstrates the life of Russian ancestors

Knightly literature of the Middle Ages: list and review

Knightly literature of the Middle Ages: list and review

Knightly literature is a major area of creativity, which was developed in the Middle Ages. Its hero was a feudal warrior performing feats. The most famous works of this trend: created in France by Gottfried of Strasbourg "The Song of Roland", in Germany - "Tristan and Isolde" (poetic novel), as well as the "Song of the Nibelungs", in Spain - "Rodrigo" and "Song of my Sid " and others

Aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov and their meaning. The shortest aphorism of Kozma Prutkov. Kozma Prutkov: thoughts, quotes and aphorisms

Aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov and their meaning. The shortest aphorism of Kozma Prutkov. Kozma Prutkov: thoughts, quotes and aphorisms

Kozma Prutkov is a unique phenomenon not only for Russian, but also for world literature. There are fictional heroes who are given monuments, museums are opened in the houses where they “lived”, but none of them had their own biography, collected works, critics of their work and adherents. The aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov were published in such well-known publications in the 19th century as Sovremennik, Iskra and Entertainment. Many famous writers of that time believed that this was a real person

What are carols? ritual carols

What are carols? ritual carols

Most national holidays have deep historical roots. You will learn about what carols and ritual songs are from this article

What is the originality of Lermontov's work

What is the originality of Lermontov's work

Lermontov's language is a treasure trove of Russian literature. Poet-mystery, author-messiah, follower of Pushkin - all these statements about Mikhail Yuryevich, but they could not fully characterize him. None of the critics has been able to answer the question of how he managed to turn the literary world upside down in just one decade. In the article we analyze the main motives of the poet's works, the originality of Lermontov's work

Drama in literature is Drama: examples of works

Drama in literature is Drama: examples of works

What drama is she? Is it possible to learn how to compose if you have admired this genre since childhood? What techniques distinguish comedy from melodrama, and tragedy from drama? What the famous Russian classics actually wrote about, wrapping their immortal works in a package called drama. In literature, this is perhaps the basis of writing, with which each of us is familiar. This article will help to open the curtain of dramaturgy

Dmitry Lvovich Bykov (writer): biography, personal life, creativity

Dmitry Lvovich Bykov (writer): biography, personal life, creativity

In the Russian literature of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries there were many brilliant writers and poets. However, many of them received well-deserved recognition only after death. Fortunately, this is not always the case

The most interesting fairy tale for a child: what is it and what is it about?

The most interesting fairy tale for a child: what is it and what is it about?

Which fairy tale is the most interesting? It will be different for each child, because everyone has different tastes and preferences. Someone loves good characters and empathizes with them, while other souls do not like villains, because they always lose. The kids pity the losers and always keep hope for their correction

Georgy Vernadsky - Russian historian from America

Georgy Vernadsky - Russian historian from America

The great Russian and American scientist Georgy Vladimirovich Vernadsky left a noticeable mark in historical science. His works forced to take a fresh look at some periods of Russian history. He made a particularly great contribution to the study of the influence of the East on the development of Russian statehood

Ivan Krylov: a short biography of the fabulist

Ivan Krylov: a short biography of the fabulist

From 1790 to 1808, Krylov wrote plays for the theater, including the libretto of the satirical opera The Coffee House, the tragedy Cleopatra, many of which earned popularity and gained wide popularity, in particular Fashion Store and Ilya Bogatyr ". But gradually Krylov, whose brief biography is so famous for fables, stopped writing for the theater and paid much attention to writing fables. And in 1808, more than seventeen fables of Ivan Andreevich were published, among

House Targaryen: history, motto and coat of arms. Genealogical tree of the Targarians. "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin

House Targaryen: history, motto and coat of arms. Genealogical tree of the Targarians. "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin

In the article we will talk about the Targaryen house. This is the royal dynasty that we find in the writings of George R. R. Martin and in the wonderful TV series Game of Thrones. We will take a closer look at the history of the house, the family tree and other details that few people know about

