Literature 2024, October

Detailed analysis of Pushkin's poem "I loved you"

Detailed analysis of Pushkin's poem "I loved you"

The poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was a man with an analytical mindset, but at the same time enthusiastic and addicted. Sooner or later, all of his many hobbies became known in St. Petersburg and Moscow, however, thanks to the prudence of his wife, Natalya Nikolaevna, various gossip and gossip about his novels did not affect the poet's family well-being

Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Motherland"

Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Motherland"

Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Motherland" suggests that this work was written by a completely mature and accomplished person, which was the poet at that time. The motive for writing the poem was the trip of Nikolai Alekseevich to his family estate. The surging memories of childhood and the days spent in this house, the author conveyed in the lines of verse

Analysis of Bunin's poem "Evening" - a masterpiece of philosophical lyrics

Analysis of Bunin's poem "Evening" - a masterpiece of philosophical lyrics

Analysis of Bunin's poem shows that the author wanted to emphasize the importance of the fact that we all talk about happiness only in the past tense. We remember the irretrievably past days filled with happiness and fun, we are sad about this, but at the same time we do not appreciate the moments that give us this happiness

Analysis of Pasternak's poem: a picture of the soul

Analysis of Pasternak's poem: a picture of the soul

Analysis of Pasternak's poem allows you to penetrate into the inner world of the poet, his throwing, torment, doubts and fears, to see how seemingly simple and concise lines are born

Lermontov's work: analysis of the poem "Motherland"

Lermontov's work: analysis of the poem "Motherland"

Analysis of the poem "Motherland" by Lermontov shows the real feelings of the author, immerses him in his lyrical reflections on what patriotism is and why you can love your country

Anna Akhmatova, "Requiem": analysis of the work

Anna Akhmatova, "Requiem": analysis of the work

The life of this Russian poetess is inextricably linked with the fate of her country. From her poems, it is easy to see how the noose of the totalitarian regime was tightened and horror was escalated more and more. It was during these terrible years that the poem was created, where the whole of Anna Akhmatova was opened - "Requiem". The analysis of this work must begin with when it was written. From 1935 to 1940. It took six whole years to finish the poem, and every year, month and day were filled with sorrow and suffering

Analysis of Pushkin's poem to Chaadaev as an example of love for the motherland

Analysis of Pushkin's poem to Chaadaev as an example of love for the motherland

Analysis of Pushkin's poem to Chaadaev makes it possible not only to fully enjoy the poet's genius gift, but also conveys his feelings, thoughts and aspirations of Pushkin himself and his contemporaries

We make an independent analysis of Blok's poem "The Stranger"

We make an independent analysis of Blok's poem "The Stranger"

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok was a special person with a fine mental organization and a penchant for solitary contemplation, perhaps this was the main reason for his choice of life path as the "master of rhymes". The article provides a complete analysis of Blok's poem "The Stranger"

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Notes of a hunter". Summary of the story "Singers"

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Notes of a hunter". Summary of the story "Singers"

The article provides a brief analysis of one of the works of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev from the cycle of stories "Notes of a Hunter" and a brief summary of it. For retelling and analysis, the story "Singers" is taken

The play "The Cherry Orchard": a summary and analysis

The play "The Cherry Orchard": a summary and analysis

The play "The Cherry Orchard" was written by A.P. Chekhov shortly before his death, this is his last work. The play saw the light in 1903, and already in 1904 its first production was released at the Art Theater

Detailed analysis of Gumilyov's poem "The Sixth Sense"

Detailed analysis of Gumilyov's poem "The Sixth Sense"

A poem that gives birth to something new in us, makes the soul tremble - this is Gumilyov's "Sixth Sense". An analysis of this work showed that the author encourages readers to awaken this feeling in themselves, to succumb to it. The poem is filled with rhetorical questions that torment the author's soul, but make you think about what is given to us by nature and what else we can get

The best books of the 20th century: rating

The best books of the 20th century: rating

The best books of the 20th century are different in their genres and the events described, but they all have a deep meaning, carry a certain urge and are read in one breath. A selection of these works will give any reader great pleasure when reading

The hero of Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" P. I. Famusov: characteristics of the image

The hero of Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" P. I. Famusov: characteristics of the image

As for the plot and the conflict, they are connected, in fact, by two characters: Chatsky and Famusov. Their characterization will help to determine the main parameters of the work. Let's take a closer look at what the latter is

The novel "We" by E. Zamyatina: problems

The novel "We" by E. Zamyatina: problems

We is a dystopian novel written by Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin in 1921. It is no secret that at the beginning of the last century the political situation in the world left much to be desired, so such works were popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. It is interesting that in Russia the novel was published only many years later in 1988, since earlier the work was published only in Czech and English in other countries

Famusov: attitude to the service. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit"

Famusov: attitude to the service. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit"

One of the main characters of A.S. Griboedov was Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov. This is a representative of the Moscow nobility of the middle class

Roman "Oblomov". Characteristics of the heroes of the work

Roman "Oblomov". Characteristics of the heroes of the work

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov has been working on the novel "Oblomov" for ten years. The characterization of the protagonist is so convincingly presented by the classic that it went beyond the scope of the work, and the image became a household name

W. Shakespeare's tragedy "King Lear". Summary

W. Shakespeare's tragedy "King Lear". Summary

Great literary works, like their authors, will never become obsolete and will be loved by many generations of readers. One such author is William Shakespeare. "King Lear", a summary of which is given below, is one of the most famous tragedies written by him back in 1606

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!"

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!"

The beginning of the new twentieth century was marked in the history of Russia by severe upheavals. Wars, revolution, famine, emigration, terror… The whole society was divided into warring parties, groups and classes. Literature and poetry, in particular, reflected, like a mirror, seething social processes. New poetic trends emerge and develop

Analysis of Tsvetaeva's poem "Motherland"

Analysis of Tsvetaeva's poem "Motherland"

Marina Tsvetaeva's poems about Russia demonstrate the poet's strongest sense of love for the country. The work "Motherland" is no exception. An analysis of Tsvetaeva's poem will show what feelings the lyrical heroine experiences and what thoughts the author put into her lines

Detailed analysis of Bryusov's poem "Creativity"

Detailed analysis of Bryusov's poem "Creativity"

Valery Bryusov broke into Russian poetry at the end of the nineteenth century as a representative of the "young", new poetry (symbolism), created by him following the example of the French Verlaine, Malarmet and Rimbaud. But not only symbolism interested the young poet at that time. Somehow he puzzled the audience with his outrageous monostiche about pale legs, thereby declaring the right of the artist to unlimited creative freedom

We analyze Blok's poem

We analyze Blok's poem

The poem "Factory" was written by Alexander Blok in November 1903. For the first time in his work, the young aspiring poet touched on topics that were not as romantic as in the entire previous period of creativity when creating the collection Poems about the Beautiful Lady, which was worked on in 1901-1902

Afanasy Fet: "Whisper, timid breathing". Analysis

Afanasy Fet: "Whisper, timid breathing". Analysis

Fet's poem "Whisper, timid breathing", the analysis of which is given below, is one of the most iconic in the poet's work. Let's analyze the main techniques and images of this work

M.Yu. Lermontov "The Death of a Poet": analysis of the poem

M.Yu. Lermontov "The Death of a Poet": analysis of the poem

After the sad events that took place on January 29, 1837, Mikhail Yuryevich wrote a poem, which he dedicated to his great contemporary Alexander Sergeevich - "The Death of a Poet". Analysis of the work shows that in it the author, although he talks about the tragedy of Pushkin, but implies the fate of all poets

Analysis of Balmont's poem "Wind", a sample of symbolic lyrics

Analysis of Balmont's poem "Wind", a sample of symbolic lyrics

Konstantin Balmont is a brilliant poet of the Russian "Silver Age". With symbols, half-hints, the underlined melody of his verse, the mastery of sound writing, he won the hearts of poetry lovers at the dawn of the twentieth century

"Old Woman Izergil": analysis of the story

"Old Woman Izergil": analysis of the story

Maxim Gorky wrote this work after returning from a trip to Bessarabia in 1891. Literary critics attribute it to early works. However, already here one can see the style of the author and the romantic motive in his work. Gorky himself considered the story “Old Woman Izergil” to be the best of the ones he wrote. An analysis of this work will help us better understand the course of the author's thoughts

Analysis of Fet's poem "Whisper. Timid breathing"

Analysis of Fet's poem "Whisper. Timid breathing"

Analysis of Fet's poem "Whisper. Timid breathing …" makes it possible to understand by what means the author so brilliantly managed to convey the feelings that overwhelm lovers

Analysis of the poem "The Death of a Poet" by M.Yu. Lermontov

Analysis of the poem "The Death of a Poet" by M.Yu. Lermontov

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is a great Russian poet, playwright and prose writer, known throughout the world for his magnificent works that have enriched Russian culture