"Where it is thin, there it breaks": the main idea of the work of Ivan Turgenev, in common with a folk saying, the opinions of critics

"Where it is thin, there it breaks": the main idea of the work of Ivan Turgenev, in common with a folk saying, the opinions of critics

The relationship between a man and a woman is an attractive material for poets and writers, psychologists and philosophers. The art of subtle emotional relationships has been studied throughout the life of mankind. Love is simple in its essence, but often unattainable due to selfishness and selfishness of a person. One of the attempts to penetrate the secret of the relationship of lovers was the one-act play by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Where it is thin, it breaks there”

The best books on parenting. Rating of books on parenting

The best books on parenting. Rating of books on parenting

Education is a difficult process, creative and versatile. Any parent strives to bring up a comprehensively developed personality, to pass on life experience and knowledge to the child, to find a common language with him. As a rule, when raising a child, we act intuitively, based on personal experience, but sometimes the advice of a specialist psychologist is still needed in order to avoid mistakes in this difficult matter. In this case, parenting books are indispensable helpers

Irina Velembovskaya: biography, creativity

Irina Velembovskaya: biography, creativity

Irina Velembovskaya - Soviet writer, author of works in the genre of "women's prose". Several of her books have been filmed. At the same time, each film created based on the work of Velembovskaya became a real film masterpiece. Perhaps the whole point is that the heroines of this writer are close to the audience, because they are simple women suffering from loneliness, unsettled life and other life hardships

Stephen King's book "The Green Mile": reviews of grateful readers and opinions of critics

Stephen King's book "The Green Mile": reviews of grateful readers and opinions of critics

The Green Mile is a book loved by readers around the world, a heartfelt story about ordinary people and life's vicissitudes with a non-trivial plot and a very touching denouement. The Green Mile novel, which has been flattering for over a decade, is not entirely typical of Stephen King's style, because it has a minimum of mysticism and not so much from the horror genre

Sergey Esin, writer: biography, creativity, family

Sergey Esin, writer: biography, creativity, family

In Russia today there are a lot of names of talented writers, but one of them stands out in particular. Sergei Nikolaevich Esin is a man who has proven himself in many areas of culture, who deserves to be known to his contemporaries

Katerina: characterization of the heroine of the novel by A. Ostrovsky

Katerina: characterization of the heroine of the novel by A. Ostrovsky

According to one version, A. Ostrovsky wrote "Thunderstorm" at a time when he was in love with one of the actresses of the Maly Theater. Her name was Lyubov Kositskaya, the writer dedicated his work to her. However, his feeling turned out to be unrequited, and the girl gave her heart to another person, because of whom she became a beggar and died suddenly. The actress who played the role of Katerina practically played herself, predetermining her real fate on stage

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is the leading storyline in Goncharov's novel

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is the leading storyline in Goncharov's novel

The famous Russian writer I. A. Goncharov in 1859 publishes his next novel "Oblomov". It was an incredibly difficult period for Russian society, which seemed to be divided into two parts

Who said "accidents are not accidental"? Other aphorisms with a similar meaning

Who said "accidents are not accidental"? Other aphorisms with a similar meaning

Accidents are not accidental - a phrase from the popular cartoon "Kung Fu Panda". Many are sure that for the first time it sounded in this animated film. Let's try to figure out if this is so and who said "accidents are not accidental"

American science fiction writer Bryn David: biography, creativity and reviews of works. Star Tide by David Brin

American science fiction writer Bryn David: biography, creativity and reviews of works. Star Tide by David Brin

The article is devoted to a brief review of the biography and work of the famous writer David Brin. The work lists his main works

Characteristics of Terenty Prostakov, landowner

Characteristics of Terenty Prostakov, landowner

The most capacious description of Prostakov, the hero of Fonvizin's "Undergrowth", is given by another hero of the work, the official Pravdin: "Countless Fool." However, he is a common type of stupid and lazy person