"Garnet Bracelet": analysis of the story

"Garnet Bracelet": analysis of the story

Many literary critics recognize Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin as a master of short stories. His works, which tell about love, are written in an exquisite style and contain a subtle psychological portrait of a Russian person. The Pomegranate Bracelet is no exception. We will analyze this story in the article

Detailed analysis of the poem "Anchar" by A.S. Pushkin

Detailed analysis of the poem "Anchar" by A.S. Pushkin

The poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is known throughout the world as one of the most gifted and skillful masters of artistic expression in the history of Russian literature. He wrote many poetic and prose works that have become real masterpieces not only of literature, but of the entire Russian culture as a whole. Such priceless pearls include the poem "Anchar", written in 1828

Analysis of Fet's poem "The First Lily of the Valley"

Analysis of Fet's poem "The First Lily of the Valley"

Analysis of Fet's poem allows not only to get to know the beauty of Russian nature more closely, but also to reveal the versatility of the poet's inner world. All the author's poems are very lively, colorful, overflowing with sounds. Quite often, he endows inanimate objects with the qualities of living beings, which also affects the feelings caused by the work

Novel is a literary genre, the art of short story

Novel is a literary genre, the art of short story

Novella is a small narrative prose, a special literary genre close to a story, essay, essay. This work is distinguished by a clearly defined plot with a climax and finale. Another difference between the novel and literary works of other genres is the limited number of characters

Mikhail Mishin - biography and creativity

Mikhail Mishin - biography and creativity

The article will tell you who Mikhail Mishin is. The biography, personal life and creative activity of this person will be described in this material. The real name of our hero is Litvin Mikhail Anatolyevich. We are talking about a satirist writer, screenwriter, translator, entertainer

Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie: proverb. Which is better: the bitter truth or the sweet lie?

Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie: proverb. Which is better: the bitter truth or the sweet lie?

"Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie" - we hear this phrase from childhood from our parents. Our educators instill in us a love for the truth, although they themselves shamelessly lie to their children. Teachers lie, relatives lie, but, nevertheless, for some reason they do not want children to lie. Is there any truth to this? Let's talk about it in this article

Summary: Tuxedoed Pygmalion and Galatea with a basket of flowers

Summary: Tuxedoed Pygmalion and Galatea with a basket of flowers

Not everyone can read plays from sight, and there are not so many inveterate theater-goers left. For those who want to save time and get an education, they came up with a summary. Pygmalion is no exception

Lvov Mikhail: biography, photos and interesting facts

Lvov Mikhail: biography, photos and interesting facts

Mikhail Lvov is a poet of the Soviet Union. He is famous not only for his work, but also for the merits that he showed during the Second World War. His courage was admired by many comrades and even commanders

Sergey Alekseev: biography and literary activity

Sergey Alekseev: biography and literary activity

Modern Russian writer Sergei Alekseev was born in the village of Aleyka, in the Zyryansky district of the Tomsk region. Taiga places, lands famous for fishing and hunting, which the future writer has been doing literally since childhood, therefore he still considers this small village to be the most native place on earth, which is not on any map

Vivat, "King of Naples" Eduardo de Filippo

Vivat, "King of Naples" Eduardo de Filippo

A contemporary of the 20th century, the world-famous playwright, a favorite of the Neapolitans, who was close and dear to them, is Eduardo de Filippo. His dramaturgy is close to both Italians and all ordinary people of the world, because he described their life, drew ideas from the unique color of Naples. The humanism and philanthropy of creations put the "King of Naples" in the forefront of theatrical figures as a playwright, director and actor

"Where the dog is buried": the meaning of a phraseological unit

"Where the dog is buried": the meaning of a phraseological unit

Very often winged expressions contain words that seem to be not related to their general meaning. We say "this is where the dog is buried," meaning not at all the place where the pet is buried

"Death in Venice": summary, writing history, critic reviews, reader reviews

"Death in Venice": summary, writing history, critic reviews, reader reviews

Summary of "Death in Venice" is important to know for all fans of the German writer Thomas Mann. This is one of his most famous works, in which he focuses on the problem of art. In a summary, we will tell you what this novel is about, the history of its writing, as well as reader reviews and critic reviews

What is a hypothesis? Her types

What is a hypothesis? Her types

In all spheres of life - from science to everyday life - we move from ignorance to knowledge, comprehending various phenomena and connecting them with each other. During this process, we make assumptions, build hypotheses. They may turn out to be false, or they may be justified by turning into the truth and raising the level of our knowledge. So what is a hypothesis?